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2-stage pipeline version ORV32 for embedded and low-power controllers, with modified RISC-V simulator from spike

Directory Structure

     ├── rtl                                      ORV32s RTL description using SystemVerilog code
     │   ├── core
     │   ├── lib
     │   └── memory
     ├── sim_core_asm_nocache_withspike           Single core ORV32s with referring to RISC-V golden model
     ├── sim_core_c_mesicache_nospike             Multicore ORV32s with Cache Coherency Simulator(MESI protocol)
     ├── sim_core_c_msicache_nospike              Multicore ORV32s with Cache Coherency Simulator(MSI protocol)
     │   ├── sim_coremark                         Coremark benchmark
     │   ├── sim_dhrystone                        Dhrystone benchmark
     │   ├── sim_embench                          Embench benchmark
     │   └── sim_multicore_matmul                 Matrix multiplication simulation
     └── sim_core_rvunittest_nocache_nospike      ORV32s unit-test


1.Verilator: SystemVerilog Translator and simulator

Please use the 3rd method(Git) to install to make sure your verilator is up-to-date. The project is developed under the Verilator with version 4.022.

2.Gtkwave: Wave viewer

3.RISC-V GNU Compiler Toolchain.

Please make sure you have at least installed with 32-bit RV toolchain, and the 64-bit version is also recommended.

  • Choose Newlib for installation.

  • For 32-bit toolchain compiling, the configuration should be: ./configure --prefix=/opt/riscv --with-arch=rv32gc --with-abi=ilp32d

  • To add $PATHinto PATH, If you choose, say, /opt/riscv as prefix:

     $ vim ~/.bashrc

    append export PATH=$PATH:/opt/riscv/bin into .bashrc, then save & exit

     $ source ~/.bashrc

4.Set ORV32s PATH ORV32S

  • If you place the project at, say, /opt/ORV32s

     $ vim ~/.bashrc

    append export ORV32S=/opt/ORV32s into .bashrc, then save & exit $ source ~/.bashrc

Related Tools

riscv-tools Riscv tools recommended to install.

  • If you want to compile rv32 pk, and you have set RISCV to your riscv path, say /opt/riscv get into folder $RISCV/riscv-tools/riscv-pk/build and use the following configuration:
     ../configure --prefix=/opt/riscv --host=riscv32-unknown-elf --with-arch=rv32gc --with-abi=ilp32d
     make install

Build Steps for RISC-V Simulator

The simulator is modified from Spike. We assume that the $RISCV environment variable is set to the RISC-V tools installation path, for example /opt/riscv

 $ cd $ORV32S/mine_spike/riscv-isa-sim/
 $ mkdir build
 $ cd build
 $ ../configure
 $ make

Build & Run ORV32s unit-test

We provide user with rv32 unit tests based on standard unit-test in riscv-tools. As the ORV32s supports IMC extensions, this unit test suite is modified from rv32ui, rv32um, rv32uc unit-test.

  • Firstly, you should build the unit test binary files:

     $ cd $ORV32S/sim_core_rvunittest_nocache_nospike/isa_processor/
     $ make
  • Then, you can compile the rtl and simulation file to run rv32 unit-test, and check the instructions supported by ORV32s

     $ cd $ORV32S/sim_core_rvunittest_nocache_nospike/unit_test_sim
     $ make
     $ make run

Run ORV32s Multicore with Coherent Cache Simulator

Coherent Cache Simulator system overview

The program uses SystemVerilog to build rtl for each core L1 data cache and cache controller, uses C++ program to simulate the snooping control unit (SCU) and Interconnect Bus, and links the C++ part with SystemVerilog part through the direct programming interface (DPI).

Coherent Cache design

Now the simulator support snoopy based MSI cache coherent protocol, which can handle up to 8 cores, and will add MESI protocol version based on TileLink 5-channel recently.

The parameter of L1 data cache is as follows:

L1 data cache capacity Cache line numbers Cache line capacity Mapping method
32 KBytes 1024 32 Bytes direct map

Build & Run the Simulator

We provide user with a matrix multiplication program, which illustrate the traffic and performance of coherent cache

  • Build the test program

     $ cd $ORV32S/sim_core_c_msicache_nospike/sim_multicore_matmul/test_programs/matmul/
     $ make
  • Build the simulator

     $ cd $ORV32S/sim_core_c_msicache_nospike/sim_multicore_matmul/
     $ make
  • Run the test program

     $ cd $ORV32S/sim_core_c_msicache_nospike/sim_multicore_matmul/obj_dir/
     $ ./Vtestbench +trace

Run ORV32s Benchmarks

So far we have provided usr with 3 benchmarks, namely dhrystone, coremark and embench(matmult)

  • Dhrystone

    Build Dhrystone program

     $ cd $ORV32S/sim_core_c_msicache_nospike/benchmarks
     $ make

    Build the simulator

     $ cd $ORV32S/sim_core_c_msicache_nospike/sim_dhrystone
     $ make

    Run Dhrystone

     $ cd $ORV32S/sim_core_c_msicache_nospike/sim_dhrystone/obj_dir/
     $ ./Vtestbench ../dhrystone.bin +trace
  • Coremark

    Build Coremark program

     $ cd $ORV32S/riscv-coremark/
     $ ./

    Build the simulator

     $ cd $ORV32S/sim_core_c_msicache_nospike/sim_coremark
     $ make

    Run Coremark

     $ cd $ORV32S/sim_core_c_msicache_nospike/sim_coremark/obj_dir/
     $ ./Vtestbench ../../../riscv-coremark/coremark.bare.bin +trace
  • Embench

    Build Embench program

     $ cd $ORV32S/embench-iot/
     $ ./ --arch native  --chip default --board default

    Build the simulator

     $ cd $ORV32S/sim_core_c_msicache_nospike/sim_embench
     $ make

    Run Embench matmult-int

     $ cd $ORV32S/sim_core_c_msicache_nospike/sim_embench/obj_dir/
     $ ./Vtestbench ../embench.matmult-int.bin  +trace

Run ORV32s with referring to RISC-V golden model

To make sure user's customed modification on ORV32s rtl is correct, we provide user with a test program referring to RISC-V golden instruction-by-instruction, the program can verify the correction of the output by ORV32s by checking the result of general purpose registers in both ORV32s and RISC-V golden model.

The RISC-V golden model is modified from Spike

  • Build & Run asm program with referring to RISC-V golden model

     $ cd $ORV32S/sim_core_asm_nocache_withspike/
     $ make

    And the then you will see a view of GPRs, CSRs, PC, current privilege mode etc. internal parameters of ORV32s, and the value of 32 GPRs are compared with RV golden model to ensure the instruction implementations in ORV32s have right outputs.

  • To change the instructions running in the ORV32s, edit the file: $ORV32S/sim_core_asm_nocache_withspike/code_run_by_proc/inst_rom.S

  • To change the instructions running in the RV golden model, edit the file: $ORV32S/sim_core_asm_nocache_withspike/code_run_by_sim/mine/mine.c

Plase make sure the Processor and the Simulator are running the same set of instructions, as it would turn out error when the value inconsistence happens in general registers between the ORV32s Processor and the RV golden model simulator.

Check the Waveform file

With the argument +trace after ./Vtestbench, the program will produce a waveform file with suffix .vcd in the folder logs under its corresponding folder prefixed with sim_.

To check the waveform file, we use Gtkwave, say the .vcd file named vlt_dump.vcd:

 $ gtkwave vlt_dump.vcd


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