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Albert Domenech edited this page Aug 4, 2024 · 3 revisions

Dimension Class

Represents a entity.


Object name
Dxf class name


Namespace: ACadSharp.Entities


public abstractclass Dimension


Returns Name Summary
AttachmentPointType AttachmentPoint Attachment point
BlockRecord Block Block that contains the entities that make up the dimension picture
XYZ DefinitionPoint Definition point(in WCS)
DimensionType Flags Dimension type
Boolean FlipArrow1 Gets or sets a value indicating whether the first arrow
is to be flipped.
Boolean FlipArrow2 Gets or sets a value indicating whether the second arrow
to be flipped.
Double HorizontalDirection All dimension types have an optional 51 group code, which indicates the horizontal direction for the dimension entity.The dimension entity determines the orientation of dimension text and lines for horizontal, vertical, and rotated linear dimensions
This group value is the negative of the angle between the OCS X axis and the UCS X axis. It is always in the XY plane of the OCS
XYZ InsertionPoint Insertion point for clones of a dimension-Baseline and Continue(in OCS)
Boolean IsTextUserDefinedLocation Indicates if the dimension text has been positioned at a user-defined location rather than at the default location
Double LineSpacingFactor Dimension text-line spacing factor
LineSpacingStyleType LineSpacingStyle Dimension text line-spacing style
Double Measurement Actual measurement
XYZ Normal Specifies the three-dimensional normal unit vector for the object.
DimensionStyle Style Dimension style
String SubclassMarker
String Text Gets or sets an explicit dimension text to be displayed instead of the standard
dimension text created from the measurement in the format specified by the
dimension-style properties.
XYZ TextMiddlePoint Middle point of dimension text(in OCS)
Double TextRotation rotation angle of the dimension text away from its default orientation (the direction of the dimension line)
Byte Version Version number


Returns Name Summary
CadObject Clone
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