DB-MOVIE is a single page app for Movie/TV browsing and help users to discover their next show by reliable stats. Registered users could favor some media and personal favorite movies and TV shows list can be modified upon favorite tab. Guests and users both are accessible to search media by keywords, but only users have favorites settings.
The front-end has been deployed to Netlify and the live site can be found here. The back-end is being hosted by Heroku.
Welcome to register for exploring the webapp features or there are 5 existing users for test:
Password | |
test1@db.com |
test |
test2@db.com |
test |
test3@db.com |
test |
test4@db.com |
test |
test5@db.com |
test |
- react-app
- react-router-dom
- react-redux & thunk
- bootstrip, material-UI
- Express
- Sequelize ORM
- node-cache
- axios
- JWT auth
The back-end repo was built using Node.js and Express with third party(TMDB) API integration. Also the API request performance is optimized by caching for storing and retrieving response data.
- React.js
- Material-UI
- bootstrap
- react-redux && thunk
- react-router-dom
- Node.js
- Express
- sequelize
- node-cache
- jsonwebtoken
- bcryptjs
In the Front-end directory (DB-MOVIE/client), you can run:
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.
In the Back-end directory (DB-MOVIE/server), you can run:
Runs the server in the development mode. Call (http://localhost:8000) followed by listed routes to fetch data in the browser.
Routes | Method | params | Response body |
/api/ping | get | N/A | success message |
/api/movie/<params> |
get | popular/top_rated/upcoming | sorted data / error message |
/api/tv/<params> |
get | popular/top_rated/on_the_air | sorted data / error message |
/api/search?keywords=<params> &page=<page> |
get | params as in any && page as in number |
sorted data / error message |