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Raffaele Picca edited this page Aug 2, 2023 · 22 revisions

Welcome to the Dome Keeper Modding Wiki!

Modding Overview

This wiki is the best place to get started getting any information about Modding Dome Keeper.

Our GitHub Org: Dome Keeper Mods

On the page of our Dome Keeper Mods GitHub org, you can find a list of mods and their repositories. If you are a developer it would be great to have you there to keep everything modding related in one place.

🕹 For Players

As a Player, you want to head over here to get the neccessary information.

👨‍💻 For Mod Developers

As a Developer you can check out our documentation to make it as easy as possible getting started quickly and easily.


We are looking forward meeting you in the #modding channel of our Discord server!

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