This repository contains the source code of my project on implementing GAIL for AI2THOR environment.
cups_rl_data_collection(manual) is modified from cups-rl ( to collect input to GAIL (metadata from AI2THOR). To use it:
- follow for installaition
- copy GAIL-for-AI2THOR/cups_rl_data_collection(manual)/ to root directory
- configure GAIL-for-AI2THOR/cups_rl_data_collection(manual)/gym_ai2thor/config_files/rainbow_example.json according to the respective specification of the cusomized envirnment 21 actions supported at the moment.
- replace cups-rl/gym_ai2thor/envs/ with GAIL-for-AI2THOR/cups_rl_data_collection(manual)/gym_ai2thor/envs/ Modify this script to add more actions. There are 21 actions supported at the moment.
- Refer to to generate expert trajectories. Use GAIL-for-AI2THOR/cups_rl_data_collection(manual)/ to convert it to the format readable by the script needs to be mpodified if new actions are added in.
- modify line 147 to 152 of GAIL-for-AI2THOR/cups_rl_data_collection(manual)/ to the data of interest generated by ActioNet. There are certain compatibility issue spotted so it is advised to run the data colletion script frame by frame in order to monitor any inconsistency. Stop the script immediately after the line being executed for the last action. Use the rederred graphics for guidance.
stable-baselines is modified from Stable Baselines ( with newly defined env for AI2THOR in To use it:
1. follow to install stable-baselines
2. copy GAIL-for-AI2THOR/stable-baselines/ to stable-baselines root directory
3. prepare the data generated from cups_rl_data_collection(manual) in the same way as GAIL-for-AI2THOR/cups_rl_data_collection(manual)/data/floorplan12.npz. Change line 492 of GAIL-for-AI2THOR/stable-baselines/ to the corresponding data path. Modify the model save/load path accordingly.
4. run to start training. Currently this env supports 21 actions for the agent in AI2THOR envirnment. Feel free to add more if needed. Please refer to for more details on how to run and refine tune GAIL.