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Scrum Meeting 8

David edited this page Apr 1, 2020 · 2 revisions

Location: Discord

Date: March 31th 2020

Time: 9:00PM - 9:15PM

Attendees: David, Thamina, Pirey, Nicolas


  • Scrum meeting
  • Talk about final demo date

Action Item: Updated ourselves or what everyone did:

  • David: Started to work on FIL-1. I have a blocker since the lowpass and averaging values did not quite smooth the curve. I gave that story to Nicolas. Now, I will work on UI-4: bluetooth activity. Also will work on fixing some bugs for DB-2 tutorials.
  • Pirey: Assigned himself to REA-1. Will work on it.
  • Thamina: Almost done with SW-5. Should integrate it by tonight.
  • Nicolas: Started looking at GRA-4. Will also work on FIL-1.

Also: final presentation booked for April 14th at 1:30PM.


  • Next meeting Thursday at 10PM.