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Godot Engine Module for faster iteration times when working with not desktop projects.


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Godot Remote

This is cross platform native module for Godot Engine v3 for control apps and games over WiFi or ADB.

If you are developing on a non-touch device, this module is the best way to quickly test touch input or test mobile sensors data (accelerometer, gyroscope, etc.).

API references can be found here:

Building instructions placed here:

Video Demonstration 1.0.2 Update
Video Demonstration 1.0.2 Update






Changelogs can be found inside the mobile app or on the github releases page


If you have any problems when starting the editor or connecting to the server, then please see the list of problems and their solutions

Editor with Built-in Module fake embed

Mobile app

The mobile app can be found on Google Play, as well as on

Get it on Google Play

Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC.

Module Configuration

Mobile App Quick Setup

  1. Open the app and accept the agreement that you understand that this is not a game. Sorry for that, but random people from Google Play just download this app and think it's a game, then rate it 1 star. Quick Setup 0
  2. Then you'll see the main screen where you need to click on the Open Settings Quick Setup 1
  3. Now you need to start Godot Editor with Godot Remote module and run one or many projects. Quick Setup 2
  4. If everything went well, all running projects will be added to the Available Servers list in the mobile app. Quick Setup 3
  5. Just click on one of them from this list to connect. Quick Setup 4
  6. Close the settings and you're ready to go! Quick Setup 5

Important: The client and server (smartphone and PC with the Godot editor) must be on the same local network, for example, the PC can be connected to the router via a LAN cable, and the smartphone can be connected via Wi-Fi.

Important: Godot Editor with 'Godot Remote' module means that you should see the module settings category in your projects settings. This is the easiest way to check the integration of Godot Remote into the editor.


By default Godot Remote module in the running project displays a notification about the server status.


Also, starting from version 1.0.2, you can find the Godot Remote tool menu in the editor.


Detailed Setup

Here you can find info about every setting in project and in client app.

Server = Your project launched through Godot Editor with Godot Remote module
Client = Mobile App

Mobile App Settings

Name Default Value Description
Device ID Random Hex String String ID of device. Currently using only in connection notification.
Connection Type Auto Type of the connection: Auto, WiFi, ADB
Auto: Listener Port 22765 The port on which the auto connection mode will work
WiFi: Server Address The exact address and port of the server
ADB: Server Port 22766 The exact port of the server
Password Password used to connect to the server
Output Frequency 120 Frequency of sending data to the server
Stretch Mode Keep Aspect Stream image stretching mode: Keep Aspect, Fill
Stream Texture Filtering on Specifies the filtered or pixelated image of the stream
Show Stats Hidden Amount and type of statistical information
Number of touches to open settings 5 Indicates how many simultaneous touches are required to open settings during an active connection
Keep Screen On on Specifies whether to keep the screen on without an active connection
Capture pointer when custom scene active on Specifies whether to capture touches if a custom input scene is active
Send Mouse Events on Specifies whether to capture and send mouse events
Sync Viewport Orientation on Specifies whether to send data about the orientation of the device
Sync Viewport Aspect on Specifies whether to send data about the device's aspect ratio
Number of decoder threads 2 The number of threads used to decode the stream image
Override Server Settings off Shows or hides the server settings that will be applied after the connection
Sync Server Settings off Specifies whether the server should send the settings to the client
Video Stream on Specifies whether the video stream is active
Image Quality 50 Image quality of the stream
Image Scale 0.5 Server viewport resolution multiplier
Target FPS 60 Server FPS lock
Number of processing frames 100% Specifies how many frames should be displayed
Encoder JPG Encoder type
Encoder Threads 2 Number of threads used by the encoder
Connection Type

Available options:

  • Auto
    Automatic connection and search for servers. All you need for this to work: your computer and phone must be on the same local network.
  • WiFi
    Manual connection to a specific server. You need to specify the exact ip address and port of the server. If you don't know the IP address of your computer on the local network, just google How to find your IP address.
  • ADB
    Manual connection via ADB (just like WiFi mode, but without manual selection of the ip address)
Show Stats

Available options:

  • Hidden
  • Simple (FPS, Ping)
  • Detailed (FPS, Ping, Delay with avg/min/max values)
  • Traffic (Sended data, Received data, Total sended data, Total received data)
  • All

Project Settings (Debug/Godot Remote)

Name Description
general/autostart Automatically start server right after project launched
general/use_static_port Use static port instead of dynamic
general/port Server listener port
general/auto_connection_port Auto connection broadcasting port
general/log_level Logging level
notifications/notifications_enabled Enable notifications
notifications/notifications_position Position of notifications
notifications/notifications_duration Notification display time
server/image_encoder_threads_count Number of image encoding threads
server/configure_adb_on_play Configuring ADB at project startup.
server/jpg_compress_buffer_size_mbytes JPG encoder buffer size
server/password Server password
server/target_fps Target FPS with active connection
server/video_stream_enabled Enable video stream
server/compression_type Encoder type
server/skip_frames Specifies how many frames should be displayed
server/scale_of_sending_stream Viewport resolution multiplier
server/stream_quality Image quality of the stream
.../custom_input_scene Path to the custom input scene
.../send_custom_input_scene_compressed Enable compression of a custom input scene
.../custom_input_scene_compression_type Compression type of the custom input scene

This option only available with general/use_static_port and requires the correct path to the Android SDK specified in the editor settings (export/android/android_sdk_path or export/android/adb in Godot 3.2).

If you have any problems with this option, you can try manually execute adb reverse tcp:[your static port] tcp:[your static port], for example adb reverse tcp:22766 tcp:22766.

If you have multiple devices connected at the same time, you can add the -s [device name] argument. Execute the adb devices command to find out the name of the devices. Example of command adb -s reverse tcp:22766 tcp:22766.

On windows, you will probably need to specify the full path to adb in the console: [path to Android SDK]/platform-tools/adb.exe


Some examples are placed in the examples folder.

Custom Client

If need to support other platforms or you need a specific version of module integrated to the client app, you can build client from source code placed here.

If you don't want to use my client app you can check the example client project and build your own client.

Or you can donate me some money with request to buy iPhone and adapt a client for it 🙂

Custom Input Scenes

In custom input scenes you can use everything you want but to send InputEvent's from client to server you must emulate input. Or use the send_user_data method and user_data_received signal for send and receive custom packets. Example:

# -- With InputEvent's

func _on_pressed():
    # Create event for pressed state
    var iea_p =
    iea_p.pressed = true
    iea_p.action = "jump"
    # Create event for released state
    var iea_r =
    iea_r.pressed = false
    iea_p.action = "jump"
    # Parse event to send it to the server

# -- With custom packets

# on first device
func _ready():
    GodotRemote.get_device().connect("user_data_received", self, "_on_user_data_received")

func _on_user_data_received(id, data):
    print("Received packet: %s, data: %s" % [id, data])

# on second device
func _on_button_pressed():
    GodotRemote.get_device().send_user_data("bg_color", color, false)

Known Issues and Solutions

  • The editor at startup shows an error about the absence of VCRUNTIME_140xx.dll
    If you see a similar error
    VCRUNTIME error
    You just need to download the latest version of vc_redist from the official site.VCRUNTIME download
  • The editor freezes on closing or at any other random moment with server/configure_adb_on_play enabled This may be caused by the fact that ADB completely blocks the execution of Godot Editor. The only solution I have found at the moment is to simply close adb.exe via the task manager.
  • Auto connection mode does not show any servers
    1. Make sure that your devices are connected to the same network and can ping each other.
    2. Listener Status icon in the client should be green, which means that it is active. Listener Status If not, try changing the Listener Port, also don't forget to change general/auto_connection_port in project settings. If this also does not help, then most likely this function is not available for you.
  • The server is detected, but the error "Connection timed out" appears
    Most likely your firewall is blocking the connection. Try disabling it completely, or fix the blocking rule.
  • Wi-Fi and ADB mode don't connect either
    1. Make sure that your firewall does not block all the ports that the server writes to the console every time it starts.
    2. The phone must not be connected to the guest network.
  • The client crashes immediately after starting the video stream
    Most likely, you have errors due to lack of memory. The problem may be in the phone's firmware or hardware. Try changing the Image Scale or Target FPS, these settings will help you save RAM and avoid crashes.
  • FPS is not stable, but the phone and PC are new and powerful
    Make sure your Wi-Fi connection is relieble. I also recommend using a 5GHz router.
  • The module built from the source code requires root permissions on Android
    This is because you enable the Tracy profiler, which requires root permissions for some operations.
  • Custom input scenes doesn't load all assets
    All paths in custom input scene scripts must be absolute.
  • Sync Viewport Orientation and Sync Viewport Aspect does nothing
    Check Viewport Size Syncing example. And don't forget to remove Godot Remote code from your project(or just disable it) before exporting to the target platform.
  • The stream works as in slow motion with the H.264 encoder This is due to the fact that only the OpenH264 codec is currently implemented, which does not use any hardware acceleration. Try lowering the Image Quality and Image Scale settings to get better FPS.


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