This is a group project, created as part of the course Software Engineering at AUEB (that is the reason a big part of the project is written in greek).
The diagrams were made using the VS Code extension UMLet.
The app was created in Java, using Android Studio, and includes JUnit tests.
The end goal was to create an android app that can be used to manage the staff of a company. Each worker can log in with their credentials, and managers specifically can manage the accounts of each employee in their department. That includes creating/editing/deleting their accounts from the system, calculate payments, and manage leave requests placed by the employees.
The project was done in parts (originally uploaded on a private gitlab repository created for us for the purpose of this project).
Each part was meant to emulate a different part of the creation of such a project, as this would have been potentially created in a real setting. This includes the design process, with all the needed diagrams and descriptions, the code, the application itself, and all the needed tests with the best possible coverage.
Περιπτώσεις Χρήσης και συμπληρωματικές προδιαγραφές για τις μη Λειτουργικές Απαιτήσεις
Class Diagram for AddAgreement:
Class Diagram for AddAgreementType:
Sequence for AddAgreementType:
Class Diagram for HandleLeaveRequest:
Sequence for HandleLeaveRequest:
Class Diagram for LeaveRequest:
Class Diagram for SearchWorkerByAfm: