A simple cron like task scheduler in Elixir.
Taskerville is avaliable on hex.pm.
The package can be installed by adding taskerville
to your list of
dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:taskerville, "~> 0.0.1"}
Documentation can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/taskerville.
iex> Taskerville.start()
Tasks can be either a simple anonymous function or a tuple of {Module, Function, [args]}
# A task that runs every minute, named "atom_tester", with any number of
# concurrent versions of this task running, where the task is Kernel.is_atom(:frank)
Taskerville.schedule("* * * * *", "atom_tester", 0, {Kernel, :is_atom, [:frank]})
# A task that runs every 5 minutes, named "IO_putter", with only 3 concurrent
# versions allowed, that runs an anonymous function with no arguments.
Taskerville.schedule("*/5 * * * *", "IO_putter", 3, {fn -> IO.puts("test 1") end, []})