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Azgaar edited this page Jun 20, 2020 · 24 revisions

Military forces, added to the Generator in version 1.3, allows to view auto-generated regiments and setup custom units. Generation is based on population, land possession and cultural specific, climate, diplomacy and other factors. The process is cell-based, but aggregated to Regiments level for usability purposes.

Generation rules, unit types and regiments themselves are editable and customizable. You can add fantasy, modern or ancient units, change parameters and re-generate military to let the system automatically recreate regiments. Changes specific to state or culture can be done manually on regiments level.

Regiments are displayed as state-colored boxes in a separate layer called Military (M to toggle). To edit specific Regiment click on its box. To open Military overview screen go to Tools and click on Military (hotkey: Shift + M).

Military overview

Military overview shows the army that states have. Total value shows sum of all military units, considering unit crew (see the next section for the details). Rate shows a percentage of military personnel to state population (militarization index), by default is about 1-2%. War Alert defines how much state is willing to wage a war and works as a multiplier to the units number. The calculation method is described in details in the Generation logic section below. The button on the right shows a list of all state's regiments and alow to add new regiments.

The bottom menu allows you to open Units Editor (see below), show units numbers as a percentage, download data for reference and trigger military forces recalculation.

Military units editor

Military units that are used for generation are customizable. To open units editor click on the Cog icon in the Military overview screen. Here you can add new units and specify their features. The maximum number of units is not defined, but having a lot will make overview screens too complex to observe. The idea of unit is defined by its type. Type variants are hard-coded and define specific rules to be applied on generation, you can see all of these rules described in the next section.

Customizable parameters are:

  • Icon - unit symbol. We are using Unicode emojis for simplicity. While there is a list of pre-selected ones, you can use any Unicode character. Please note that Unicode emojis look different in different systems and browsers. Here is the full list
  • Name - a unique unit name. Can be pretty much any
  • Rural - percentage of rural population to be conscripted to the unit. It defines how many troops of this unit will be generated for a cell population point. Then this number is getting adjusted based on specific rules described in the next section. Set to 0 if you want unit to be generated in burgs only
  • Urban - percentage of urban population to be conscripted to the unit. Works the same as rural, but for burg population
  • Crew - average number of people in one unit. Like tank crew is usually 4. This number is used for total people calculation and does not affect unit power at all
  • Power - damage dealt by unit. Used in battle simulation only
  • Type - a set of rules to be applied for the unit, see the details in the next section
  • Sep. - check if unit is separate and not forming a regiment with platoons of other types. It means that e.g. naval units are not getting mixed with non-naval units in one regiment by default.

For any change you have to click on Apply and it will trigger generation. It's done to avoid possible issues and as for now there is no way to change units without regeneration.

Generation logic

Fantasy Map Generator regiments creation logic is pretty advanced and considers different aspects such as state diplomacy, type, culture and religion, cell biome and elevation, as well as military unit specific.

For each state War Alert is getting calculated. It shows how much state is willing to wage a war. War Alert acts as a modifier to all military forces of the state. For example if state has 1000 infantry generated and War Alert is 2, total infantry number will be 2000. War Alert rate is a combination of Expansion Fulfillment (State Expansionism / State Area) and Diplomatic alert (rate of diplomatic relations). It means that expansionist states with relatively small area get higher War Alert rate than big states with moderate expansionism. Diplomatic alert is a sum of relations rates, where bad relations increase the value, while good decrease it. Diplomatic alert is calculated separately for neighboring and all states, so relations with neighbors have more impact on War Alert. Diplomatic relations modifiers are:

Ally: -0.2, Friendly: -0.1, Neutral: 0, Suspicion: 0.1, Enemy: 1, Unknown: 0, Rival: 0.5, Vassal: 0.5, Suzerain: -0.5

War Alert is not the only state-specific modifier. The other one depends on State Type and getting applied based on hard-coded matrix:

Melee Ranged Mounted Machinery Naval Armored Aviation Magical
Generic 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Nomadic 0.5 0.9 2.3 0.8 0.5 1 0.5 1
Highland 1.2 1.3 0.6 1.4 0.5 0.5 0.5 2
Lake 1 1 0.7 1.1 1.2 1 1.2 1
Naval 0.7 0.8 0.3 1.4 1.8 1 1.2 1
Hunting 1.2 2 0.7 0.4 0.7 0.7 0.6 1
River 1.1 0.8 0.8 1.1 1.2 1.1 1.2 1

Some state forms have an additional modifier. Hordes get x2 mounted units, while Republics get x1.2 naval units.

The next step is to calculate troops number for each cell and burg. Calculation is done separately for each unit and considers possession-specific divider, unit percentage set in military options, state modifier calculated above and hard-coded unit type matrix. For example mounted units have x3 modifier in cells with nomadic biomes, while their number is reduced in highlands. The formula is:

Troops = Population_points / 100 * Possession_divider * Unit_percentage * State_mod * Unit_mod * Population_rate

Possession-specific divider is applied in 3 cases only:

  • Cell culture is not state's dominant culture: divider is 1.2 for Unions and 2 for other states
  • Cell religion is not state's dominant religion: divider is 2.2 for Theocracies and 1.4 for other states
  • Cell is on a different island than state's center: divider is 1.2 for Naval states and 1.8 for others.

Unit-specific modifiers are applied for cells with Nomadic and Wetland biomes, and also for Highland cells (height > 70):

Melee Ranged Mounted Machinery Armored Magical Naval Aviation
Nomadic cell 0.2 0.5 3 0.4 1.6 0.5 0.3 1
Wetland cell 0.8 2 0.3 1.2 0.2 0.5 1.2 0.5
Highland cell 1.2 1.6 0.3 3 0.8 2 0.3 0.3
Nomadic burg 0.3 0.8 3 0.4 1.6 0.5 0.3 1
Wetland burg 1 1.6 0.2 1.2 0.2 0.5 1.2 0.5
Highland burg 1.2 2 0.3 3 0.8 2 0.3 0.3

Here are generic troops number for 10000 population if state modifier is 1 and standard units options and population rate are applied:

Melee Ranged Mounted Machinery Naval
Generic cell 25 12 12 0 0
Nomadic cell 5 6 36 0 0
Wetland cell 20 24 4 0 0
Highland cell 30 19 4 0 0
Generic burg 20 20 3 3 1
Nomadic burg 6 16 9 1 0
Wetland burg 20 32 1 4 1
Highland burg 24 40 1 9 0

Please also note that Naval units can be generated only in port burgs.

Troops for each cell and burg form a platoon. As number of platoons is too high, they are getting sorted by troops number and aggregated to regiments based on distance between platoons and expected size. Regiment expected size is calculated by a simple formula of 3 * Population_rate. If the current regiment is big enough, new one is getting created. Then system generates names and a few details for regiments and place them on a map.

Regiment Editor

If you click on a regiment box, a Regiment Editor will pop up at the top left corner. Once editor is displayed, you can drag regiment boxes to move them around. A circle shows regiment's base and can be dragged as well.

From the Regiment Editor screen you can rename the regiment or restore its original name, change regiment emblem and composition. You can also define regiment's type: land or naval. Naval regiments look almost the same as land, the only visual difference is box size.

Buttons at the bottom allows to attack foreign regiment (see Battle Simulator for the details), add a new regiment, split the regiment into 2 ones, attach the regiment to another one, regenerate or edit regiment's note (legend) and also remove the regiment.

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