A tool for defining and manipulating polygons under the set of given constraints of two kinds:
- any number of edges can be specified as being parallel to each other; such edges will remain parallel no matter what transformations are taking place.
- any number of edges can be specified to have fixed lengths; the lengths of such edges won't change under any transformation.
The program can be in many different states (drawing, defining costraints, etc.) and in each one of them user input is interpreted differently.
The state design pattern proved to be a quite elegant solution to this problem.
In order to make the program easily extensible with regard to adding new drawing line and circle algorithms, the visitor design pattern has been emplyed; concrete drawing methods are substituted at run-time (cf. the use of function objects in the Algorithm
The detailed description of the algorithm can be found (in Polish) in README.pl.md. The English translation is coming soon.
Parallel edges are marked with orange numbers. Edges whose length is in gray have fixed length.