As they are key to highly flexible automation tasks, we have enhanced three different grippers from Robotiq through the H-ROS SoM. Ranging from 50mm to 140mm stroke.
- ROS 2.0 native: Ready to be steered with MARA, the first truly modular collaborative robot.
- Independent ROS 2.0 adapter, plug & play: Easy to install manually and seamlessly working with other modular robot components.
- Real-time, time-sensitive communications: Qualified -through the H-ROS SoM- to achieve time synchronization and deterministic communications enabled with TSN standards.
- Ideal for MARA: Three highly adaptable grippers to be used in combination with MARA or other ROS 2.0 enabled robots. Now you can operate them from ROS 2.0 directly, by using a simple Ethernet connection.
Install ROS 2.0 following the official instructions: source debian packages.
Create a ROS workspace, for example:
mkdir -p ~/ros2_mara_ws/src
cd ~/ros2_mara_ws
sudo apt install -y python3-vcstool python3-numpy
vcs import src < mara-ros2.repos
Generate HRIM dependencies:
cd ~/ros2_mara_ws/src/HRIM
sudo pip3 install hrim
python3 generate models/actuator/servo/servo.xml
python3 generate models/actuator/gripper/gripper.xml
Right now you can compile the code:
source /opt/ros/dashing/setup.bash
cd ~/ros2_mara_ws && colcon build --merge-install --packages-skip individual_trajectories_bridge
ros2 launch robotiq_gazebo
ros2 launch robotiq_gazebo
ros2 launch robotiq_gazebo