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SHRIMP: Function fdNmad

sbodorkos edited this page Feb 6, 2018 · 3 revisions

SQUID 2.50 Function: fdNmad

This subroutine evaluates the double-precision value fdNmad (median absolute deviation) corresponding to an input vector v comprising double-precision numbers.


fdNmad( v )

Mandatory variables

v: Vector containing double-precision values.

Definition of variables

Values of type Integer
i, N, Nn

Values of type Double
med, medyr2, fdNmad

Arrays of type Double
v, yr2

The function utilises the Excel function UBound ( to determine the length of the input vector:

N = UBound( v ) --like length(v)  
med = Median( v )

Nn = Max( 3, N ) --minimum value of 3
ReDim yr2[1 to N] --apparently not zero-addressed 

For i = 1 to N  
  yr2[i] = ( v[i] - med )^2  
Next i

medyr2 = Median( yr2 )    

fdNmad = 1.4826 * ( 1 + 5 / (Nn - 2) ) * Sqrt( medyr2 )

End Function

The magic number 1.4826 is hard-coded (by Ludwig and by most other users of MAD-related functions: this value ensures that "± MAD" encompasses 50% (i.e. between 1/4 and 3/4) of the normal cumulative distribution function (e.g.

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