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terminal keyboard and mouse resize ...


A library to manage the keyboard on a terminal, the mouse, with a set of functions to initialize as we must do when we talk with the terminal example for applications of the curse type.

→ It's in pure Nim and UTF8
→ some keys not coming from the keyboard are introduced such that ATTN PROC CALL allows in certain situations to simulate programs or functions.
→ all the characters remain consistent with the management of a terminal on Linux
→ mouse management is subject to Xterm Ncurses compliance
→ Your table of unusual characters conforms to the standard of the possibilities of an extended keyboard
→ I decided not to introduce management on Windows and prefer to have 2 separate libraries, there are too many differences.
→ Attribute management and display.


**Affranhissement nim->Terminal

management Mouse

management full keyboard read buffer / output screen

Keyboard management and respect for the terminal philosophy

→  UTF8 the function keys being common to keyboards the character keys are UTF8

→ for Xterm UBUNTU
sudo mousepad /etc/X11/app-defaults/XTerm

  • allowWindowOps: true
  • eightBitInput: false

→ Manjaro xfce4 not problème is terminal
→ If you use the VteTERM/ nim_Termvte project you will have even more possibilities than xterm

→ function:
–  crtlA..Z
–  altA..Z
–  F1..F24
–  CtrlUp CtrlDown CtrlRigth CtrlLeft CtrLHome CtrlEnd
–  tab ... inser delete home end page up down left rigth esc
–  other full char
→ Special function
–  scrolling area with page before or page after
–  in my experience, switching on the automation managed by escape mode does nothing good except the possibility of manually scrolling by program in a specific area the test will show you.

–  Keyboard simulation done by the program and not by the keyboard

–  ATTN keyboard simulation  →Passes program name to application server

–  PROC keyboard simulation  →Transmits the name of the procedure to be executed in Internal

–  CALL keyboard simulation  →Transmits the name of the procedure to be executed in External

– (key,chr ) = getKey()

– (key) = getFunc()

I would like to thank

USE DEMO termvte your terminal $HOME/..../termvte $HOME/..../keyboard

USE DEMO ex: your terminal xfce4-terminal $ ./keyboard

  • Provision of special characters

i did this to work with nim to understand some subtlety

→  2020-11-15 purge code

→  2022-03-29 STABLE

→  2022-04-08 Add CtrL up down rigth left home end

→  2022-04-08 change altE = "altD" --> "altE" erreur ecriture

→  2022-04-28 add getMouseBtn "Bleft Bmiddle Bright Bdown Bup"

→  2022-05-13 add getMouseBtn "pressed only" improved control

→  2022-05-13 remove warning deprecated line 633/634 cuchar > char





proc clearScrool(line: Natural) {.....}

scrolling up origine "{CSI}{nbr line}S" start first line very bad scrolling scrolling down origine "{CSI}{nbr line}T" start last line very bad scrolling

proc closeTerm() {.....}

proc clsTerm() {.....}

Erases the entire terminal attribut and word cursor 1,1

proc cursorBackward(count = 1) {.....}

Moves the cursor backward by count columns.

proc cursorDown(count = 1) {.....}

Moves the cursor down by count rows.

proc cursorForward(count = 1) {.....}

Moves the cursor forward by count columns.

proc cursorUp(count = 1) {.....}

Moves the cursor up by count rows.

proc defCursor(e_curs: typCursor = cnoBlink) {.....}

define type Cursor form terminal

proc downScrool(line: Natural) {.....}

scrolling down

proc eraseDown() {.....}

Erases the screen from the current line down to the bottom of the screen.

proc eraseLine() {.....}

Erases the entire current line.

proc eraseLineEnd() {.....}

Erases from the current cursor position to the end of the current line.

proc eraseLineStart() {.....}

Erases from the current cursor position to the start of the current line.

proc eraseTerm() {.....}

Erases the entire word.

proc eraseUp() {.....}

Erases the screen from the current line up to the top of the screen.

proc getCursor(line: var Natural; cols: var Natural) {. ....}

get Cursor form terminal

proc getFunc(curs: bool = false): (TKey) {.....}

get the keyboard keys from the terminal

proc getMouse(): MouseInfo {.....}

proc getMouseBtn(): TKey {.....}

proc getMouseXY(line: var Natural; cols: var Natural) {.....}

proc getTKey(): (TKey, Ckey.Chr) {.....}

get the keyboard keys from the terminal

proc gotoXPos(cols: Natural) {.....}

Sets the terminal's cursor to the x position. The y position is not changed.

proc gotoXY(line: Natural; cols: Natural) {.....}

proc initTerm() {.....}

proc initTerm(line, cols: Natural; title: string = "") {. ....}

proc offCursor() {.....}

proc offMouse() {.....}

proc offScroll(): bool {.....}

off scrolling

proc onCursor() {.....}

proc onMouse() {.....}

proc onScroll(line, linePage: Natural): bool {.....}

on scrolling

proc resetAttributes() {.....}

Resets all attributes.

proc resizeTerm(line, cols: Natural) {.....}

proc setBackgroundColor(bg: BackgroundColor; bright = false) {. ....}

Sets the terminal's background color.

proc setForegroundColor(fg: ForegroundColor; bright = false) {. ....}

Sets the terminal's foreground color.

proc setStyle(style: set[Style]) {.....}

Sets the terminal style.

proc terminalHeight(): int {.....}

Returns terminal height from first fd the ioctl.

proc terminalWidth(): int {.....}

Returns terminal width from first fd the ioctl.

proc titleTerm(title: string) {.....}

proc upScrool(line: Natural) {.....}

scrolling up

proc writeStyled(txt: string; style: set[Style] = {styleBright}) {. ....}

Writes the text txt in a given style to stdout.

Made with Nim. Generated: 2022-05-13 19:37:16 UTC