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Azgaar edited this page Sep 22, 2024 · 180 revisions

The current stable version is available here.

Notable changes to the project should be documented in this file. The purpose of a changelog entry is to document the noteworthy difference and communicate them clearly to end users.

All save files (.gz or .map) created after v0.61b are compatible with the current version. Just load them and click OK to get auto-updated. Incompatible version 0.61b is available here. To use an old version click on a link to download an archive. Unzip all file and run the Tool locally.

For older maps use the old version.

Check out Trello board to see what is planned.

Current version

Current version of the Fantasy Map Generator is the latest master branch. You can download it here: Also see the wiki.

Recent changes:

  • AI Assistant Bot [1.105.00]
  • Layers rendering major refactoring [1.104.00]
  • Cell info: Geozone by Avengium [1.103.00]
  • Grid overlay: new types by Avengium [1.102.00]
  • Style: ability to set letter spacing by oriolowsky [1.101.00]
  • Zones refactoring and data collection [1.100.00]
  • AI text generation for notes [1.99.06]
  • slider-input web component [1.99.05]
  • New style preset - Dark Seas by deuzeksmckinna [1.99.03]


1.99 - 2024-08-15:

  • New routes generation algorithm [1.99.00]
  • Routes overview tool [1.99.00]
  • Configurable longitude [1.98.01]
  • Auto-apply changes checkbox for World Configurator [1.98.00]
  • Renamed windrose element [1.98.00]
  • Village map preview [1.97.00]
  • Ocean heightmap rendering [1.96.00]
  • Scale bar styling [1.96.00]
  • Vignette layer [1.95.00]
  • Fit loaded maps to the current canvas size [1.94.00]
  • Ability to define custom heightmap color scheme [1.93.12]
  • Random encounter markers - integration with Deorum [1.93.04]
  • Auto-load of the last saved map is back to optional [1.93.00]
  • Save files compression (file extension is changed to .gz) by yldrefruz [1.93.00]
    -> Rolled back in [1.93.02] due to the time the compression takes on big maps and limited browser support
  • State Labels placement 'raycasting' algorithm [1.92.00]
  • Emblems data model change and positioning fixes [1.91.00]
  • Texture format change from base64 to url [1.90.02]

1.9 - 2023-08-06:

  • North and South Poles temperature can be set independently by StempunkDev
  • More than 70 new heraldic charges by Blipz
  • Multi-color heraldic charges support by Blipz
  • New 3D scene options and improvements by yldrefruz
  • Type selection for marker placement by elad-haviv
  • Autosave [1.89.29]
  • Google translation support
  • Religions can be edited and redrawn like cultures
  • Lock states, provinces, cultures, and religions from regeneration by Minivera [1.89.00]
  • Heightmap brushes: linear edit option [1.88.00]
  • Simplify style on 'optimizeSpeed' rendering [1.87.15]
  • Levantine names base and culture changes [1.87.14]
  • Data charts screen [1.87.00]
  • Hierarchy tree UX improvement [1.86.06]
  • Multi-parental cultures and religions hierarchy trees [1.86.00]
  • Load from cloud: change format and order in dropdown [1.85.00]
  • Adjective generation rules improvement [1.84.12]
  • Heightmap selection screen [1.84.0]
  • Dialogs optimization for mobile [1.84.0]
  • New heightmap template - Fractious [1.83.0]
  • Template Editor - mask and invert steps [1.83.0]
  • Cultures editor - load script dynamically [1.82.2]
  • States editor - load script dynamically [1.82.0]
  • PWA Installation [1.81.1]
  • 14 new fonts [1.81.0]
  • Caching [1.81.0]

1.8 - 2022-04-26:

  • Submap tool by Goteguru [1.732]
  • Resample tool by Goteguru [1.732]
  • Pre-defined heightmaps [1.732]
  • Advanced notes editor [1.731]
  • Zones editor: filter by type by Avengium and Azgaar [1.73]
  • Color picker: new hatches by Avengium and evolvedexperiment [1.73]
  • New style preset: Atlas by LordGnome [1.722]
  • New style preset: Cyberpunk by Terraria Eyeball with Salt in it [1.721]
  • Disallow local usage without server [1.721]
  • Burg temperature graph by Kerravitarr [1.72]
  • 4 new textures [1.71]
  • Province capture logic rework [1.71]
  • Button to release all provinces [1.71]
  • Limit military units by biome, state, culture and religion [1.71]

1.7 - 2021-10-06:

  • New marker types
  • New markers editor
  • Markers overview screen
  • Markers regeneration menu
  • Burg editor update
  • Theme color option
  • Add font dialog
  • Save to Dropbox via SDK

1.66 - 2021-09-01:

  • Save and load .map files to Dropbox
  • Ability to add control points on river edit
  • New heightmap template: Taklamakan
  • Option to not scale labels on zoom

1.65 - 2021-07-28:

  • Refactoring river rendering
  • River data is now stored in object, not svg
  • Keep river course on edit
  • Ability to add river selecting its cells

1.64 - 2021-07-10:

  • 3d labels in 3d view
  • Refactoring states rendering
  • State halo styling
  • New styles: Light and Watercolor

1.63 - 2021-07-1:

  • Ability to style label shadow
  • Save map as tiles

1.62 - 2021-06-09:

  • Rivers generation refactoring
  • Lake handling for river generation change
  • Creating lakes in deep depression areas
  • Options to control lakes generation in Heightmap Edit

1.61 - 2021-03-06:

  • Ability to lock burgs from regeneration
  • Polyline ruler
  • Route ruler
  • New ocean pattern: Kiwiroo

1.6 - 2021-03-02:

  • River overview and River editor rework
  • River generation code refactoring
  • Rivers flux calculation
  • Lake editor rework
  • Lake type defined dynamically based on river system
  • Lake flux, inlets and outlet tracked properly
  • Lake evaporation calculated using simplified Penman formula: evaporation depends on surface, temperature and elevation
  • Lake outlet rendered with starting width depending on flux
  • Lake name generation

1.5 - 2021-02-23:

  • State, province and burg Emblems generation
  • Emblem editor integrated with Armoria
  • Burg editor screen update
  • Speak name functionality

1.4 - 2020-06-21:

  • Battle simulation
  • Ice layer and ice editor
  • Route Elevation profile
  • Image Converter enhancement
  • Name generator improvement
  • Fogging style change
  • Improved integration with MFCG
  • New lake style: Dry lake
  • Bug fixes

1.3 - 2020-04-01:

  • Military Forces generation
  • Military Forces Overview
  • Military Units Editor
  • Regiments Editor
  • Bug fixes

1.2 - 2019-10-23:

  • 3d scene
  • Globe view
  • Save as JPEG
  • Physical layer preset
  • Diplomacy Editor enhancements
  • Rivers Overview
  • Bug fixes

1.1 - 2019-09-28:

  • Color picker enhancement
  • Religions Editor enhancement
  • Map loading from URL
  • Map quick save and quick load
  • Data export in geojson format
  • Error handling
  • Religions tree
  • Provinces, states and burgs graphs
  • Culture presets
  • Lake Editor
  • Coastline Editor
  • New Lake groups (types)

1.0 - 2019-08-31:

  • Provinces and Provinces Editor
  • Religions Layer and Religions Editor
  • Full state names (state types)
  • Multi-lined labels
  • State relations (diplomacy)
  • Custom layers (zones)
  • Places of interest (auto-added markers)
  • New color picker and hatching fill
  • Legend boxes
  • World Configurator presets
  • Improved state labels placement
  • Relief icons sets
  • Fogging
  • Custom layer presets
  • Custom biomes
  • State, province and burg COAs

0.9b - 2019-06-09:

  • Relief icons by Arzak Rubin
  • Ability to re-generate Burgs
  • Ability to re-generate States

0.8b - 2019-04-21:

  • 0.7a changes moved to production
  • Bug fixes
  • UI improvement

0.7a - 2019-04-14:

  • World size and climate configuration
  • Biomes layer and biomes editor
  • Temperature and precipitation layers
  • Reworked population model (now depends on biome)
  • New states and cultures spread algorithm
  • 15 new cultures
  • Texture layer and ability to link a custom texture
  • Seed history (to open previously generated maps)
  • Optimization (faster generation and smoother edit experience)
  • UI and usability changes
  • Reworked hotkeys

0.61b - 2018-11-18:

  • New Relief Icons editor
  • Updated Relief Icons
  • UI controls for Relief icons density and size
  • 2 new cultures
  • Remove selected element on "Delete" key press
  • Changed cultures editor behavior
  • Bug fixes

0.60b - 2018-09-23:

  • Map Markers
  • Legend Editor (text notes)
  • Curved Labels
  • User-friendly overlay size display (e.g. "50 mi", not just "10")
  • Bug fixes

0.59b - 2018-08-28:

  • Random seed support
  • New heightmap templates
  • Integration with Medieval Fantasy City Generator
  • Relocate Burg option
  • Dialogs style changes, optional transparency
  • Ability to toggle Label groups separately
  • Bug fixes

0.58b - 2018-07-28:

  • Cultures editor
  • Namesbase editor
  • Reworked lakes
  • Options preservation
  • New filters
  • Non-island maps (wip)
  • Bug fixes

0.57b - 2018-06-17:

  • Unified burg editor
  • Relief icons editor
  • New Options
  • Bug fixes

0.56b - 2018-05-06:

  • Performance improvement
  • Route editor
  • Countries and River editors fixes
  • Map saving and loading fixes
  • New loading screen

0.55b - 2018-03-30:

  • Demo version is moved to
  • Default map resolution is set to full-screen
  • 'About' tab in Options with project description and links
  • 'Share' buttons in 'About' tab
  • 'The version is obsolete' message to display on gist version

0.54b - 2018-03-30:

  • Countries editor
  • Burgs editor
  • Scale editor
  • Scale bar (depends on set scales, auto-rounded and auto-sized)
  • Overlays: hex grid, square grid, wind rose
  • Change population calculation logic
  • Remember editors position
  • River rendering method is simplified, now it works much faster

0.53b - 2018-03-07:

  • 'Graph size' option is usable now
  • 'Add River' button (click to auto-add a new River)
  • 'Paint Brushes' window is re-worked, Undo-Redo buttons added
  • 'Perspective view' for Heightmap (looks weak, should I try real 3D?)
  • Heightmap Templates improvement
  • River Editor improvement
  • 'Print Map' button
  • Active zooming (resclale labels on zooming)
  • Options randomization
  • New modal windows
  • Web-safe fonts added to default fonts list
  • Save/load buttons are moved to option footer

0.52b - 2018-02-26:

  • Image to Heightmap Converter
  • Roll back to Heightmap option
  • Rescale Dialog for Heightmap customization (draft)
  • Edges connection bug fix (can still rarely occur)
  • Version control for updates and save/load function
  • Save/load function support for Firefox (direct Chrome dependency is removed)
  • Downloaded .png resolution is increased from 960x540 to 1920x1080

0.51b - 2018-02-10 (offline version is here) - Style Editor update:

  • Stroke-width, stroke-dasharray, stroke-linecap for routes/borders
  • Size for burgs/labels
  • Color for cultures
  • Color scheme for heightmap
  • SVG filters

0.50b - 2018-02-06:

  • Heightmap templates
  • Template Editor
  • New CSS filters
  • UI improvements
  • Polygonal rivers
  • River Editor

0.49b - 2018-01-10:

  • Ocean layers selection

0.43b - 2018-01-03:

  • Save map
  • Load map
  • Graph size option

0.1b - 2017-03-20:

  • First published version
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