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Releases: 7digital/SevenDigital.Api.Wrapper

Do not include TradeId header unless value is explicitly specified

23 Jul 10:04
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Merge pull request #244 from 7digital/trace-id

Do not include TradeId header unless value is explicitly specified

Allow certain query string params with POST/PUT

19 Jul 16:21
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FIxes a bug introduced in v8.0.1

  • the router will allow these values through validation
  • still post all params in the body, if no payload is passed
  • don't pass query string params which have been used as URL params

Allow providing factory for HttpClientHandler

18 Jul 10:32
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This allows customised handling of HTTP requests if required, e.g. adding custom headers

Fix issues related to the introduction of usageTypes parameter

17 Aug 15:15
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  • Support AdSupportedStreaming element in release and track objects.
  • Fix schema for ~/user/purchase/item, ~/user/purchase/rrpitem, ~/user/purchase/basket, ~/user/purchase/priceditem and ~/user/deliveritem responses. This fixes a bug, whereby the latest version of the API schema did not match the response of these endpoints.

Add support for specifying usageTypes using extension method

24 Apr 11:38
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You can now use ForUsageTypes(...) on API endpoints that require the usageTypes parameter. This is a breaking change as it requires > v2.0.0 of the schema.

Support case sensitive urls

14 Jun 15:35
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Merge pull request #239 from neetas/url-casing

Change URL behaviour to match W3 spec

Bug fix - POST params should not be added to querystring when making a request

11 Apr 13:30
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Fixes an issue where POST params were also being appended to the querystring when a POST request was being made to an endpoint. This was resulting in unauthorised requests from the 7d api - see issue #237

v8.0.0: Merge pull request #236 from danhaller/fix-posts-with-substituted-urls

11 Mar 14:26
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This release fixes a bug where post body values were being added to the query strings of requests. While unlikely, this functionality may be being used, so this will be a major release.

Support payloads when using query parameters for POSTs/PUTs

11 Jan 18:10
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Previously, query string parameters were always inserted into the payload for POSTs and PUTs, overwriting anything in the payload.

When a payload is not included with the request, the query string parameters are still inserted into the payload.

Breaking change:
Query string parameters are no longer inserted into the payload when a payload has already been included. The payload remains as it is, and the query string parameters remain in the URL.

Adds TraceId functionality

21 Sep 09:38
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  • Any request is now accompanied with a Guid.NewGuid x-7d-traceid header .
  • You can specify .WithTraceId(string) to override with a custom traceId
  • The traceId sent with the request is exposed in the response as response.OriginalRequest.TraceId