Convert imageUrl to base64 effortless
Simple ember addon that provides a Service + Ember computed macro to convert imageUrls to base64 in a Promise way. It uses DS.PromiseObject to make it easy to access the image content.
Ember Cli Base64 Converter works in Ember 1.13.9+ or 2.0+, including beta and canary, with no deprecations whatsoever.
As any other ember-cli addon, run:
ember install ember-cli-base64-converter
## Using it as an Ember macro
import Ember from "ember";
import toBase64 from "ember-cli-base64-converter/computed/img-to-64";
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
avatarUrl: '',
avatarBase64: toBase64('avatarUrl')
import Ember from "ember";
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
avatarUrl: '',
avatarBase64: Ember.computed('avatarUrl', {
get() {
return this.get('base64converter').convert(this.get('avatarUrl'));
Later you just have to access the property in the template
<img src={{avatarBase64}} />
## Cors ¬¬