This repository integrates the codes for some feature selection, clustering and subspace learning methods. I know how hard it is to reproduce the codes, especially for beginners, and I hope it can help.
If you find any errors or need any help in reproducing the code, please feel free to contact me.
If any author or publisher has questions, please contact me to remove or replace them.
My email is
To run supervised method:
'Demo_Supervised.m' gives a simple example for supervised methods.
To run the codes, the size of the inputs are:
, where m is the dimension, and
present the number of the training and test samples, respectively (
is used to calculate the clustering results, and is not involved in training).
To run unsupervised method:
'Demo_Unsupervised.m' gives a simple example for unsupervised methods.
To run the codes, the size of the inputs are:
, where m is the dimension, and
presents the number of the training samples (
is used to calculate the clustering results, and is not involved in training).
The codes will be available soon.
2019-LRLMR [1]: Unsupervised feature selection via latent representation learning and manifold regularization.
We reproduce the codes as same as the descriptions of the paper. The official codes are available at
2019-URAFS [2]: Generalized Uncorrelated Regression with Adaptive Graph for Unsupervised Feature Selection.
2021-AGUFS [3]: Adaptive graph-based generalized regression model for unsupervised feature selection.
2021-DSLRL [4]: Dual space latent representation learning for unsupervised feature selection.
2022-DLUFS [5]: Low-rank dictionary learning for unsupervised feature selection.
The official codes (python implementation) are available at
2022-SLMEA [6]: Sparse and low-dimensional representation with maximum entropy adaptive graph for feature selection.
- 2015-rLPP [13]: Learning Robust Locality Preserving Projection via p-Order Minimization.
2017-MRSL [9]: Marginal Representation Learning With Graph Structure Self-Adaptation.
Official codes are available at
2019-RSLDA [7]: Robust Sparse Linear Discriminant Analysis.
2020-LRDAGP [10]: Low-Rank Discriminative Adaptive Graph Preserving Subspace Learning.
2020-RDA_FSIS [12]: Linear embedding by joint Robust Discriminant Analysis and Inter-class Sparsity.
2021-SN-TSL [11] :Sparse non-negative transition subspace learning for image classification.
2021-DSDPL [8]: Dual subspace discriminative projection learning.
- 2020-JLRSL [14]: Joint low-rank representation and spectral regression for robust subspace learning.
[1] Tang, Chang, et al. "Unsupervised feature selection via latent representation learning and manifold regularization." Neural Networks 117 (2019): 163-178.
[2] X. Li, H. Zhang, R. Zhang, Y. Liu and F. Nie, "Generalized Uncorrelated Regression with Adaptive Graph for Unsupervised Feature Selection," in IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, vol. 30, no. 5, pp. 1587-1595, May 2019, doi: 10.1109/TNNLS.2018.2868847.
[3] Huang, Yanyong, et al. "Adaptive graph-based generalized regression model for unsupervised feature selection." Knowledge-Based Systems 227 (2021), doi: 10.1016/j.knosys.2021.107156.
[4] Shang, Ronghua, et al. "Dual space latent representation learning for unsupervised feature selection." Pattern Recognition 114 (2021), doi: 10.1016/j.patcog.2021.107873.
[5] Parsa, Mohsen Ghassemi, Hadi Zare, and Mehdi Ghatee. "Low-rank dictionary learning for unsupervised feature selection." Expert Systems with Applications 202 (2022), doi: 10.1016/j.eswa.2022.117149.
[6] Shang, Ronghua, et al. "Sparse and low-dimensional representation with maximum entropy adaptive graph for feature selection." Neurocomputing 485 (2022): 57-73.
[7] J. Wen et al., "Robust Sparse Linear Discriminant Analysis," in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 390-403, Feb. 2019, doi: 10.1109/TCSVT.2018.2799214.
[8] Belous, Gregg, Andrew Busch, and Yongsheng Gao. "Dual subspace discriminative projection learning." Pattern Recognition 111 (2021), doi: 10.1016/j.patcog.2020.107581.
[9] Zhang, Zheng, et al. "Marginal representation learning with graph structure self-adaptation." IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 29.10 (2017): 4645-4659.
[10] Du, Haishun, et al. "Low-rank discriminative adaptive graph preserving subspace learning." Neural Processing Letters 52.3 (2020): 2127-2149.
[11] Chen, Zhe, et al. "Sparse non-negative transition subspace learning for image classification." Signal Processing 183 (2021), doi: 10.1016/j.sigpro.2021.107988.
[12] Dornaika, Fadi, and A. Khoder. "Linear embedding by joint robust discriminant analysis and inter-class sparsity." Neural Networks 127 (2020): 141-159.
[13] Wang, Hua, Feiping Nie, and Heng Huang. "Learning robust locality preserving projection via p-order minimization." In Twenty-Ninth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. 2015.
[14] Peng, Yong, Leijie Zhang, Wanzeng Kong, Feiwei Qin, and Jianhai Zhang. "Joint low-rank representation and spectral regression for robust subspace learning." Knowledge-Based Systems 195 (2020), doi: 10.1016/j.knosys.2020.105723.