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Scrum Meeting 2

David edited this page Mar 7, 2020 · 2 revisions

Location: Discord

Date: March 2nd 2020

Time: 10:30PM - 11:30PM

Attendees: David, Xuebin, Hrichik & Thamina


Typical scrum meeting: ask everyone what they did, what they plan to do and if they need help.

Simulation: Find a new plan

Action Item:

  • Xuebin: was able to make a connection from the phone to the microcontrolller
  • Hrichik: Wrote the intro for the doc. He is gonna take some measurements for the simulation today with 3 cases
  • David: I've been working on a unit test for bluetooth connection on the phone, I wrote the Wireframe part in the doc and tried to find some results for the simulation but couldnt
  • Thamina: finished the faq task


  • Simulation: we wrote up a new simulation plan: the story has been rewritten and tasks too. Hrichik and I will work on it. Go read SIM-1 and its tasks.
  • We have to work on DOC-1 more.
  • Next meeting Sunday