This is the Python implementation of MDS based strategy in CodeNet with soft error simulation, writen by Ziqian Bai (Jeremy).
- A usable Amazon EC2 account
- Python 2.7 with StarCluster toolkit
- Follow the tutorial to setup the cluster. For the experiments in the paper, 40 m3.medium instances are used.
- ssh the master node
starcluster sshmaster <your cluster name>
- Clone the repo to /home/<username>
cd ../home/<username>
git clone
cd CodeNet
mpiexec -n <num of processors> python <strategy type> <network type> <checkpoint freq> <mode> <train set size> <test set size> <round>
- num of processors: total number of processors used [40 in the paper]
- strategy type: what strategy to use; choose from mds/replica/uncoded
- network type: what network to use; currently only "fc"(fully connected) is available
- checkpoint freq: the number of iterations to do check-pointing
- mode: which mode to use; choose from -time/-accuracy; -time: record the time of every iteration and only test accuracy at the end; -accuracy: test the accuracy at every round
- train set size: number of data instances used for training [2000 in the paper]
- test set size: number of data instances used for testing [500 in the paper]
- round: split the training process to how many rounds (train "train set size"/"round" data instances and test the accuracy at each round); only for -accuracy mode [10 in the paper]