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I have named this subroutine "SQUIDClean". Ludwig named it "Clean" in his VBA code, but that is confusing, because there exists a Microsoft VBA function of the same name, and it took me a while to work out there was a difference!
Sub Clean(DatRange As Range, CleanedDat As Range, NumCleanRows%, _ Optional ZeroesOK As Boolean = False, Optional BlankOk As Boolean = False, _ Optional AllColsOK As Boolean = False, Optional BothNegPos As Boolean = True, _ Optional StrikeThruOK As Boolean = False, Optional AllComers As Boolean = False, _ Optional AddStrikeThru As Boolean = False) ' Returns Cleandat as array cleaned of all noncomplying rows.
Dim First As Boolean, OkCel As Boolean Dim Nareas%, Ncols%, OKcol%, Col%, AreaIndx%, TempNum%, CleanedRowCt% Dim Rw&, RowCt&, v# Dim Cel As Range, Area As Range, Crow As Range
First = TRUE
With DatRange
If AllColsOK = TRUE
Ncols = DatRange.Columns.Count
Ncols = 1
End If
CleanedRowCt = 0
Nareas = DatRange.Areas.Count
For AreaIndx = 1 To Nareas
TempNum = 1 + CleanedRowCt
Set Area = DatRange.Areas[AreaIndx]
With Area
RowCt = Area.Rows.Count
For Rw = 1 To RowCt
TempNum = 1 + CleanedRowCt
OKcol = 0
For Col = 1 To Ncols
Set Cel = Area.Item[Rw, Col]
If (BlankOk = TRUE) OR (Cel.Formula <> "") OR (AllComers = TRUE) --Area1
If (IsNumeric(Cel) = TRUE) Or (AllComers = TRUE) --Area2
With Cel
v = Cel.Value
If (ZeroesOK = TRUE) OR (v <> 0) OR (AllComers = TRUE) --Cel1
If (BothNegPos = TRUE) OR (v > 0) OR (AllComers = TRUE) --Cel2
If (StrikeThruOK = TRUE) OR (Cel.Font.Strikethrough = FALSE) Or (AllComers = TRUE) --Cel3
OKcol = 1 + OKcol
OkCel = TRUE
End If --Cel3
End If --Cel2
End If --Cel1
End With --Cel
End If --Area2
End If --Area1
If (OkCel = FALSE) AND (AddStrikeThru = TRUE)
Cel.Font.Strikethrough = TRUE
End If
If OKcol < Col
Exit For
End If
Next Col
If OKcol = Ncols
CleanedRowCt = 1 + CleanedRowCt
Set Crow = Range( Area.Item[Rw, 1], Area.Item[Rw, Ncols] )
If First = TRUE
Set CleanedDat = Crow
First = FALSE
Set CleanedDat = Union( CleanedDat, Crow )
End If --First = TRUE
End If --OKcol = Ncols
Next Rw
End With --Area
Next AreaIndx
End With --DatRange
NumCleanRows = CleanedRowCt
End Sub