- debug a3c (and dqn?)
- Currently, a3c and dqn perform poorly on Pong after substantial training (around 10 million steps).
- At best, a3c gets small negative score (>= -3), but most of the time still gets < -10 score.
- dqn just doesn't really work.
Things that I did in a3c code:
- 20-step look ahead
- decaying learn rate
- gradient norm clipping (max gradient is 40, like in paper)
- training batch of 10000 (neural net stores data points collected by agents until size reaches 10000, then updates on entire data set at once)
- frame skipping (change FRAME_SKIP, paper uses 4)
- checkpoints
Potential Bugs:
- Need to normalize R's
- Wrong update
- Fixed preprocessing - copied from another implementation for now
- Fixed frame updating - agents did not update frames (so they never annealed eps to 0)
My dqn code is based on code from the following:
- The conv net code in hw3
a3c code is based on the following: