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Albert Domenech edited this page Oct 3, 2024 · 5 revisions

Ellipse Class

Represents a entity.


Object name
Dxf class name


Namespace: ACadSharp.Entities


public class Ellipse


Returns Name Summary
XYZ Center Center point (in WCS).
Double EndParameter End parameter.
XYZ EndPoint Endpoint of major axis, relative to the center (in WCS).
Boolean IsFullEllipse Flag that indicates weather this ellipse is closed or not.
Double MajorAxis Length of the major axis.
Double MinorAxis Length of the minor axis.
XYZ Normal Extrusion direction.
String ObjectName
ObjectType ObjectType
Double RadiusRatio Ratio of minor axis to major axis.
Double Rotation Rotation of the major axis from the world X axis.
Double StartParameter Start parameter.
String SubclassMarker
Double Thickness Specifies the distance a 2D object is extruded above or below its elevation.


Returns Name Summary
BoundingBox GetBoundingBox Gets the bounding box aligned with the axis XYZ that occupies this entity.
XY PolarCoordinateRelativeToCenter(System.Double) Calculate the local point on the ellipse for a given angle relative to the center.
List<XY> PolygonalVertexes(System.Int32) Converts the ellipse in a list of vertexes.
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