A curated list of awesome C-Sharp frameworks, libraries and software.
- shadowsocks/shadowsocks-windows - A C# port of shadowsocks
- CodeHubApp/CodeHub - CodeHub is an iOS application written using Xamarin
- dotnet-architecture/eShopOnContainers - Cross-platform .NET sample microservices and container based application that runs on Linux Windows and macOS. Powered by .NET 5, Docker Containers and Azure Kubernetes Services. Supports Visual Studio, VS for Mac and CLI based environments with Docker CLI, dotnet CLI, VS Code or any other code editor.
- mxgmn/WaveFunctionCollapse - Bitmap & tilemap generation from a single example with the help of ideas from quantum mechanics
- thangchung/awesome-dotnet-core - 🐝 A collection of awesome .NET core libraries, tools, frameworks and software
- dotnet/roslyn - The Roslyn .NET compiler provides C# and Visual Basic languages with rich code analysis APIs.
- MaterialDesignInXAML/MaterialDesignInXamlToolkit - Google's Material Design in XAML & WPF, for C# & VB.Net.
- OpenRA/OpenRA - Open Source real-time strategy game engine for early Westwood games such as Command & Conquer: Red Alert written in C# using SDL and OpenGL. Runs on Windows, Linux, *BSD and Mac OS X.
- Ryujinx/Ryujinx - Experimental Nintendo Switch Emulator written in C#
- dotnet/AspNetCore.Docs - Documentation for ASP.NET Core
- lionsoul2014/ip2region - Ip2region is a offline IP location library with accuracy rate of 99.9% and 0.0x millseconds searching performance. DB file is ONLY a few megabytes with all IP address stored. binding for Java,PHP,C,Python,Nodejs,Golang,C#,lua. Binary,B-tree,Memory searching algorithm
- mono/mono - Mono open source ECMA CLI, C# and .NET implementation.
- cefsharp/CefSharp - .NET (WPF and Windows Forms) bindings for the Chromium Embedded Framework
- Unity-Technologies/UnityCsReference - Unity C# reference source code.
- chocolatey/choco - Chocolatey - the package manager for Windows
- dotnet/csharplang - The official repo for the design of the C# programming language
- ardalis/CleanArchitecture - A starting point for Clean Architecture with ASP.NET Core
- JeffreySu/WeiXinMPSDK - 微信全平台 SDK Senparc.Weixin for C#,支持 .NET Framework 及 .NET Core、.NET 6.0。已支持微信公众号、小程序、小游戏、企业号、企业微信、开放平台、微信支付、JSSDK、微信周边等全平台。 WeChat SDK for C#.
- JustArchiNET/ArchiSteamFarm - C# application with primary purpose of idling Steam cards from multiple accounts simultaneously.
- nopSolutions/nopCommerce - The most popular open-source eCommerce shopping cart solution based on ASP.NET Core
- jasontaylordev/CleanArchitecture - Clean Architecture Solution Template for Angular 12 and .NET 5
- MathewSachin/Captura - Capture Screen, Audio, Cursor, Mouse Clicks and Keystrokes
- TGSAN/CMWTAT_Digital_Edition - CloudMoe Windows 10 Activation Toolkit get digital license, the best open source Win 10 activator in GitHub. GitHub 上最棒的开源 Win10 数字权利(数字许可证)激活工具!
- nilaoda/N_m3u8DL-CLI - [.NET] m3u8 downloader 开源的命令行m3u8/HLS/dash下载器,支持普通AES-128-CBC解密,多线程,自定义请求头等. 支持简体中文,繁体中文和英文. English Supported.
- unoplatform/uno - Build Mobile, Desktop and WebAssembly apps with C# and XAML. Today. Open source and professionally supported.
- migueldeicaza/gui.cs - Console-based user interface toolkit for .NET applications.
- QuantConnect/Lean - Lean Algorithmic Trading Engine by QuantConnect (C#, Python)
- OrchardCMS/OrchardCore - Orchard Core is an open-source modular and multi-tenant application framework built with ASP.NET Core, and a content management system (CMS) built on top of that framework.
- sschmid/Entitas-CSharp - Entitas is a super fast Entity Component System (ECS) Framework specifically made for C# and Unity
- dotnetcore/CAP - Distributed transaction solution in micro-service base on eventually consistency, also an eventbus with Outbox pattern
- Live-Charts/Live-Charts - Simple, flexible, interactive & powerful charts, maps and gauges for .Net
- bchavez/Bogus - 📇 A simple and sane fake data generator for C#, F#, and VB.NET. Based on and ported from the famed faker.js.
- egametang/ET - Unity3D Client And C# Server Framework
- microsoft/FASTER - Fast persistent recoverable log and key-value store + cache, in C# and C++.
- aalhour/C-Sharp-Algorithms - 📚 📈 Plug-and-play class-library project of standard Data Structures and Algorithms in C#
- CommunityToolkit/WindowsCommunityToolkit - The Windows Community Toolkit is a collection of helpers, extensions, and custom controls. It simplifies and demonstrates common developer tasks building UWP and .NET apps for Windows 10. The toolkit is part of the .NET Foundation.
- sta/websocket-sharp - A C# implementation of the WebSocket protocol client and server
- thangchung/clean-code-dotnet - 🛁 Clean Code concepts and tools adapted for .NET
- domaindrivendev/Swashbuckle.AspNetCore - Swagger tools for documenting API's built on ASP.NET Core
- lucasg/Dependencies - A rewrite of the old legacy software "depends.exe" in C# for Windows devs to troubleshoot dll load dependencies issues.
- Jimmey-Jiang/Common.Utility - Various helper class
- dotnet-state-machine/stateless - A simple library for creating state machines in C# code
- louthy/language-ext - C# functional language extensions - a base class library for functional programming
- spectreconsole/spectre.console - A .NET library that makes it easier to create beautiful console applications.
- donet5/SqlSugar - Best ORM Fastest ORM Simple Easy Sqlite orm Oracle ORM Mysql Orm postgresql ORm SqlServer oRm 达梦 ORM 人大金仓 ORM 神通ORM C# ORM
- MvvmCross/MvvmCross - The .NET MVVM framework for cross-platform solutions, including Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android, Windows and Mac.
- neuecc/MessagePack-CSharp - Extremely Fast MessagePack Serializer for C#(.NET, .NET Core, Unity, Xamarin). / msgpack.org[C#]
- davidfowl/AspNetCoreDiagnosticScenarios - This repository has examples of broken patterns in ASP.NET Core applications
- udacity/self-driving-car-sim - A self-driving car simulator built with Unity
- umbraco/Umbraco-CMS - The simple, flexible and friendly ASP.NET CMS used by more than 500.000 websites
- simplcommerce/SimplCommerce - A simple, cross platform, modularized ecommerce system built on .NET Core
- danielgerlag/workflow-core - Lightweight workflow engine for .NET Standard
- JoshClose/CsvHelper - Library to help reading and writing CSV files
- anjoy8/Blog.Core - 💖 ASP.NET Core 5.0 全家桶教程,前后端分离后端接口,vue教程姊妹篇,官方文档:
- Perfare/Il2CppDumper - Unity il2cpp reverse engineer
- HandyOrg/HandyControl - Contains some simple and commonly used WPF controls
- BluePointLilac/ContextMenuManager - 🖱️ 纯粹的Windows右键菜单管理程序
- commandlineparser/commandline - The best C# command line parser that brings standardized *nix getopt style, for .NET. Includes F# support
- cake-build/cake - 🍰 Cake (C# Make) is a cross platform build automation system.
- yck1509/ConfuserEx - An open-source, free protector for .NET applications
- ivanpaulovich/clean-architecture-manga - 🌀 Clean Architecture with .NET5, C#9 and React+Redux. Use cases as central organizing structure, completely testable, decoupled from frameworks
- TheAlgorithms/C-Sharp - All algorithms implemented in C#.
- ferventdesert/Hawk - visualized crawler & ETL IDE written with C#/WPF
- dotnet/corert - This repo contains CoreRT, an experimental .NET Core runtime optimized for AOT (ahead of time compilation) scenarios, with the accompanying compiler toolchain.
- Tyrrrz/DiscordChatExporter - Exports Discord chat logs to a file
- siteserver/cms - SS CMS 基于 .NET Core,能够以最低的成本、最少的人力投入在最短的时间内架设一个功能齐全、性能优异、规模庞大并易于维护的网站平台。
- ExcelDataReader/ExcelDataReader - Lightweight and fast library written in C# for reading Microsoft Excel files
- icsharpcode/SharpZipLib - #ziplib is a Zip, GZip, Tar and BZip2 library written entirely in C# for the .NET platform.
- microsoft/Git-Credential-Manager-for-Windows - Secure Git credential storage for Windows with support for Visual Studio Team Services, GitHub, and Bitbucket multi-factor authentication.
- mongodb/mongo-csharp-driver - .NET Driver for MongoDB
- chromelyapps/Chromely - Build HTML Desktop Apps on .NET/.NET Core/.NET 5 using native GUI, HTML5, JavaScript, CSS
- ClosedXML/ClosedXML - ClosedXML is a .NET library for reading, manipulating and writing Excel 2007+ (.xlsx, .xlsm) files. It aims to provide an intuitive and user-friendly interface to dealing with the underlying OpenXML API.
- codebude/QRCoder - A pure C# Open Source QR Code implementation
- cobbr/Covenant - Covenant is a collaborative .NET C2 framework for red teamers.
- NoelFB/Celeste - Celeste Bugs & Issue Tracker + some Source Code
- elsa-workflows/elsa-core - A .NET Standard 2.0 Workflows Library
- Xabaril/AspNetCore.Diagnostics.HealthChecks - Enterprise HealthChecks for ASP.NET Core Diagnostics Package
- Caliburn-Micro/Caliburn.Micro - A small, yet powerful framework, designed for building applications across all XAML platforms. Its strong support for MV* patterns will enable you to build your solution quickly, without the need to sacrifice code quality or testability.
- QianMo/Unity-Design-Pattern - 🍵 All Gang of Four Design Patterns written in Unity C# with many examples. And some Game Programming Patterns written in Unity C#. | 各种设计模式的Unity3D C#版本实现
- IgnaceMaes/MaterialSkin - Theming .NET WinForms, C# or VB.Net, to Google's Material Design Principles.
- scriptcs/scriptcs - Write C# apps with a text editor, nuget and the power of Roslyn!
- Ourpalm/ILRuntime - Pure C# IL Intepreter Runtime, which is fast and reliable for scripting requirement on enviorments, where jitting isn't possible.
- zeromq/netmq - A 100% native C# implementation of ZeroMQ for .NET
- wave-harmonic/crest - An advanced ocean system implemented in Unity3D
- dotnet/command-line-api - Command line parsing, invocation, and rendering of terminal output.
- bridgedotnet/Bridge -
♠️ C# to JavaScript compiler. Write modern mobile and web apps in C#. Run anywhere with Bridge.NET. - coverlet-coverage/coverlet - Cross platform code coverage for .NET
- Unity-Technologies/NavMeshComponents - High Level API Components for Runtime NavMesh Building
- ServiceStack/ServiceStack.Redis - .NET's leading C# Redis Client
- opentk/opentk - The Open Toolkit library is a fast, low-level C# wrapper for OpenGL, OpenAL & OpenCL. It also includes windowing, mouse, keyboard and joystick input and a robust and fast math library, giving you everything you need to write your own renderer or game engine. OpenTK can be used standalone or inside a GUI on Windows, Linux, Mac.
- rafaelfgx/Architecture - .NET 5, ASP.NET Core 5, Entity Framework Core 5, C# 9, Angular 12, Clean Code, SOLID, DDD.
- cq-panda/Vue.NetCore - .NetCore+Vue2/Vue3+Element plus,前后端分离,不一样的快速开发框架;提供Vue2、Vue3版本,。http://www.volcore.xyz/
- CosmosOS/Cosmos - Cosmos is an operating system "construction kit". Build your own OS using managed languages such as C#, VB.NET, and more!
- ddevault/TrueCraft - Minecraft for hipsters
- mono/CppSharp - Tools and libraries to glue C/C++ APIs to high-level languages
- JosefPihrt/Roslynator - A collection of 500+ analyzers, refactorings and fixes for C#, powered by Roslyn.
- neuecc/Utf8Json - Definitely Fastest and Zero Allocation JSON Serializer for C#(NET, .NET Core, Unity, Xamarin).
- openiddict/openiddict-core - Versatile OpenID Connect stack for ASP.NET Core 2.1/3.1/5.0 and Microsoft.Owin 4.2 (compatible with ASP.NET 4.6.1)
- Code52/carnac - A utility to give some insight into how you use your keyboard
- stefanprodan/AspNetCoreRateLimit - ASP.NET Core rate limiting middleware
- SciSharp/TensorFlow.NET - .NET Standard bindings for Google's TensorFlow for developing, training and deploying Machine Learning models in C# and F#.
- jbevain/cecil - Cecil is a library to inspect, modify and create .NET programs and libraries.
- confluentinc/confluent-kafka-dotnet - Confluent's Apache Kafka .NET client
- PomeloFoundation/Pomelo.EntityFrameworkCore.MySql - Entity Framework Core provider for MySQL and MariaDB built on top of MySqlConnector
- sqlkata/querybuilder - SQL query builder, written in c#, helps you build complex queries easily, supports SqlServer, MySql, PostgreSql, Oracle, Sqlite and Firebird
- MichaCo/CacheManager - CacheManager is an open source caching abstraction layer for .NET written in C#. It supports various cache providers and implements many advanced features.
- x360ce/x360ce - Primary repository for the x360ce library, front-end and tools.
- GavinYellow/SharpSCADA - C# SCADA
- xamarin/XamarinComponents - Plugins for Xamarin
- zzzprojects/html-agility-pack - Html Agility Pack (HAP) is a free and open-source HTML parser written in C# to read/write DOM and supports plain XPATH or XSLT. It is a .NET code library that allows you to parse "out of the web" HTML files.
- DotNetAnalyzers/StyleCopAnalyzers - An implementation of StyleCop rules using the .NET Compiler Platform
- sjdirect/abot - Cross Platform C# web crawler framework built for speed and flexibility. Please star this project! +1.
- blazorhero/CleanArchitecture - Clean Architecture Template for Blazor WebAssembly Built with MudBlazor Components.
- nhibernate/nhibernate-core - NHibernate Object Relational Mapper
- jamesmh/coravel - Near-zero config .NET Core micro-framework that makes advanced application features like Task Scheduling, Caching, Queuing, Event Broadcasting, and more a breeze!
- GhostPack/Seatbelt - Seatbelt is a C# project that performs a number of security oriented host-survey "safety checks" relevant from both offensive and defensive security perspectives.
- robinrodricks/FluentFTP - An FTP and FTPS client for .NET & .NET Standard, optimized for speed. Provides extensive FTP commands, File uploads/downloads, SSL/TLS connections, Automatic directory listing parsing, File hashing/checksums, File permissions/CHMOD, FTP proxies, FXP support, UTF-8 support, Async/await support, Powershell support and more. Written entirely in C#, with no external dependencies.
- bitbeans/SimpleDnsCrypt - A simple management tool for dnscrypt-proxy
- Facepunch/Facepunch.Steamworks - Another fucking c# Steamworks implementation
- Fody/Costura - Embed references as resources
- vietnam-devs/coolstore-microservices - A full-stack .NET microservices build on Dapr and Tye
- sprache/Sprache - A tiny, friendly, C# parser construction library
- statianzo/Fleck - C# Websocket Implementation
- SonyWWS/ATF - Authoring Tools Framework (ATF) is a set of C#/.NET components for making tools on Windows. ATF has been in continuous development in Sony Computer Entertainment's (SCE) Worldwide Studios central tools group since early 2005. ATF has been used by most SCE first party studios to make many custom tools such as Naughty Dog’s level editor and shader editor for The Last of Us, Guerrilla Games’ sequence editor for Killzone games (including the Killzone: Shadow Fall PS4 launch title), an animation blending tool at Santa Monica Studio, a level editor at Bend Studio, a visual state machine editor for Quantic Dream, sound editing tools, and many others.
- filipw/dotnet-script - Run C# scripts from the .NET CLI.
- rlabrecque/Steamworks.NET - Steamworks wrapper for Unity / C#
- natemcmaster/CommandLineUtils - Command line parsing and utilities for .NET
- filoe/cscore - An advanced audio library, written in C#. Provides tons of features. From playing/recording audio to decoding/encoding audio streams/files to processing audio data in realtime (e.g. applying custom effects during playback, create visualizations,...). The possibilities are nearly unlimited.
- NewEraCracker/LOIC - Low Orbit Ion Cannon - An open source network stress tool, written in C#. Based on Praetox's LOIC project. USE ON YOUR OWN RISK. WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES.
- Codeusa/SteamCleaner - 🇺🇸 A PC utility for restoring disk space from various game clients like Origin, Steam, Uplay, Battle.net, GoG and Nexon 🇺🇸
- DotNetOpenAuth/DotNetOpenAuth - A C# implementation of the OpenID, OAuth protocols
- 2881099/csredis - .NET Core or .NET Framework 4.0+ client for Redis and Redis Sentinel (2.8) and Cluster. Includes both synchronous and asynchronous clients.
- Klocman/Bulk-Crap-Uninstaller - Remove large amounts of unwanted applications quickly.
- kgrzybek/sample-dotnet-core-cqrs-api - Sample .NET Core REST API CQRS implementation with raw SQL and DDD using Clean Architecture.
- nxrighthere/UnrealCLR - Unreal Engine .NET 5 integration
- xamarin/xamarin-android - Xamarin.Android provides open-source bindings of the Android SDK for use with .NET managed languages such as C#
- kwwwvagaa/NetWinformControl - HZHControls,c#winfrom custom control, has better operation support for touch screen, the project is based on framework4.0, completely native control development, do not use any third-party controls, you can use it safely in your project (winfromcontrol/winformcontrol/.net).There are more abundant industrial controls that continue to increase in the ~~~
- dotnetcore/WebApiClient - An open source project based on the HttpClient. You only need to define the c# interface and modify the related features to invoke the client library of the remote http interface asynchronously.
- Demigiant/dotween - A Unity C# animation engine. HOTween v2
- bombomby/optick - C++ Profiler For Games
- adamhathcock/sharpcompress - SharpCompress is a fully managed C# library to deal with many compression types and formats.
- dotnet/Docker.DotNet - 🐳 .NET (C#) Client Library for Docker API
- rabbitmq/rabbitmq-dotnet-client - RabbitMQ .NET client for .NET Standard 2.0+ and .NET 4.6.1+
- cairoshell/cairoshell - Cairo is a customizable, intuitive desktop environment for Windows.
- ONLYOFFICE/CommunityServer - Free open source office suite with business productivity tools: document and project management, CRM, mail aggregator.
- abishekaditya/DesignPatterns - Project : Design Patterns Examples in C#
- dotnet/corefxlab - This repo is for experimentation and exploring new ideas that may or may not make it into the main corefx repo.
- yimengfan/BDFramework.Core - Simple and powerful Unity3d game workflow! 简单、高效的商业级unity3d 工作流。(已被多个大厂借鉴使用)
- codecadwallader/codemaid - CodeMaid is an open source Visual Studio extension to cleanup and simplify our C#, C++, F#, VB, PHP, PowerShell, JSON, XAML, XML, ASP, HTML, CSS, LESS, SCSS, JavaScript and TypeScript coding.
- outflanknl/EvilClippy - A cross-platform assistant for creating malicious MS Office documents. Can hide VBA macros, stomp VBA code (via P-Code) and confuse macro analysis tools. Runs on Linux, OSX and Windows.
- ivaylokenov/MyTested.AspNetCore.Mvc - Fluent testing library for ASP.NET Core MVC.
- Auburn/FastNoiseLite - Fast Portable Noise Library - C# C++ C Java(Script) HLSL
- MichalStrehovsky/zerosharp - Demo of the potential of C# for systems programming with the .NET native ahead-of-time compilation technology.
- aelij/RoslynPad - A cross-platform C# editor based on Roslyn and AvalonEdit
- Fody/PropertyChanged - Injects INotifyPropertyChanged code into properties at compile time
- dotnetcore/AspectCore-Framework - AspectCore is an AOP-based cross platform framework for .NET Standard.
- xamarin/XamarinCommunityToolkit - The Xamarin Community Toolkit is a collection of Animations, Behaviors, Converters, and Effects for mobile development with Xamarin.Forms. It simplifies and demonstrates common developer tasks building iOS, Android, and UWP apps with Xamarin.Forms.
- PiranhaCMS/piranha.core - Piranha CMS is the friendly editor-focused CMS for .NET Core that can be used both as an integrated CMS or as a headless API.
- cube0x0/CVE-2021-1675 - C# and Impacket implementation of PrintNightmare CVE-2021-1675/CVE-2021-34527
- Belphemur/SoundSwitch - C# application to switch default playing device. Download: https://soundswitch.aaflalo.me/
- castleproject/Core - Castle Core, including Castle DynamicProxy, Logging Services and DictionaryAdapter
- KSP-CKAN/CKAN - The Comprehensive Kerbal Archive Network
- markrendle/Simple.Data - A light-weight, dynamic data access component for C# 4.0
- cobbr/SharpSploit - SharpSploit is a .NET post-exploitation library written in C#
- Monnoroch/ColorHighlighter - ColorHighlighter - is a plugin for the Sublime text 2 and 3, which underlays selected hexadecimal colorcodes (like "#FFFFFF", "rgb(255,255,255)", "white", etc.) with their real color. Also, plugin adds color picker to easily modify colors. Documentation: https://monnoroch.github.io/ColorHighlighter.
- shuxinqin/Chloe - A lightweight and high-performance Object/Relational Mapping(ORM) library for .NET --C#
- nuke-build/nuke - 🏗 The AKEless Build System for C#/.NET
- ThePBone/GalaxyBudsClient - Unofficial Galaxy Buds Manager for Windows and Linux
- clojure/clojure-clr - A port of Clojure to the CLR, part of the Clojure project
- ScutGame/Scut - Scut is a free, open source, stable game server framework, which support C#/Python/Lua script, and support Unity3d, Cocos2dx, FlashAir client access.
- asadsahi/AspNetCoreSpa - Asp.Net 5.0 & Angular 11 SPA Fullstack application with plenty of examples. Live demo:
- justcoding121/titanium-web-proxy - A cross-platform asynchronous HTTP(S) proxy server in C#.
- microsoftarchive/cqrs-journey - Microsoft patterns & pratices CQRS Journey sample application
- matterpreter/DefenderCheck - Identifies the bytes that Microsoft Defender flags on.
- Tyrrrz/CliWrap - Library for running command line processes
- TASVideos/BizHawk - BizHawk is a multi-system emulator written in C#. BizHawk provides nice features for casual gamers such as full screen, and joypad support in addition to full rerecording and debugging tools for all system cores.
- vkhorikov/CSharpFunctionalExtensions - Functional extensions for C#
- amaneureka/AtomOS - A multitasking monolithic Kernel based x86 targeting Operating System written in C# from scratch aiming for high-level implementation of drivers in managed environment.
- microsoft/Git-Credential-Manager-Core - Secure, cross-platform Git credential storage with authentication to GitHub, Azure Repos, and other popular Git hosting services.
- asynkron/protoactor-dotnet - Proto Actor - Ultra fast distributed actors for Go, C# and Java/Kotlin
- zkavtaskin/Domain-Driven-Design-Example - Blog series supplementary domain-driven design C# repository that (hopefully) actually makes sense.
- Sergio0694/ComputeSharp - A .NET 5 library to run C# code in parallel on the GPU through DX12 and dynamically generated HLSL compute shaders, with the goal of making GPU computing easy to use for all .NET developers! 🚀
- phw198/OutlookGoogleCalendarSync - Sync your Outlook and Google calendars
- stella3d/job-system-cookbook - Examples of using the C# Job System in Unity 2018
- SciSharp/BotSharp - The Open Source AI Chatbot Platform Builder in 100% C# Running in .NET Core with Machine Learning algorithm.
- dotnet/codeformatter - Tool that uses Roslyn to automatically rewrite the source to follow our coding styles
- dotnetcore/EasyCaching - 💥 EasyCaching is an open source caching library that contains basic usages and some advanced usages of caching which can help us to handle caching more easier!
- keijiro/Voxelman - Unity ECS + C# Job System example
- oskardudycz/EventSourcing.NetCore - Examples and Tutorials of Event Sourcing in .NET
- Unity-Technologies/com.unity.netcode.gameobjects - Netcode for GameObjects is a high-level netcode SDK that provides networking capabilities to GameObject/MonoBehaviour workflows within Unity and sits on top of underlying transport layer.
- webprofusion/certify - SSL Certificate Manager UI for Windows, powered by Let's Encrypt and compatible with all ACME v2 CAs. Download from certifytheweb.com
- yingDev/WGestures - Modern mouse gestures for Windows. (C#)
- jasonhua95/awesome-dotnet-core - .NET Core库、工具、框架和软件的中文收录大全。 内容包括:库、工具、框架、模板引擎、身份认证、数据库、ORM框架、图片处理、文本处理、机器学习、日志、代码分析、教程等。
- ArduPilot/MissionPlanner - Mission Planner Ground Control Station (c# .net)
- Unity-Technologies/Unity.Mathematics - The C# math library used in Unity providing vector types and math functions with a shader like syntax
- chocolatey/ChocolateyGUI - A delicious GUI for Chocolatey
- microsoft/Xaml-Controls-Gallery - This app demonstrates the controls available in WinUI and the Fluent Design System.
- SebLague/Path-Creator - Path creation asset for Unity game development
- AnyListen/YaVipCore - Net Core Music Interface
- microsoft/coyote - Coyote is a tool designed to help ensure that your C# code is free of annoying concurrency bugs.
- gradientspace/geometry3Sharp - C# library for 2D/3D geometric computation, mesh algorithms, and so on. Boost license.
- loklak/loklak_dotnet_api - A C#.NET Wrapper for Loklak to be used with Windows applications
- NRules/NRules - Rules engine for .NET, based on the Rete matching algorithm, with internal DSL in C#.
- davideicardi/DynamicExpresso - C# expressions interpreter
- cloudscribe/cloudscribe - ASP.NET Core multi-tenant web application foundation with management for sites, users, roles, claims and more
- Tichau/FileConverter - File Converter is a very simple tool which allows you to convert and compress one or several file(s) using the context menu in windows explorer.
- unity3d-jp/unitychan-crs - Unity-Chan "Candy Rock Star" Live Demo
- Coldairarrow/Colder.Admin.AntdVue - Admin Fx Based On .NET 5 + Ant Design Vue
- DavidArayan/ezy-slice - An open source mesh slicer framework for Unity3D Game Engine. Written in C#.
- chronoxor/NetCoreServer - Ultra fast and low latency asynchronous socket server & client C# .NET Core library with support TCP, SSL, UDP, HTTP, HTTPS, WebSocket protocols and 10K connections problem solution
- CarterCommunity/Carter - Carter is framework that is a thin layer of extension methods and functionality over ASP.NET Core allowing code to be more explicit and most importantly more enjoyable.
- code-cracker/code-cracker - An analyzer library for C# and VB that uses Roslyn to produce refactorings, code analysis, and other niceties.
- StyleCop/StyleCop - Analyzes C# source code to enforce a set of style and consistency rules.
- mcintyre321/OneOf - Easy to use F#-like
discriminatedunions for C# with exhaustive compile time matching - xebecnan/UniLua - A pure c# implementation of Lua 5.2 focus on compatibility with Unity
- alastairtree/LazyCache - An easy to use thread safe in-memory caching service with a simple developer friendly API for c#
- Tangent-90/Coolapk-UWP - 酷安第三方UWP客户端
- tomakita/Colorful.Console - Style your .NET console output!
- moonsharp-devs/moonsharp - An interpreter for the Lua language, written entirely in C# for the .NET, Mono, Xamarin and Unity3D platforms, including handy remote debugger facilities.
- microsoft/Cognitive-Samples-IntelligentKiosk - Welcome to the Intelligent Kiosk Sample! Here you will find several demos showcasing workflows and experiences built on top of the Microsoft Cognitive Services.
- mysql-net/MySqlConnector - Async MySQL Connector for .NET and .NET Core
- bepu/bepuphysics2 - Pure C# 3D real time physics simulation library, now with a higher version number.
- Tyrrrz/CliFx - Declarative framework for building command line interfaces
- ArthurHub/HTML-Renderer - Cross framework (WinForms/WPF/PDF/Metro/Mono/etc.), Multipurpose (UI Controls / Image generation / PDF generation / etc.), 100% managed (C#), High performance HTML Rendering library.
- sabresaurus/SabreCSG - Level design tools for Unity
- NYAN-x-CAT/AsyncRAT-C-Sharp - Open-Source Remote Administration Tool For Windows C# (RAT)
- microsoft/CDM - The Common Data Model (CDM) is a standard and extensible collection of schemas (entities, attributes, relationships) that represents business concepts and activities with well-defined semantics, to facilitate data interoperability. Examples of entities include: Account, Contact, Lead, Opportunity, Product, etc.
- alelievr/NodeGraphProcessor - Node graph editor framework focused on data processing using Unity UIElements and C# 4.6
- googleapis/google-api-dotnet-client - Google APIs Client Library for .NET
- ardalis/GuardClauses - A simple package with guard clause extensions.
- JohnnyCrazy/SpotifyAPI-NET - 🔉 A Client for the Spotify Web API, written in C#/.NET
- PixelVision8/PixelVision8 - Pixel Vision 8's core philosophy is to teach retro game development with streamlined workflows. PV8 is also a platform that standardizes 8-bit fantasy console limitations built on top of the open-source C# game engine based on MonoGame.
- PavelTorgashov/FastColoredTextBox - Fast Colored TextBox for Syntax Highlighting. The text editor component for .NET.
- vovgou/loxodon-framework - An MVVM & Databinding framework that can use C# and Lua to develop games
- Knagis/CommonMark.NET - Implementation of CommonMark specification in C# for converting Markdown documents to HTML. Optimized for maximum performance and portability.
- sochix/TLSharp - Telegram client library implemented in C#
- jacksondunstan/UnityNativeScripting - Unity Scripting in C++
- gautema/CQRSlite - A lightweight framework to help creating CQRS and Eventsourcing applications in C#
- opendns/dnscrypt-win-client - Windows front end for DNSCrypt Proxy
- microsoft/ClearScript - A library for adding scripting to .NET applications. Supports V8 (Windows, Linux, macOS) and JScript/VBScript (Windows).
- CoreWCF/CoreWCF - Main repository for the Core WCF project
- natemcmaster/DotNetCorePlugins - .NET Core library for dynamically loading code
- microsoft/WindowsCompositionSamples - Windows Composition Samples the place for getting the latest code samples and demos using Windows.UI.Xaml and Windows.UI.Composition to make beautiful Universal Windows Platform applications.
- ericdc1/Dapper.SimpleCRUD - Who wants to write basic read/insert/update/delete statements? SimpleCRUD provides simple CRUD helpers for Dapper.
- dathlin/ClientServerProject - 一个C-S模版,该模版由三部分的程序组成,一个服务端运行的程序,一个客户端运行的程序,还有一个公共的组件,实现了基础的账户管理功能,版本控制,软件升级,公告管理,消息群发,共享文件上传下载,批量文件传送功能。具体的操作方法见演示就行。本项目的一个目标是:提供一个基础的中小型系统的C-S框架,客户端有三种模式,无缝集成访问,winform版本,wpf版本,asp.net mvc版本,方便企业进行中小型系统的二次开发和个人学习。同时网络组件方便的支持读写三菱和西门子PLC的数据,详细见Readme
- MarimerLLC/csla - A home for your business logic in any .NET application.
- ReClassNET/ReClass.NET - More than a ReClass port to the .NET platform.
- Real-Serious-Games/C-Sharp-Promise - Promises library for C# for management of asynchronous operations.
- microsoft/Mobius - C# and F# language binding and extensions to Apache Spark
- jbogard/ContosoUniversityDotNetCore-Pages - With Razor Pages
- hvanbakel/CsprojToVs2017 - Tooling for converting pre 2017 project to the new Visual Studio 2017 format.
- bcgit/bc-csharp - Bouncy Castle C# Distribution (Mirror)
- Thraka/SadConsole - A .NET ascii/ansi console engine written in C# for MonoGame and XNA. Create your own text roguelike (or other) games!
- Grabacr07/KanColleViewer - 艦これブラウザーのようなもの
- EasyHttp/EasyHttp - Http Library for C#
- BluestormDNA/ProjectPSX - Experimental C# Playstation Emulator
- sestoft/C5 - C5 generic collection library for C#/.NET
- zzzprojects/Z.ExtensionMethods - C# Extension Methods | Over 1000 extension methods:
- yasirkula/UnityIngameDebugConsole - A uGUI based console to see debug messages and execute commands during gameplay in Unity
- eliasts/Ocean_Community_Next_Gen - Next gen iteration of the unity community ocean shader
- TomaszRewak/C-sharp-console-gui-framework - A GUI framework for C# console applications
- giacomelli/GeneticSharp - GeneticSharp is a fast, extensible, multi-platform and multithreading C# Genetic Algorithm library that simplifies the development of applications using Genetic Algorithms (GAs).
- sendgrid/sendgrid-csharp - The Official Twilio SendGrid Led, Community Driven C#, .NetStandard, .NetCore API Library
- phongnguyend/Practical.CleanArchitecture - Asp.Net Core 5 Clean Architecture (Microservices, Modular Monolith, Monolith) samples (+Blazor, Angular 12, React 17, Vue 2.6), Domain-Driven Design, CQRS, Event Sourcing, SOLID, Asp.Net Core Identity Custom Storage, Identity Server 4 Admin UI, Entity Framework Core, Selenium E2E Testing, SignalR, Hosted Services, Health Checks, Security Headers, ...
- Azure/durabletask - Durable Task Framework allows users to write long running persistent workflows in C# using the async/await capabilities.
- filipw/Strathweb.CacheOutput - ASP.NET Web API CacheOutput - library to allow you to cache the output of ApiControllers
- linvi/tweetinvi - Tweetinvi, an intuitive Twitter C# library for the REST and Stream API. It supports .NET, .NETCore, UAP (Xamarin)...
- BlueRaja/High-Speed-Priority-Queue-for-C-Sharp - A C# priority queue optimized for pathfinding applications
- facebook-csharp-sdk/facebook-csharp-sdk - Facebook SDK for .NET
- dotnet/Comet - Comet is an MVU UIToolkit written in C#
- Naphier/unity-design-patterns - Examples of programming design patterns in Unity C#
- OpenSAGE/OpenSAGE - OpenSAGE is a free, open source re-implementation of SAGE, the 3D real time strategy (RTS) engine used in Command & Conquer: Generals and other RTS titles from EA Pacific. Written in C#. Not affiliated with EA.
- microsoft/CodeContracts - Source code for the CodeContracts tools for .NET
- integralfx/MemTestHelper - C# WPF to automate HCI MemTest
- iammukeshm/CleanArchitecture.WebApi - An implementation of Clean Architecture for ASP.NET Core 3.1 WebAPI. Built with loosely coupled architecture and clean-code practices in mind.
- Azure/azure-functions-core-tools - Command line tools for Azure Functions
- UiPath/CoreWF - WF runtime ported to work on .NET 5
- andrewkirillov/AForge.NET - AForge.NET Framework is a C# framework designed for developers and researchers in the fields of Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence - image processing, neural networks, genetic algorithms, machine learning, robotics, etc.
- Squalr/Squalr - Squalr Memory Editor - Game Hacking Tool Written in C#
- vis2k/Telepathy - Simple, message based, MMO Scale TCP networking in C#. And no magic.
- yanghuan/CSharp.lua - The C# to Lua compiler
- dotnetcore/Natasha - 基于 Roslyn 的 C# 动态程序集构建库,该库允许开发者在运行时使用 C# 代码构建域 / 程序集 / 类 / 结构体 / 枚举 / 接口 / 方法等,使得程序在运行的时候可以增加新的模块及功能。Natasha 集成了域管理/插件管理,可以实现域隔离,域卸载,热拔插等功能。 该库遵循完整的编译流程,提供完整的错误提示, 可自动添加引用,完善的数据结构构建模板让开发者只专注于程序集脚本的编写,兼容 stanadard2.0 / netcoreapp3.0+, 跨平台,统一、简便的链式 API。 且我们会尽快修复您的问题及回复您的 issue.
- dotnet/try-convert - Helping .NET developers port their projects to .NET Core!
- matterpreter/OffensiveCSharp - Collection of Offensive C# Tooling
- justcoding121/advanced-algorithms - 100+ algorithms & data structures generically implemented in C#.
- Azure-Samples/cognitive-services-speech-sdk - Sample code for the Microsoft Cognitive Services Speech SDK
- yhuse/SunnyUI - SunnyUI.Net, 基于.Net Framework 4.0+、.Net Core3.1、.Net 5 框架的 C# WinForm 开源控件库、工具类库、扩展类库、多页面开发框架。
- microsoft/CsWin32 - A source generator to add a user-defined set of Win32 P/Invoke methods and supporting types to a C# project.
- bing-framework/Bing.NetCore - Bing是基于 .net core 2.0 的框架,旨在提升团队的开发输出能力,由常用公共操作类(工具类、帮助类)、分层架构基类,第三方组件封装,第三方业务接口封装等组成。
- dotnetcore/SmartSql - SmartSql = MyBatis in C# + .NET Core+ Cache(Memory | Redis) + R/W Splitting + PropertyChangedTrack +Dynamic Repository + InvokeSync + Diagnostics
- guryanovev/CrystalQuartz - pluggable UI for Quartz.NET
- handcircus/Unity-Resource-Checker - Editor utility for unity to help check resources in the current scene (including active textures, their sizes, materials, meshes and which objects are using them)
- proyecto26/RestClient - 🦄 Simple HTTP and REST client for Unity based on Promises, also supports Callbacks! 🎮
- mdhiggins/CenterTaskbar - Center Windows Taskbar Icons
- matthewrenze/clean-architecture-demo - A sample app for my presentation on Clean Architecture: Patterns, Practices, and Principles
- OfficeDev/TrainingContent - Training Content used for developer.microsoft.com/office
- microsoft/clrmd - Microsoft.Diagnostics.Runtime is a set of APIs for introspecting processes and dumps.
- dotnetcore/Alipay.AopSdk.Core - 支付宝(Alipay)服务端SDK,采用.NET Standard 2.0,支持.NET Core >=2.0,与官方SDK接口完全相同。完全可以按照官方文档进行开发。除了支持支付以外,官方SDK支持的功能本SDK全部支持,比如生活号、服务窗、行业合作等,且用法几乎一样,代码都可参考官方文档代码。
- csinn/CSharp-From-Zero-To-Hero - C# boot camp
- shack2/SuperSQLInjectionV1 - 超级SQL注入工具(SSQLInjection)是一款基于HTTP协议自组包的SQL注入工具,采用C#开发,直接操作TCP会话来进行HTTP交互,支持出现在HTTP协议任意位置的SQL注入,支持各种类型的SQL注入,支持HTTPS模式注入;支持以盲注、错误显示、Union注入等方式来获取数据;支持Access/MySQL/SQLServer/Oracle/PostgreSQL/DB2/SQLite/Informix等数据库;支持手动灵活的进行SQL注入绕过,可自定义进行字符替换等绕过注入防护。本工具为渗透测试人员、信息安全工程师等掌握SQL注入技能的人员设计,需要使用人员对SQL注入有一定了解。
- rdvojmoc/DinkToPdf - C# .NET Core wrapper for wkhtmltopdf library that uses Webkit engine to convert HTML pages to PDF.
- grumpydev/TinyIoC - An easy to use, hassle free, Inversion of Control Container for small projects, libraries and beginners alike.
- Quobject/SocketIoClientDotNet - Socket.IO Client Library for .Net
- msgpack/msgpack-cli - MessagePack implementation for Common Language Infrastructure / msgpack.org[C#]
- aliostad/CacheCow - An implementation of HTTP Caching in .NET Core and 4.5.2+ for both the client and the server
- stratisproject/StratisBitcoinFullNode - Bitcoin full node in C#
- Ruslan-B/FFmpeg.AutoGen - FFmpeg auto generated unsafe bindings for C#/.NET and Core (Linux, MacOS and Mono).
- datalust/superpower - A C# parser construction toolkit with high-quality error reporting
- VaughnVernon/IDDD_Samples_NET - These are the sample Bounded Contexts for C#.NET from the book "Implementing Domain-Driven Design" by Vaughn Vernon: http://vaughnvernon.co/?page_id=168
- ORelio/Minecraft-Console-Client - Lightweight console for Minecraft chat and automated scripts
- tonerdo/readline - A Pure C# GNU-Readline like library for .NET/.NET Core
- Brackeys/2D-Character-Controller - Free 2D Character Controller for Unity.
- NiclasOlofsson/MiNET - A (not so) basic Minecraft Pocket Edition server written in C#
- dotnetcore/FlubuCore - A cross platform build and deployment automation system for building projects and executing deployment scripts using C# code.
- ElPumpo/TinyNvidiaUpdateChecker - Check for NVIDIA GPU driver updates!
- mono/Embeddinator-4000 - Tools to turn .NET libraries into native libraries that can be consumed on Android, iOS, Mac, Linux and other platforms.
- ardalis/SmartEnum - A base class for quickly and easily creating strongly typed enum replacements in C#.
- dathlin/HslCommunication - A very popular industrial Internet of Things communication plug-in. Using this dll can be very convenient, stable, and fast to obtain data from PLC equipment of multiple brands, and also supports redis, mqtt, websocket, etc., which can let your data on the network Free transmission, reducing enterprise development costs.
- Leopotam/ecs - LeoECS is a fast Entity Component System (ECS) Framework powered by C# with optional integration to Unity
- xamarinhq/app-conference - Pre-build conference application built with Xamarin
- waf/CSharpRepl - A command line C# REPL with syntax highlighting – explore the language, libraries and nuget packages interactively.
- Cinchoo/ChoEazyCopy - Simple and powerful GUI to Microsoft RoboCopy tool
- NikolayIT/ASP.NET-Core-Template - A ready-to-use template for ASP.NET Core with repositories, services, models mapping, DI and StyleCop warnings fixed.
- spr1ngd/UnityCodes - SpringGUI是对UGUI的拓展,提供十多种UI组件用于快速开发。
- nlkl/Optional - A robust option type for C#
- SebLague/Marching-Cubes - Coding Adventure
- VictorTzeng/Zxw.Framework.NetCore - 基于EF Core的Code First模式的DotNetCore快速开发框架,其中包括DBContext、IOC组件autofac和AspectCore.Injector、代码生成器(也支持DB First)、基于AspectCore的memcache和Redis缓存组件,以及基于ICanPay的支付库和一些日常用的方法和扩展,比如批量插入、更新、删除以及触发器支持,当然还有demo。欢迎提交各种建议、意见和pr~
- dadhi/FastExpressionCompiler - Fast compiler of C# Expression tree to the delegate
- oleg-shilo/wixsharp - Framework for building a complete MSI or WiX source code by using script files written with the C# syntax.
- Unity-Technologies/com.unity.formats.alembic - Alembic importer and exporter plugin for Unity
- googleapis/google-cloud-dotnet - Google Cloud Client Libraries for .NET
- terrajobst/minsk - This repo contains Minsk, a handwritten compiler in C#. It illustrates basic concepts of compiler construction and how one can tool the language inside of an IDE by exposing APIs for parsing and type checking.
- Catel/Catel - An application development platform
- Lunat1q/Catchem-PoGo - Project is DEAD, Discord server: https://discord.me/Catchem
- Jimmey-Jiang/ABP-ASP.NET-Boilerplate-Project-CMS - ABP module-zero +AdminLTE+Bootstrap Table+jQuery+Redis + sql server+quartz+hangfire权限管理系统
- flibitijibibo/SDL2-CS - SDL2# - C# Wrapper for SDL2
- aspnetboilerplate/module-zero-core-template - ASP.NET Core MVC / Angular Startup Project For ASP.NET Boilerplate
- antiufo/roslyn-linq-rewrite - Compiles C# code by first rewriting the syntax trees of LINQ expressions using plain procedural code, minimizing allocations and dynamic dispatch.
- PlayFab/consuldotnet - .NET API for Consul (http://www.consul.io/)
- ExtCore/ExtCore - Free, open source and cross-platform framework for creating modular and extendable web applications based on ASP.NET Core
- bonesoul/CoiniumServ - Next-gen crypto currency mining pool software
- ErikEJ/SqlCeToolbox - SQLite & SQL Server Compact Toolbox extension for Visual Studio, SSMS (and stand alone)
- cofoundry-cms/cofoundry - Cofoundry is an extensible and flexible .NET Core CMS & application framework focusing on code first development
- pbhogan/InControl - An input manager for Unity that tames the cross-platform controller beast.
- cjddmut/Unity-2D-Platformer-Controller - A customizable 2D platformer motor that handles mechanics such as double jumps, wall jumps, and corner grabs. Includes a player controlled prefab that can be dropped into any scene for immediate support.
- luxkun/ReGoap - Generic C# GOAP (Goal Oriented Action Planning) library with Unity3d examples
- chenjd/Render-Crowd-Of-Animated-Characters - Animation Baker and Instancing for Animated Characters: Using GPU to implement large-amount animation characters rendering. The animation map for vertex shader to modify the vertex position of the mesh at runtime. Using GPU instancing to reduce draw calls. The initial version was released on GitHub in Jul 2017, and of course, it is still on GitHub. However, if you can buy me a cup of coffee, I will be very happy :-).
- sebas77/Svelto.ECS - Svelto ECS C# Lightweight Data Oriented Entity Component System Framework
- Nition/UnityOctree - A dynamic, loose octree implementation for Unity written in C#
- beto-rodriguez/LiveCharts2 - Simple, flexible, interactive & powerful charts, maps and gauges for .Net, LiveCharts2 can now practically run everywhere WPF, WinForms, Xamarin, Avalonia, WinUI, UWP.
- DigDes/SoapCore - SOAP extension for ASP.NET Core
- siemens/ros-sharp - ROS# is a set of open source software libraries and tools in C# for communicating with ROS from .NET applications, in particular Unity3D
- icsharpcode/NRefactory - NRefactory - Refactoring Your C# Code
- GregFinzer/Compare-Net-Objects - What you have been waiting for 👍 Perform a deep compare of any two .NET objects using reflection. Shows the differences between the two objects.
- ubisoft/Sharpmake - Sharpmake is an open-source C#-based solution for generating project definition files, such as Visual Studio projects and solutions, GNU makefiles, Xcode projects, etc.
- lukebuehler/CShell - A simple, yet powerful, C# scripting IDE and REPL
- ALIILAPRO/warp-plus-cloudflare - Script for getting unlimited GB on Warp+ ( )
- dotnetcore/AgileConfig - 基于.NET Core开发的轻量级分布式配置中心 / .NET Core lightweight configuration server
- Krutonium/Windows-10-Login-Background-Changer - Changes the Windows 10 Login Screen Background
- czz1233/CMWTAT_Digital_Edition - win10激活工具,火绒不报错,开源工具。永久数字证书。😂原理好像是,先kms激活win10,👍再用用Win7兼容性模式运行官方的gatherosstate.exe数字权利激活工具。
- anaisbetts/ModernHttpClient - HttpClient implementations that use platform-native HTTP clients for 🚀
- bradymholt/cron-expression-descriptor - A .NET library that converts cron expressions into human readable descriptions.
- IronWarrior/SuperCharacterController - Unity custom character controller
- AlbertMN/AssistantComputerControl - Control your computer with your Google Home or Amazon Alexa assistant!
- ControlzEx/ControlzEx - Shared Controlz for WPF and ... more
- nikhilk/scriptsharp - Script# Project - a C# to JavaScript compiler, to power your HTML5 and Node.js web development.
- AndreiMisiukevich/CardView - CardsView | CarouselView | CoverflowView | CubeView for Xamarin.Forms
- garora/TDD-Katas - This repository contains Hands on Test Driven Development Katas (C#)
- NModbus4/NModbus4 - NModbus4 is a C# implementation of the Modbus protocol.
- mvelazc0/defcon27_csharp_workshop - Writing custom backdoor payloads with C# - Defcon 27 Workshop
- thangchung/clean-architecture-dotnet - 🕸 Yet Another .NET Clean Architecture, but for Microservices project. It uses Minimal Clean Architecture with DDD-lite, CQRS-lite, and just enough Cloud-native patterns apply on the simple eCommerce sample and run on Tye with Dapr extension 🍻
- SteveSandersonMS/CarChecker - A sample Blazor WebAssembly application that includes authentication, in-browser data storage, offline support, localization, responsive layouts, and more. For a video walkthrough, see this link:
- snatch-dev/Convey - A simple recipe for .NET Core microservices.
- net-commons/common-logging - A portable logging abstraction for .NET
- unosquare/raspberryio - The Raspberry Pi's IO Functionality in an easy-to-use API for Mono/.NET/C#
- cyq1162/cyqdata - cyq.data is a high-performance and the most powerful orm.(.NET 最好用的ORM数据层框架,木有之一!支持.NET Core)Support:Txt、Xml、Access、Sqlite、Mssql、Mysql、Oracle、Sybase、Postgres、DB2、Redis、MemCache。
- Cysharp/ConsoleAppFramework - Micro-framework for console applications to building CLI tools/Daemon/Batch for .NET Core, C#.
- john-h-k/MathSharp - A vector and matrix library written in C# using hardware intrinsics
- kengwang/BiliDuang - (项目即将重构) Bilibili 哔哩哔哩视频下载 C# GUI版 - 支持BV 支持4K 支持地区限制下载 支持互动视频 支持无水印 支持弹幕/字幕下载转换 支持课程下载
- iccb1013/Sheng.WeixinConstruction - 升讯威微信营销系统(第三方微信平台)完整源代码。包括了面向线下商家的诸多营销功能。【吸粉】 投票、定期抽奖、聚人气抽奖、摇一摇抽奖、粉丝海报、1元夺宝、发红包、在线捐款 等 【持续变现】 微官网、微会员、积分商城、卡券、微信支付、分类信息、电影排片 等 【管理考核】 电脑手机双后台、营销二维码、后台用户管理、操作日志 等。
- security-code-scan/security-code-scan - Vulnerability Patterns Detector for C# and VB.NET
- chengderen/Smartflow-Sharp - 基于C#语言研发的Smartflow-Sharp工作流组件,该工作流组件的特点是简单易用、方便扩展、支持多种数据库访问、高度可定制化,支持用户按需求做功能的定制开发,节省用户的使用成本
- YSGStudyHards/DotNetGuide - 🦸【C#/.NET/.NET Core学习、工作、面试指南】概述:C#/.NET/.NET Core基础知识,学习资料、文章、书籍,社区组织,工具和常见的面试题总结。以及面试时需要注意的事项和优秀简历编写技巧,希望能和大家一起成长进步👊。【让现在的自己不再迷茫✨】
- lolp1/Overlay.NET - An easy-to-use overlay library written in C# by Jacob Kemple.
- daveaglick/Scripty - Tools to let you use Roslyn-powered C# scripts for code generation
- sipsorcery-org/sipsorcery - A WebRTC, SIP and VoIP library for C# and .NET Core. Designed for real-time communications apps.
- casbin/Casbin.NET - An authorization library that supports access control models like ACL, RBAC, ABAC in .NET (C#)
- dotnetGame/MineCase - Minecraft server based on Orleans
- umeng/umeng-muti-channel-build-tool - 友盟渠道打包工具(windows .net 4.0)
- Cytoid/Cytoid - A community-driven touchscreen music game.
- KirillOsenkov/RoslynQuoter - Roslyn tool that for a given C# program shows syntax tree API calls to construct its syntax tree
- khalidabuhakmeh/ConsoleTables - Print out a nicely formatted table in a console application C#
- hey-hoho/ScheduleMasterCore - This is a distributed task management system base on .Net Core platform .
- AddictedCS/soundfingerprinting - Open source audio fingerprinting in .NET. An efficient algorithm for acoustic fingerprinting written purely in C#.
- bitsadmin/nopowershell - PowerShell rebuilt in C# for Red Teaming purposes
- mariotoffia/FluentDocker - Commands, Services and Fluent API for docker, docker-compose & docker-machine, for win/mac/linux and native docker in c#
- mxgmn/ConvChain - Bitmap generation from a single example with convolutions and MCMC
- microsoft/LLVMSharp - LLVM bindings for .NET Standard written in C# using ClangSharp
- mattjohnsonpint/TimeZoneConverter - Lightweight libraries to convert between IANA, Windows, Rails, and POSIX time zones.
- rosenbjerg/FFMpegCore - A .NET FFMpeg/FFProbe wrapper for easily integrating media analysis and conversion into your C# applications
- mehdime/DbContextScope - A simple and flexible way to manage your Entity Framework DbContext instances
- Apr4h/CobaltStrikeScan - Scan files or process memory for CobaltStrike beacons and parse their configuration
- kubernetes-client/csharp - Work In Progress
- enyim/EnyimMemcached - C# Memcached client
- mmanela/diffplex - DiffPlex is Netstandard 1.0+ C# library to generate textual diffs.
- sjh37/EntityFramework-Reverse-POCO-Code-First-Generator - EntityFramework Reverse POCO Code First Generator - Beautifully generated code that is fully customisable. This generator creates code as if you reverse engineered a database and lovingly created the code by hand. It is free to academics (you need a .edu or a .ac email address), not free for commercial use. Obtain your licence from
- juliettef/IconFontCppHeaders - C, C++ headers and C# classes for icon fonts: Font Awesome, Fork Awesome, Material Design, Kenney game icons and Fontaudio
- samus/mongodb-csharp - A driver written in c# to connect to the MongoDB document oriented database.
- abdonkov/DSA - Data structures and algorithms in C#
- SergeyTeplyakov/ErrorProne.NET - Set of roslyn-based analyzers for catching common C# errors (inspired by Google's error-prone)
- tangxuehua/equeue - a distributed mq written by c#.
- anjoy8/ChristDDD - 🙌 ASP.NET Core 3.1 应用, 包含 DDD、CQRS、EDA 和ES事件回溯
- alelievr/HDRP-Custom-Passes - A bunch of custom passes made for HDRP
- jjxtra/ExchangeSharp - ExchangeSharp is a powerful, fast and easy to use .NET/C# API for interfacing with many crypto currency exchanges. REST and web sockets are supported.
- bradymholt/aspnet-core-react-template - ASP.NET Core 3.1 / React SPA Template App
- twilio/twilio-csharp - Twilio C#/.NET Helper Library for .NET Framework 3.5+ and supported .NET Core versions
- step-up-labs/firebase-database-dotnet - C# library for Firebase Realtime Database.
- samcook/RedLock.net - An implementation of the Redlock algorithm in C#
- SharpRepository/SharpRepository - C# Generic Repository for use with Entity Framework, RavenDB and more with built-in caching options.
- yilezhu/Czar.Cms - .NET Core实战项目之CMS系列教程的源码,精简而又功能丰富的权限设计,内容管理设计让你轻松搭建一个ASP.NET Core2.2的网站系统.此项目准备用EFCore进行重构,敬请期待
- msallin/SQLiteCodeFirst - Creates a SQLite Database based on a EdmModel by using Entity Framework CodeFirst.
- mminer/consolation - In-game debug console for Unity.
- Scrawk/Ceto - Ceto: Ocean system for Unity
- featurist/coypu - Intuitive, robust browser automation for .Net
- exceptionnotfound/DesignPatterns - Come learn about all the Gang of Four patterns (e.g. Adapter, Facade, Strategy, Mediator, Command and more) with C# and food examples!
- aspnet-contrib/AspNet.Security.OpenIdConnect.Server - OpenID Connect/OAuth2 server framework for OWIN/Katana and ASP.NET Core
- PeterKottas/DotNetCore.WindowsService - Simple library that allows one to host dot net core application as windows services. Perfect solution to power micro-services architecture.
- GhostPack/SharpUp - SharpUp is a C# port of various PowerUp functionality.
- cornflourblue/aspnet-core-3-jwt-authentication-api - ASP.NET Core 3.1 JWT Authentication API
- abbaye/WpfHexEditorControl - Wpf Hexeditor is a powerful and fully customisable user control for editing file or stream as hexadecimal, decimal and binary. Can be used in Wpf or WinForm application
- NuGet/NuGet.Client - Client Tools for NuGet - including Visual Studio extensions, command line tools, and msbuild support. (Open issues on https://github.com/nuget/home/issues)
- robvdpol/RaceControl - Race Control is a standalone, open source F1TV client for Windows, written in C# on the .NET 5 platform.
- microsoft/MixedRealityCompanionKit - This is a MixedRealityToolkit style repository for code bits and components that may not run directly on Microsoft HoloLens or immersive headsets but instead pair with them to build experiences.
- Mr-Un1k0d3r/RedTeamCSharpScripts - C# Script used for Red Team
- EgorBo/SimdJsonSharp - C# bindings for lemire/simdjson (and full C# port)
- GhostPack/SharpDPAPI - SharpDPAPI is a C# port of some Mimikatz DPAPI functionality.
- Dandarawy/UnityBookPageCurl - Page curl effect for Unity3d using UGUI
- ramtinak/InstagramApiSharp - A complete Private Instagram API for .NET (C#, VB.NET).
- UglyToad/PdfPig - Read and extract text and other content from PDFs in C# (port of PdfBox)
- GhostPack/SharpWMI - SharpWMI is a C# implementation of various WMI functionality.
- saucepleez/taskt - taskt (pronounced 'tasked' and formely sharpRPA) is free and open-source robotic process automation (rpa) built in C# powered by the .NET Framework
- kwonganding/winform.controls - 分享几年前开发的一套winform控件库。当时主要为开发公司内部ERP系统,重新设计实现了所有用到的Winform组建,包括Form窗体组建6个(支持换肤),基础控件25个。其中有很多参考借鉴其他开源组件,也有几个是集成的别人的组件,然后做了些调整。 现在已经好几年不做Winform开发了,整理一下共享出来,希望能够给需要的朋友一些帮助。
- sharpbrowser/SharpBrowser - A full featured web-browser built using C# and CefSharp
- mspnp/cloud-design-patterns - Prescriptive Architecture Guidance for Cloud Applications
- goblinfactory/konsole - Home of the simple console library consisting of ProgressBar, Window, Form, Draw & MockConsole (C# console progress bar with support for single or multithreaded progress updates) Window is a 100%-ish console compatible window, supporting all normal console writing to a windowed section of the screen, supporting scrolling and clipping of console output.
- benjamin-hodgson/Pidgin - C#'s fastest parser combinator library
- microsoft/RoslynClrHeapAllocationAnalyzer - Roslyn based C# heap allocation diagnostic analyzer that can detect explicit and many implicit allocations like boxing, display classes a.k.a closures, implicit delegate creations, etc.
- dotnetcore/aspnetcore-doc-cn - The Simplified Chinese edition of Microsoft ASP.NET Core documentation, translated by .NET Core Community and .NET China Community.
- andrewdavey/cassette - Manages .NET web application assets (scripts, css and templates)
- wieslawsoltes/Core2D - A multi-platform data driven 2D diagram editor.
- chummer5a/chummer5a - Character generator for Shadowrun 5th edition
- SebLague/Clouds - Cloud rendering test
- nemanjarogic/DesignPatternsLibrary - A comprehensive design patterns library implemented in C#, which covers various design patterns from the most commonly used ones to the lesser-known ones. Get familiar with and learn design patterns through moderately realistic examples.
- dukus/digiCamControl - DSLR camera remote control open source software
- milkshakesoftware/PreMailer.Net - C# library that moves your stylesheets to inline style attributes, for maximum compatibility with E-mail clients.
- microsoft/qsharp-compiler - Q# compiler, command line tool, and Q# language server
- frhagn/Typewriter - Automatic TypeScript template generation from C# source files
- audiamus/AaxAudioConverter - Convert Audible aax files to mp3 and m4a/m4b
- magicdict/MongoCola - A MongoDB Administration Tool
- json-api-dotnet/JsonApiDotNetCore - JSON:API Framework for ASP.NET Core
- BloodHoundAD/SharpHound2 - The Old BloodHound C# Ingestor (Deprecated)
- erfg12/memory.dll - C# Hacking library for making PC game trainers.
- elw00d/consoleframework - Cross-platform toolkit for easy development of TUI applications.
- FSecureLABS/SharpGPOAbuse - SharpGPOAbuse is a .NET application written in C# that can be used to take advantage of a user's edit rights on a Group Policy Object (GPO) in order to compromise the objects that are controlled by that GPO.
- qq576067421/cshotfix - C# HotFix C#热更新 unity3d 热更新
- thezdi/PoC - Proofs-of-concept
- fclp/fluent-command-line-parser - A simple, strongly typed .NET C# command line parser library using a fluent easy to use interface
- dwmkerr/consolecontrol - ConsoleControl is a C# class library that lets you embed a console in a WinForms or WPF application.
- HangfireIO/Cronos - Fully-featured .NET library for working with Cron expressions. Built with time zones in mind and intuitively handles daylight saving time transitions
- datastax/csharp-driver - DataStax C# Driver for Apache Cassandra
- MerlinVR/UdonSharp - An experimental compiler for compiling C# to Udon assembly
- icsharpcode/CodeConverter - Convert code from C# to VB.NET and vice versa using Roslyn
- Habrador/Unity-Programming-Patterns - A collection of programming patterns in Unity with examples when to use them. These are primarily from the book "Game Programming Patterns," but translated from C++ to C#
- tevora-threat/SharpView - C# implementation of harmj0y's PowerView
- opentracing/opentracing-csharp - OpenTracing API for C# (.NET)
- MarcFletcher/NetworkComms.Net - NetworkComms.Net is a high performance cross-platform network library written in C#.
- CitiesSkylinesMultiplayer/CSM - Source code for the Cities: Skylines Multiplayer mod (CSM)
- luca-piccioni/OpenGL.Net - Modern OpenGL bindings for C#.
- SonarSource/sonar-dotnet - Code analyzer for C# and VB.NET projects https://redirect.sonarsource.com/plugins/vbnet.html
- Unity-Technologies/com.unity.multiplayer.samples.coop - A small-scale cooperative game sample built on the new, Unity networking framework to teach developers about creating a similar multiplayer game.
- tlgkccampbell/ultraviolet - The Ultraviolet Framework is a .NET game development framework written in C#.
- ghost1372/HandyControls - Contains some simple and commonly used WPF controls based on HandyControl
- klezVirus/CheeseTools - Self-developed tools for Lateral Movement/Code Execution
- JamesMenetrey/MemorySharp - A C# based memory editing library targeting Windows applications, offering various functions to extract and inject data and codes into remote processes to allow interoperability.
- PredatH0r/ChanSort - TV channel list editor for Samsung, LG, Sony, Hisense, Panasonic, Philips, Sharp, Toshiba and MANY more.
- SamuelTulach/VirusTotalUploader - C# Open-Source Winforms application for uploading files to VirusTotal
- mono/CocosSharp - CocosSharp is a C# implementation of the Cocos2D and Cocos3D APIs that runs on any platform where MonoGame runs.
- MaKiPL/OpenVIII-monogame - Open source Final Fantasy VIII engine implementation in C# working on Windows and Linux (Android and iOS planned too!) [Monogame]
- christiandelbianco/monitor-table-change-with-sqltabledependency - Get SQL Server notification on record table change
- yangrc1234/VolumeCloud - Volume cloud for Unity3D
- sh-akira/VirtualMotionCapture - VRゲーム中にモデルをコントロール
- jamesmontemagno/monkey-cache - Easily cache any data structure for a specific amount of time in any .NET application.
- dotnetcore/SmartCode - SmartCode = IDataSource -> IBuildTask -> IOutput => Build Everything!!!
- luoyunchong/lin-cms-dotnetcore - 😃A simple and practical CMS implemented by .NET 5 + FreeSql;前后端分离、Docker部署、OAtuh2授权登录、自动化部署DevOps、自动同步至Gitee、代码生成器、仿掘金专栏
- pakrym/jab - C# Source Generator based dependency injection container implementation.
- dotnetcore/CanalSharp - Alibaba mysql database binlog subscription & consumer components Canal's .NET client.
- dbrizov/NaughtyCharacter - Third Person Controller for Unity
- bleroy/lunr-core - A port of LUNR.js to .NET Core
- GhostPack/SharpDump - SharpDump is a C# port of PowerSploit's Out-Minidump.ps1 functionality.
- matryx/calcflow - A virtual reality tool for mathematical modeling!
- dotnet/SqlClient - Microsoft.Data.SqlClient provides database connectivity to SQL Server for .NET applications.
- aspnet/Caching - [Archived] Libraries for in-memory caching and distributed caching. Project moved to https://github.com/aspnet/Extensions
- microsoft/PowerBI-CSharp - Welcome to the .NET developer community for Power BI. Here you will find resources for the .NET SDKs for Power BI Embedded V2.0.0
- Jroland/kafka-net - Native C# client for Kafka queue servers.
- bitzhuwei/CSharpGL - 🍏Object Oriented OpenGL in C#.
- jorgegarcia/UnityOSC - Open Sound Control (OSC) C# classes interface for the Unity3d game engine
- microsoft/ClangSharp - Clang bindings for .NET and Mono written in C#
- Fydar/RPGCore - RPGCore is a toolkit for producing games and mechanics in C#.
- zhontai/Admin.Core - Admin后端,前后端分离的权限管理系统,集成统一认证授权、多租户、缓存、Ip限流、全Api鉴权。支持国内外主流数据库自由切换和动态高级查询,基于.Net跨平台开发的WebApi
- PcapDotNet/Pcap.Net - .NET wrapper for WinPcap written in C++/CLI and C#, which features almost all WinPcap features and includes a packet interpretation framework.
- MichaCo/DnsClient.NET - DnsClient.NET is a simple yet very powerful and high performant open source library for the .NET Framework to do DNS lookups
- madslundt/NetCoreMicroservicesSample - Sample using micro services in .NET Core 3.1 Focusing on clean code
- mvelazc0/PurpleSharp - PurpleSharp is a C# adversary simulation tool that executes adversary techniques with the purpose of generating attack telemetry in monitored Windows environments
- barnhill/barcodelib - C# Barcode Image Generation Library
- DragonBones/DragonBonesCSharp - DragonBones C# Runtime
- cemdervis/SharpConfig - An easy to use CFG/INI configuration library for .NET.
- microsoft/CSharpClient-for-Kafka - .Net implementation of the Apache Kafka Protocol that provides basic functionality through Producer/Consumer classes. The project also offers balanced consumer implementation.
- roozbehid/WasmWinforms - C# Winforms for Webassembly
- FlingOS/FlingOS - An educational operating system written in C#. A great stepping stone from high to low level development.
- Bunny83/SimpleJSON - A simple JSON parser in C#
- pamidur/aspect-injector - AOP framework for .NET (c#, vb, etc)
- dotnet-architecture/HealthChecks - Experimental Health Checks for building services, such as with ASP.NET Core
- SeriaWei/ASP.NET-MVC-CMS - ZKEACMS,建网站就像搭积木一样
- Alex141/CalcBinding - Advanced WPF Binding which supports expressions in Path property and other features
- stevejgordon/CorrelationId - An ASP.NET Core middleware component which synchronises a correlation ID for cross API request logging.
- n00mkrad/cupscale - Image Upscaling GUI based on ESRGAN
- graphql-dotnet/graphql-client - A GraphQL Client for .NET Standard
- anydream/il2cpp - A MSIL/C# to C++ converter. Faster than CoreCLR with low memory overhead.(已弃坑.C#是个好语言,然而.NET不是一个干净的平台)
- ststeiger/PdfSharpCore - Port of the PdfSharp library to .NET Core - largely removed GDI+ (only missing GetFontData - which can be replaced with freetype2)
- Habrador/Computational-geometry - Computational Geometry Unity library with implementations of intersection algorithms, triangulations like delaunay, voronoi diagrams, polygon clipping, bezier curves, ear clipping, convex hulls, mesh simplification, etc
- microsoft/CodeXGLUE - CodeXGLUE
- mariusmuntean/ChartJs.Blazor - Brings Chart.js charts to Blazor
- jcurl/SerialPortStream - SerialPortStream is an independent implementation of System.IO.Ports.SerialPort and SerialStream for better reliability and maintainability. Default branch is 2.x and now has support for Mono with help of a C library.
- twcclegg/libphonenumber-csharp - Offical C# port of https://github.com/googlei18n/libphonenumber
- swharden/Csharp-Data-Visualization - Code examples and notes for displaying data with C#
- Phong13/BulletSharpUnity3d - A fork of the BulletSharp project to make the Bullet Physics Engine usable from C# code in Unity3d
- EraserKing/CloudMusicGear - Solve unavailable songs for 163 cloud music desktop client / UWP client
- Aetsu/OffensivePipeline - OffensivePipeline allows to download, compile (without Visual Studio) and obfuscate C# tools for Red Team exercises.
- mayuki/Cocona - Micro-framework for .NET console application. Cocona makes it easy and fast to build console applications on .NET.
- asc-community/AngouriMath - Open-source cross-platform symbolic algebra library for C# and F#. One of the most powerful in .NET. Can be used for both production and research purposes.
- amibar/SmartThreadPool - A .NET Thread Pool fully implemented in C# with many features
- WebApiContrib/WebAPIContrib.Core - Community Contributions for ASP.NET Core
- michaelnoonan/inputsimulator - Windows Input Simulator (C# SendInput Wrapper - Simulate Keyboard and Mouse)
- Robmaister/SharpNav - Advanced Pathfinding for C#
- microsoft/BuildCast - Example UWP Media Application to show best practices
- Misaka-Mikoto-Tech/MonoHook - hook C# method at runtime without modify dll file (such as UnityEditor.dll)
- edumentab/cqrs-starter-kit - A starter kit for working with CQRS and intentful testing.
- la-yumba/functional-csharp-code - Code samples for Functional Programming in C#
- nats-io/nats.net - The official C# Client for NATS
- Wouterdek/NodeNetwork - A C# library with a WPF node editor component based on ReactiveUI
- RyanNielson/PixelCamera2D - A Pixel Perfect Camera for 2D Games in Unity.
- Coldairarrow/Colder.Fx.Core.AdminLTE - A Web Rapid Development Framework For .NETCore2.2 Based On AdminLTE
- Azure/azure-cosmos-dotnet-v3 - .NET SDK for Azure Cosmos DB for the core SQL API
- sirkris/Reddit.NET - A Reddit API library for .NET Standard with OAuth support. Written in C#.
- Firwood-Software/AdvancedDLSupport - Delegate-based C# P/Invoke alternative - compatible with all platforms and runtimes.
- dotnet/csharpstandard - Working space for ECMA-TC49-TG2, the C# standard committee.
- cosullivan/SmtpServer - A SMTP Server component written in C#
- Cinchoo/ChoETL - ETL Framework for .NET / c# (Parser / Writer for CSV, Flat, Xml, JSON, Key-Value, Parquet, Yaml, Avro formatted files)
- ProfessionalCSharp/ProfessionalCSharp7 - Code samples for the book Professional C# 7 and .NET Core 2.0 (with updates for 2.1), Wrox Press
- JoeMayo/LinqToTwitter - LINQ Provider for the Twitter API (C# Twitter Library)
- dathlin/HslControlsDemo - HslControls控件库的使用demo,HslControls是一个工业物联网的控件库,基于C#开发,配套HslCommunication组件可以实现工业上位机软件的快速开发,支持常用的工业图形化控件,快速的集成界面开发。 主要包含了按钮,开关,进度条,信号灯,数码管,时钟,曲线显示控件,仪表盘控件,管道控件,瓶子控件,饼图控件,传送带控件,温度计控件,鼓风机控件,阀门控件,电池控件等等。
- SciSharp/Keras.NET - Keras.NET is a high-level neural networks API for C# and F#, with Python Binding and capable of running on top of TensorFlow, CNTK, or Theano.
- Flangvik/NetLoader - Loads any C# binary in mem, patching AMSI + ETW.
- config-r/config-r - Write your .NET configuration files in C#
- ardalis/kata-catalog - My list of code katas
- RehanSaeed/Schema.NET - Schema.org objects turned into strongly typed C# POCO classes for use in .NET. All classes can be serialized into JSON/JSON-LD and XML, typically used to represent structured data in the head section of html page.
- MelbourneDeveloper/Device.Net - A C# cross platform connected device framework
- yuzhengyang/Fork - a c# utility library. C#工具包,C#工具类,常用方法,系统API,文件处理、加密解密、Winform美化(C# Tools)
- dotnetzoom/AspNetCore-WebApi-Course - Professional REST API design with ASP.NET Core WebAPI
- davidwhitney/CoreBoy - A GameBoy Emulator, in C#
- Sergio0694/NeuralNetwork.NET - A TensorFlow-inspired neural network library built from scratch in C# 7.3 for .NET Standard 2.0, with GPU support through cuDNN
- microsoft/azure-devops-dotnet-samples - .NET/C# samples for integrating with Azure DevOps Services and Azure DevOps Server
- louthy/csharp-monad - Library of monads for C#
- ServUO/ServUO - An Ultima Online server emulator written in C# .NET
- Daddoon/BlazorMobile - Create full C# driven hybrid-apps for iOS, Android, UWP & Desktop with Blazor!
- yatt-ze/The-Collection - Collection of cracked malware, and ebooks
- madskristensen/WebCompiler - Visual Studio extension for compiling LESS and Sass files
- haf/DotNetZip.Semverd - A fork of the DotNetZip project without signing with a solution that compiles cleanly. This project aims to follow semver to avoid versioning conflicts. DotNetZip is a FAST, FREE class library and toolset for manipulating zip files. Use VB, C# or any .NET language to easily create, extract, or update zip files.
- feiyit/FytSoaCms - NetCore2.2开发, Vs2017 数据Mysql
- brthor/Gofer.NET - Easy C# API for Distributed Background Tasks/Jobs for .NET Core.
- pnp/PnP-Sites-Core - Microsoft 365 Dev PnP Core component (.NET) targeted for increasing developer productivity with CSOM based solutions.
- alexrainman/CarouselView - CarouselView control for Xamarin Forms
- tom-weiland/tcp-udp-networking - Source code from my C# networking tutorial series on YouTube.
- mellinoe/ShaderGen - Proof-of-concept library for generating HLSL, GLSL, and Metal shader code from C#,
- keijiro/CloudSkybox - Skybox shader with volumetric clouds
- GhostPack/Certify - Active Directory certificate abuse.
- mixandjam/Celeste-Movement - Recreating the movement and feel from Celeste
- keijiro/KinoContour - Contour line filter for Unity
- couchbase/couchbase-lite-net - A lightweight, document-oriented (NoSQL), syncable database engine for .NET
- cmilr/Unity2D-Components - A constantly evolving array of Unity C# components for 2D games, including classes for pixel art cameras, events & messaging, saving & loading game data, collision handlers, object pools, and more.
- hhblaze/DBreeze - C# .NET MONO NOSQL ( key value store embedded ) ACID multi-paradigm database management system.
- asik/FixedMath.Net - Fixed point math C# library
- WolvenKit/CP77Tools - Cyberpunk2077 archive modding tools.
- ihaoqihao/FastSocket.Net - c#异步通信库
- cbovar/ConvNetSharp - Deep Learning in C#
- Azure/connectthedots - Connect tiny devices to Microsoft Azure services to build IoT solutions
- AArnott/CodeGeneration.Roslyn - Assists in performing Roslyn-based code generation during a build.
- orlikoski/CyLR - CyLR - Live Response Collection Tool
- yar229/WebDavMailRuCloud - WebDAV cloud.mail.ru ...& Yandex.Disk | WebDAV Облако Mail.Ru Сетевой Диск
- daniel-luberda/DLToolkit.Forms.Controls - Xamarin.Forms Custom Controls
- XINCGer/ColaFrameWork - ColaFrameWork 一个Unity客户端框架
- patriksvensson/cupboard - A framework for provisioning local environments to a desired state, using the .NET SDK.
- JaCraig/Craig-s-Utility-Library - A giant set of utility classes originally start back in the .Net 2.0 days and updated until .Net Core and .Net Standard became a thing. At which point I took the library and broke it up into a ton of smaller libraries. View my profile for more up to date versions of everything.
- microsoft/Windows-appsample-customers-orders-database - This code demonstrates a working customer order database hosted on Azure, implemented in C# and XAML, and ready to form the basis of your Windows Store enterprise app.
- chadly/Geocoding.net - C# GeoCoding / Address Validation API
- Maxx53/NoCableLauncher - Rocksmith 2014 Launcher for playing without RealTone cable (nocable fix)
- RandomEngy/VidCoder - A Blu-ray, DVD and video file transcoder for Windows.
- JonPSmith/EfCore.GenericServices - A library to help you quickly code CRUD accesses for a web/mobile/desktop application using EF Core.
- aybe/Windows-API-Code-Pack-1.1 - Windows API Code Pack 1.1
- mixcore/mix.core - 🚀 Mixcore CMS is an open-source CMS that supports both headless and decoupled to easily build any kinds of app/web app/all in all/customizable APIs built on top of ASP.NET Core / Dotnet Core. It is a completely open-source ASP.NET Core (Dotnet Core) CMS solution. https://mixcore.org
- djhohnstein/SharpChromium - .NET 4.0 CLR Project to retrieve Chromium data, such as cookies, history and saved logins.
- BogdanovKirill/RtspClientSharp - Pure C# RTSP client for .NET Standard without external dependencies and with true async nature. I welcome contributions.
- rikimaru0345/Ceras - Universal binary serializer for a wide variety of scenarios https://discord.gg/FGaCX4c
- jskeet/DemoCode - Demo code used in talks, blog posts etc
- ellioman/Indirect-Rendering-With-Compute-Shaders - An example of drawing numerous instances using Unity3D, compute shaders and Graphics.DrawMeshInstancedIndirect with Frustum & Occlusion culling and LOD'ing.
- ccnet/CruiseControl.NET - CruiseControl.NET is an Automated Continuous Integration server, implemented using the .NET Framework. Downloads at sourceforge. The documentation can be found at:
- Unity-Technologies/Standard-Assets-Characters - Unity Standard Asset Controllers
- RickStrahl/Westwind.AspnetCore.LiveReload - ASP.NET Core Live Reload Middleware that monitors file changes in your project and automatically reloads the browser's active page
- Leopotam/LeopotamGroupLibraryUnity - Tools library for unity 3d game engine: animator graph helpers, serialization (json), localization, event routing (eventbus, ui actions), embedded scripting, uGui xml markup, threading, tweening, in-memory protection and other helpers (pure C#)
- cuiliang/ClickShow - 鼠标点击特效
- Sandrem/FlyCasual - Fan-made "Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game" simulator
- BloodHoundAD/SharpHound3 - C# Data Collector for the BloodHound Project, Version 3
- Eldemarkki/Marching-Cubes-Terrain - Marching Cubes terrain implementation in Unity using the Job System and the Burst compiler
- cefsharp/CefSharp.MinimalExample - Minimal example of how the CefSharp library can be used
- ElinamLLC/SharpVectors - SharpVectors - SVG# Reloaded: SVG DOM and Rendering in C# for the .Net.
- Amitpnk/Onion-architecture-ASP.NET-Core - WhiteApp API solution template which is built on Onion Architecture with all essential feature using .NET 5!
- atata-framework/atata - C#/.NET test automation framework for web
- aloneguid/config - ⚙ Config.Net - the easiest configuration framework for .NET developers
- devbridge/BetterCMS - A publishing focused and developer friendly .NET Open Source CMS.
- aumcode/nfx - C# Server UNISTACK framework [MOVED]
- keijiro/TimelineParticleControl - An example of controlling particle system from timeline.
- fszlin/certes - A client implementation for the Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACME) protocol
- buchizo/ClaudiaIDE - This extension can change easily the background image of editor window in Visual Studio.
- MiloszKrajewski/K4os.Compression.LZ4 - LZ4/LH4HC compression for .NET Standard 1.6/2.0 (formerly known as lz4net)
- microsoft/artifacts-credprovider - The Azure Artifacts Credential Provider enables dotnet, NuGet.exe, and MSBuild to interactively acquire credentials for Azure Artifacts feeds.
- VahidN/iTextSharp.LGPLv2.Core - iTextSharp.LGPLv2.Core is an unofficial port of the last LGPL version of the iTextSharp (V4.1.6) to .NET Core
- Unity-Technologies/animation-jobs-samples - Code samples using the animation C# jobs feature.
- OmniSharp/omnisharp-server - HTTP wrapper around NRefactory allowing C# editor plugins to be written in any language.
- EnoxSoftware/OpenCVForUnity - OpenCV for Unity (Untiy Asset Plugin)
- CopyPlusPlus/CopyPlusPlus-NetFramework - Make copy more easily!
- BlazorExtensions/Canvas - HTML5 Canvas API implementation for Microsoft Blazor
- MoonStorm/Dapper.FastCRUD - The fastest micro-orm extension for Dapper
- spazzarama/SharedMemory - C# shared memory classes for sharing data between processes (Array, Buffer and Circular Buffer)
- gaochundong/Cowboy - Cowboy.Sockets is a C# library for building sockets based services.
- Raikia/CredNinja - A multithreaded tool designed to identify if credentials are valid, invalid, or local admin valid credentials within a network at-scale via SMB, plus now with a user hunter
- qH0sT/AndroSpy - An Android RAT that written in C# by me
- sharpenrocks/Sharpen - Visual Studio extension that intelligently introduces new C# features into your existing codebase
- dreamanlan/Cs2Lua - CSharp代码转lua,适用于使用lua实现热更新而又想有一个强类型检查的语言的场合
- dotnet/crank - Benchmarking infrastructure for applications
- vivet/GoogleApi - C# .NET Core Google Api (Maps, Places, Roads, Search, Translate). Supports all endpoints and requests / responses.
- damienhaynes/TraktRater - TraktRater is a tool written in C# to help users transfer user episode, show and movie user ratings and watchlists from multiple media database sites around the web.
- MonoMod/MonoMod - C# modding swiss army knife, powered by cecil.
- Marfusios/websocket-client - 🔧 .NET/C# websocket client library
- Unity-Technologies/com.unity.perception - Perception toolkit for sim2real training and validation
- SaiGonSoftware/Awesome-CMS-Core - Awesome CMS Core is an open source CMS built using ASP.Net Core & ReactJS with module seperation concern in mind and provide lastest trend of technology like .Net Core, React, Webpack, SASS, Background Job, Message Queue.
- Jie2GG/Native.Framework - 完全由 C# 语言编写的 QQ机器人插件 SDK
- Code-Sharp/WampSharp - A C# implementation of WAMP (The Web Application Messaging Protocol)
- DotNet4Neo4j/Neo4jClient - .NET client binding for Neo4j
- reinforced/Reinforced.Typings - Converts C# classes to TypeScript interfaces (and many more) within project build. 0-dependency, minimal, gluten-free
- Azure/azure-iot-sdk-csharp - A C# SDK for connecting devices to Microsoft Azure IoT services
- go2ismail/Asp.Net-Core-Inventory-Order-Management-System - Project example Asp.Net Core Mvc implementation of inventory order management system. warehouse, product, vendor, customer, purchase order, sales order, shipment, goods receive and more.
- ClearCanvas/ClearCanvas - Open source code base for enabling software innovation in medical imaging
- n2cms/n2cms - N2 CMS, an open source CMS for ASP.NET
- Spegeli/PokemoGoBot-GottaCatchEmAll - PROJECT CLOSED !!!!
- skclusive/Skclusive.Material.Component - Port of Material-UI in C# for Blazor
- qwqdanchun/DcRat - A simple remote tool written in C#. 一个简单的c#远控
- IdentityModel/IdentityModel.OidcClient - Certified C#/NetStandard OpenID Connect Client Library for native mobile/desktop Applications (RFC 8252)
- SciSharp/SiaNet - An easy to use C# deep learning library with CUDA/OpenCL support
- PureMVC/puremvc-csharp-standard-framework - PureMVC Standard Framework for C#
- thebookisclosed/ViVe - C# library and console app for using new feature control APIs available in Windows 10 version 2004 and newer
- planetarium/libplanet - Blockchain core in C#/.NET for persistent peer-to-peer online games
- mellinoe/CrazyCore - Repository containing the game assets and code for Crazy Core
- bchavez/RethinkDb.Driver - 🎧 A NoSQL C#/.NET RethinkDB database driver with 100% ReQL API coverage.
- VahidN/EPPlus.Core - EPPlus.Core is an unofficial port of the EPPlus library to .NET Core
- noodle1983/UnityAndroidIl2cppPatchDemo - 这是Unity Android APP il2cpp热更完美解决方案的Demo。更新build_demo_apk里的Unity路径,执行即可一键重build Patch和apk。因为文件libunity是没有热更的,如unity版本有变化则热更不适用。
- head-first-csharp/fourth-edition - Code and graphics for the projects in the 4th edition of Head First C#
- altmann/FluentResults - A generalised Result object implementation for .NET/C#
- MatterHackers/MatterControl - 3D printing software for Windows, Mac and Linux
- sheng-jie/Design-Pattern - 设计模式 C# 版(有系列文章讲解)
- frgnca/AudioDeviceCmdlets - AudioDeviceCmdlets is a suite of PowerShell Cmdlets to control audio devices on Windows
- SaladLab/Unity3D.IncrementalCompiler - Unity3D Incremental C# Compiler using Roslyn
- wadewegner/Force.com-Toolkit-for-NET - The Force.com Toolkits for .NET provides an easy way for .NET developers to interact with the Force.com & Chatter REST APIs using native libraries.
- open-telemetry/community - OpenTelemetry community content
- microsoft/infersharp - Infer# is an interprocedural and scalable static code analyzer for C#. Via the capabilities of Facebook's Infer, this tool detects race condition, null pointer dereferences and resource leak.
- stormtek/unity-rts-demo - A demo / foundation for an RTS game built using Unity 3d with C# scripting
- KumoKyaku/KCP - KCP C#版。线程安全,运行时无alloc,对gc无压力。
- igiagkiozis/CrystalAI - A Utility AI for C# and Unity
- PacktPublishing/Hands-On-Domain-Driven-Design-with-.NET-Core - Hands-On Domain-Driven Design with .NET Core, published by Packt
- takuya-takeuchi/DlibDotNet - Dlib .NET wrapper written in C++ and C# for Windows, MacOS, Linux and iOS
- andyedinborough/aenetmail - C# POP/IMAP Mail Client
- Lachee/discord-rpc-csharp - C# custom implementation for Discord Rich Presence. Not deprecated and still available!
- Azure-Samples/Cognitive-Speech-TTS - Microsoft Text-to-Speech API sample code in several languages, part of Cognitive Services.
- timheuer/callisto - A control toolkit for Windows 8 XAML applications. Contains some UI controls to make it easier to create Windows UI style apps for the Windows Store in accordance with Windows UI guidelines.
- kode80/kode80CloudsUnity3D - A realtime volumetric cloud rendering solution for Unity3D.
- punker76/MahApps.Metro.SimpleChildWindow - A simple child window for MahApps.Metro
- mcintyre321/ValueOf - Deal with Primitive Obsession - define ValueObjects in a single line (of C#).
- kerryjiang/SuperSocket.ClientEngine - A .NET library which can make your socket client development easier
- headsling/Node.cs - Node.cs.net - Node.js in c# with all the beauty and performance that C# brings
- gulceselim/re-cap-project-with-csharp - Araba Kiralama Sistemi | Kodlama.io | Recap Project
- stillwwater/command_terminal - Unity Command Terminal: In-Game Console
- gemgin/WeChatTools - 微信域名检测接口:实时检测域名能否在微信中直接访问的技术;QQ管家域名检测接口;抖音域名检测;域名icp备案信息查询接口
- solenovex/Identity-Server-4-Tutorial-Demo-Code - Identity Server 4 视频教程配套源码
- TelegramBots/Telegram.Bot.Examples - Examples for the Telegram.Bot C# Library
- StephenCleary/Comparers - The last comparison library you'll ever need!
- Chris3606/GoRogue - .NET Standard roguelike library in C#. Features many algorithms and data structures pertinent to roguelike/2D game developers, specifically designed to be minimally intrusive upon the developer's architecture.
- leon196/CurveModifier - Implementation of the curve modifier from Blender to Unity3D
- Q42/Q42.HueApi - C# helper library to talk to the Philips Hue bridge
- Kooboo/CMS - The OLD Kooboo CMS source code
- yukuyoulei/ILRuntime_HotGames - 基于ILRuntime的热更新能力实现的可以直接使用的框架,友情赠送C# WebService + WebSocketServer服务器端。
- kwonganding/wpf.controls - 在学习中和使用WPF中,学习、借鉴了很多网友的文章和开源的项目的知识。发现提供实际项目开发需要的基础控件、样式的文章大都比较散,不成系列。因此基于现在项目中使用开发了一个wpf基础UI库,并写了这个系列入门文章(http://www.cnblogs.com/anding/p/5018363.html),希望对有需要的人有所帮助。
- Burtsev-Alexey/net-object-deep-copy - C# extension method for fast object cloning.
- spreadsheetlab/XLParser - A C# parser for Microsoft Excel formulas with a 99.9% compatibility rate
- pieceofsummer/Hangfire.Console - Job console extension for Hangfire
- LogicalError/realtime-CSG-for-unity - Realtime-CSG, CSG level editor for Unity
- AlturosDestinations/Alturos.Yolo - C# Yolo Darknet Wrapper (real-time object detection)
- dotnet/training-tutorials - Getting started tutorials for C# and ASP.NET
- VioletGiraffe/cppcheck-vs-addin - Visual Studio integration for cppcheck, an open-source static code analyzer for C++
- EWSoftware/VSSpellChecker - A Visual Studio spell checker editor extension that checks the spelling of comments, strings, and plain text as you type. Supports configuration and various languages.
- eatage/VerificationCode - 滑动验证码、滑块验证码 、Slider Verification Code (ASP.NET/C#)
- thelinuxlich/artemis_CSharp - Artemis Entity System Framework ported to C#
- mgravell/PooledAwait - Low allocation async/await for C#/.NET
- koczkatamas/CVE-2016-0051 - EoP (Win7) & BSoD (Win10) PoC for CVE-2016-0051 (MS-016)
- SciSharp/Numpy.NET - C#/F# bindings for NumPy - a fundamental library for scientific computing, machine learning and AI
- RabbitTeam/RabbitCloud - A lightweight cross-platform RPC.
- andrewlock/NetEscapades.AspNetCore.SecurityHeaders - Small package to allow adding security headers to ASP.NET Core websites
- pdevito3/craftsman - Craftsman is the workhorse behind the Wrapt framework and provides a suite of CLI commands for quickly scaffolding out new files and projects for your .NET Web APIs with simple CLI commands and configuration files.
- VahidN/EFCoreSecondLevelCacheInterceptor - EF Core Second Level Cache Interceptor
- uxmal/pytocs - Converts Python source to C#
- danielgerlag/conductor - Distributed workflow server
- arcusmaximus/YTSubConverter - A tool for creating styled YouTube subtitles
- Auburn/FastNoise_CSharp - FastNoise C# Version
- esskar/Serialize.Linq - C# library to serialize LINQ expressions
- Kyome22/RunCat_for_windows - A cute running cat animation on your windows taskbar.
- manojlds/cmd - C# library to run external programs in a simpler way. Demonstration of "dynamic" features of C#.
- kapetan/dns - A DNS library written in C#
- KevinWG/OSS.Clients.Pay - 开源支付SDK(标准库),主要打造微信支付,支付宝支付,标准库项目,同时支持.net framework和.net core
- Elfocrash/Cosmonaut - 🌐 A supercharged Azure CosmosDB .NET SDK with ORM support
- aspnet/Configuration - [Archived] Interfaces and providers for accessing configuration files. Project moved to https://github.com/aspnet/Extensions
- Senparc/Senparc.CO2NET - 支持 .NET Framework & .NET Core 的公共基础扩展库
- cloudscribe/cloudscribe.SimpleContent - A simple, yet flexible content and blog engine for ASP.NET Core that can work with or without a database, supports markdown or html editing
- winddyhe/knight - Knight is a game framework based on Unity3D engine. It includes a complete assetbundle manager, a c# hotfix module based on ILRuntime, and a UI module based on MVVM, and other basic functions support.
- CatImmortal/Trinity - 基于Unity的纯C#(客户端+服务端+热更新)游戏开发整合方案
- mganss/XmlSchemaClassGenerator - Generate C# classes from XML Schema files
- aliyun/aliyun-oss-csharp-sdk - Aliyun OSS SDK for C#
- StatsHelix/demoinfo - A library to analyze CS:GO demos in C#
- SciSharp/Pandas.NET - Pandas port for C# and F#, data analysis tool, process multi-dim array in DataFrame.
- NimaAra/Easy.Common - A set of useful utilities and helpers used across Easy.* projects.
- snatch-dev/Chronicle - Implementation of saga pattern for .NET Core
- kunzmi/managedCuda - ManagedCUDA aims an easy integration of NVidia's CUDA in .net applications written in C#, Visual Basic or any other .net language.
- Sicos1977/MSGReader - C# Outlook MSG file reader without the need for Outlook
- EgorBo/CrossChat-Xamarin.Forms - A chat application implemented using Xamarin.Forms and DDD + MVVM
- Chinchilla-Software-Com/CQRS - A lightweight enterprise Function as a Service (FaaS) framework to write function based serverless and micro-service applications in hybrid multi-datacentre, on-premise and Azure environments.
- web-push-libs/web-push-csharp - Web Push library for C#
- brandonprry/gray_hat_csharp_code - This repository contains full code examples from the book Gray Hat C#
- Caphyon/clang-power-tools - Bringing clang-tidy magic to Visual Studio C++ developers.
- mmacneil/AspNetCoreApiStarter - An ASP.NET Core (v2.1) Web API project to quickly bootstrap new projects. Includes Identity, JWT authentication w/ refresh tokens.
- lduchosal/ipnetwork - IPNetwork command line and C# library take care of complex network, IP, IPv4, IPv6, netmask, CIDR, subnet, subnetting, supernet, and supernetting calculation for .NET developers. It works with IPv4 as well as IPv6, is written in C#, has a light and clean API, and is fully unit-tested
- vkhorikov/CqrsInPractice - Source code for the CQRS in Practice Pluralsight course
- pixeltris/USharp - C# plugin for Unreal Engine 4
- RadicalCSG/Chisel.Prototype - Work in progress prototype for the Chisel Level Editor, for Unity
- zzzprojects/Eval-Expression.NET - C# Eval Expression | Evaluate, Compile, and Execute C# code and expression at runtime.
- yaronzz/Tidal-Media-Downloader-PRO - Download 'TIDAL' Music On Windows/Linux/MacOs (PYTHON/C#)
- rscustom/rocksmith-custom-song-toolkit - Custom song toolkit for Rocksmith and Rocksmith 2014
- haacked/CodeHaacks - This is a collection of prototypes, samples, proof-of-concepts. None of this is meant to be used in production code, but you can take any of the ideas you like and try them out in your own projects.
- docevaad/Chain - Micro ORM for .Net
- VincentH-Net/CSharpForMarkup - Use declarative style C# instead of XAML for Xamarin Forms UI
- stavroskasidis/BlazorContextMenu - A context menu component for Blazor !
- solarwinds/OrionSDK - SDK for the SolarWinds Orion platform, including tools, documentation, and samples in PowerShell, C#, Go, Perl, and Java.
- 5argon/protobuf-unity - Automatic .proto files compilation in Unity project to C# as you edit them, plus utilities.
- zacbre/Socks5 - A full-fledged high-performance socks5 proxy server written in C#. Plugin support included.
- keijiro/OscJack - Lightweight implementation of OSC server/client in C# (Unity)
- karl-/pb_CSG - A C# port of CSG.js by Evan W (http://evanw.github.io/csg.js/).
- ashleydavis/Fluent-Behaviour-Tree - C# behaviour tree library with a fluent API
- VahidN/EFSecondLevelCache.Core - Entity Framework Core Second Level Caching Library
- GeorGeWzw/Sukt.Core - Sukt.Core 本项目是基于.Net Core开发的一个开源后台管理框架目前有以下模块 组织机构、菜单管理、按钮管理、用户管理、部门管理、角色管理、用户角色、角色权限、任务计划调度。
- Ceiridge/Chrome-Developer-Mode-Extension-Warning-Patcher - ⇒ Disable Chrome's Developer Mode Extension Warning Popup & Elision WWW/HTTPS Hiding & Debugging Extension Popup
- Athari/CsConsoleFormat - .NET C# library for advanced formatting of console output [Apache]
- xamarin/WebSharp - Support for running C# on the web browser.
- mdabros/SharpLearning - Machine learning for C# .Net
- CXWorld/CapFrameX - Frametime capture and analysis tool
- unity3d-jp/UnityChanSpringBone - UnityChan Sping Bone System for lightweight secondary animations
- mmacneil/CleanAspNetCoreWebApi - Starter project for creating APIs built on ASP.NET Core using clean architecture.
- Olivine-Labs/Alchemy-Websockets - An extremely efficient C# WebSocket server.
- richhickey/clojure-clr - A port of Clojure to the CLR, part of the Clojure project
- Coldairarrow/Colder.Fx.Net.AdminLTE - A Web Rapid Development Framework For .NET4.472 Based On AdminLTE
- jaegertracing/jaeger-client-csharp - C# client (tracer) for Jaeger
- curiosity-ai/catalyst - 🚀 Catalyst is a C# Natural Language Processing library built for speed. Inspired by spaCy's design, it brings pre-trained models, out-of-the box support for training word and document embeddings, and flexible entity recognition models.
- codingupastorm/vadersharp - Sentiment analysis using VADER with C#
- nxrighthere/ValveSockets-CSharp - Managed C# abstraction of GameNetworkingSockets library by Valve Software
- zcgonvh/CVE-2020-0688 - Exploit and detect tools for CVE-2020-0688
- Saltarelle/SaltarelleCompiler - C# to JavaScript compiler – Now http://bridge.net
- MrNerverDie/MiniWeChat-Client - A Mini WeChat client for mobile device based on Unity3D using MVVM framework
- MachinaCore/CygwinPortable - Portable Cygwin
- nettitude/SharpSocks - Tunnellable HTTP/HTTPS socks4a proxy written in C# and deployable via PowerShell
- kennyvv/Alex - A Minecraft client written in C# aimed at compatibility with MC:Java & MC:Bedrock
- RobThree/MongoRepository - Repository abstraction layer on top of Official MongoDB C# driver
- DaveSkender/Stock.Indicators - Stock Indicators for .NET is a C# library package that produces financial market technical indicators. Send in historical price quotes and get back desired indicators such as moving averages, Relative Strength Index, Stochastic Oscillator, Parabolic SAR, etc. Nothing more. It can be used in any market analysis software using standard OHLCV price quotes for equities, commodities, forex, cryptocurrencies, and others. We had private trading algorithms, machine learning, and charting systems in mind when originally creating this community library.
- CraneInForest/LockStepSimpleFramework-Client - unity帧同步游戏极简框架-客户端
- microsoft/Cognitive-Samples-VideoFrameAnalysis - A library with sample apps for continuous analysis of live video, using the Microsoft Cognitive Services Vision APIs.
- komefai/PS4Macro - Automation utility for PS4 Remote Play written in C#
- NModbus/NModbus - NModbus is a C# implementation of the Modbus protocol.
- ixre/cms - DDD 开源.NET CMS、跨平台, 兼容.NET Core和ASP.NET,支持Docker容器
- davidfowl/Channels - Push based .NET Streams
- CoreTweet/CoreTweet - Yet Another .NET Twitter Library
- mattfrear/Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Filters - A bunch of useful filters for Swashbuckle.AspNetCore
- hiram3512/HiSocket - It is a lightweight client socket solution, you can used it in C# project or Unity3d
- coinapi/coinapi-sdk - SDKs for CoinAPI
- TheWover/CertStealer - A .NET tool for exporting and importing certificates without touching disk.
- RefactoringGuru/design-patterns-csharp - Design Pattern Examples in C#
- Fody/ConfigureAwait - Configure async code's ConfigureAwait at a global level
- twitchax/AspNetCore.Proxy - ASP.NET Core Proxies made easy.
- microsoft/CsWinRT - C# language projection for the Windows Runtime
- limpo1989/kcp-csharp - KCP - A Fast and Reliable ARQ Protocol
- danm-de/pcsc-sharp - PC/SC wrapper classes for .NET, written in C#
- adrianhall/develop-mobile-apps-with-csharp-and-azure - The Book Contents - Develop Mobile Apps with C# and Azure
- VahidN/PdfReport.Core - PdfReport.Core is a code first reporting engine, which is built on top of the iTextSharp.LGPLv2.Core and EPPlus.Core libraries
- ROBOTIS-GIT/DynamixelSDK - ROBOTIS Dynamixel SDK (Protocol1.0/2.0)
- MvvmCross/MvvmCross-Samples - Tutorials and samples for MvvmCross: The .NET MVVM framework for cross-platform solutions.
- bilal-fazlani/commanddotnet - A modern framework for building modern CLI apps
- Redth/dotnet-maui-check - .NET MAUI Check tool
- qinyuanpei/HttpServer - 一个使用C#编写的简易Web服务器
- Viladoman/StructLayout - Visual Studio Extension for C++ struct memory layout visualization
- Immortalt/imt-wanke-client - 不朽玩客云客户端(Immortalt Wanke Client)
- markjprice/cs9dotnet5 - Repository for the Packt Publishing book titled "C# 9 and .NET 5 - Modern Cross-Platform Development" by Mark J. Price
- builtbybel/control-uwp - 🌚🌓Alternative Control Panel for Windows 10
- axzxs2001/Asp.NetCoreExperiment - 原来所有项目都移动到OleVersion目录下进行保留。新的案例装以.net 5.0为主,一部分对以前案例进行升级,一部分将以前的工作经验总结出来,以供大家参考!
- Scrawk/Marching-Cubes - Marching cubes in Unity
- ClassicUO/ClassicUO - ClassicUO - an open source implementation of the Ultima Online Classic Client.
- jrusbatch/compilify - A web-based compiler for C# and VB.NET, powered by the Roslyn Project.
- CiaccoDavide/Alchemy-Circles-Generator - A simple procedural generator of alchemy circles
- kekyo/IL2C - IL2C - A translator for ECMA-335 CIL/MSIL to C language.
- chvancooten/OSEP-Code-Snippets - A repository with my notable code snippets for Offensive Security's PEN-300 (OSEP) course.
- viciousviper/DokanCloudFS - A virtual filesystem for various publicly accessible Cloud storage services on the Microsoft Windows platform.
- feature-flags-co/feature-flags-co - Feature flagging and remote config service. Host yourself or use our hosted version at https://portal.feature-flags.co/
- OctopusDeploy/Octodiff - 100% C# implementation of remote delta compression based on the rsync algorithm
- warappa/XamlCSS - Style Xaml applications with CSS
- colgreen/sharpneat - SharpNEAT - Evolution of Neural Networks. A C# .NET Framework.
- TinyCsvParser/TinyCsvParser - Easy to use, easy to extend and high-performance library for CSV parsing with .NET
- poppastring/dasblog-core - The original DasBlog reimagined with ASP.NET Core
- ccollie/snowflake-net - A C# port of Twitter's Snowflake id generation algorithm
- XiaoFaye/WooCommerce.NET - A .NET Wrapper for WooCommerce/WordPress REST API
- UnofficialCrusaderPatch/UnofficialCrusaderPatch - Unofficial balancing patch installer for Stronghold Crusader 1
- SDchao/AutoVsCEnv_WPF - Simple Tool to configure C/C++ in VScode automatically
- marshallward/TiledSharp - C# library for parsing and importing TMX and TSX files generated by Tiled, a tile map generation tool
- VeryHotShark/First-Person-Controller-VeryHotShark - This is a project where im trying to create a quite generic first person controller that can be use in different games and extended for your own needs. I started this project because i wanted to create a controller for my walking simulator game so that's why controller fits better with this genre. I Also use a free extension from Unity Store called Naughty Attributes to help me keep this project nice and tidy.
- virtualglobebook/OpenGlobe - A 3D engine for virtual globes (think Google Earth or NASA World Wind) designed to illustrate the engine design and rendering techniques described in our book. OpenGlobe is written in C# and uses OpenGL 3.3 core profile (via OpenTK). See the web site linked below for more information
- ZetaSp/PowerToys-Chinese-TransMOD - PowerToys Custom Simplified Chinese Translation Patch - 微软大力玩具自制简中翻译
- ChrisFulstow/NBlog - A lightweight blog engine built with ASP.NET MVC 3, Razor, jQuery and C#.
- zhongkaifu/RNNSharp - RNNSharp is a toolkit of deep recurrent neural network which is widely used for many different kinds of tasks, such as sequence labeling, sequence-to-sequence and so on. It's written by C# language and based on .NET framework 4.6 or above versions. RNNSharp supports many different types of networks, such as forward and bi-directional network, sequence-to-sequence network, and different types of layers, such as LSTM, Softmax, sampled Softmax and others.
- maartenba/GoogleAnalyticsTracker - GoogleAnalyticsTracker - A C# library for tracking Google Analytics
- iccb1013/Sheng.Winform.Controls - 升讯威 .Net WinForm 控件库提供了超过15种 Winform 控件,你可以直接使用本控件库,更可以通过本控件库学到 Winform 控件开发的方法和理念。
- duyanming/Anno.Core - Anno 是一个微服务快速开发框架,底层通讯可以随意切换 grpc、thrift。自带服务发现、调用链追踪、Cron 调度、限流、事件总线、CQRS 、DDD、类似MVC的开发体验,插件化开发。 Anno is a microservices rapid development framework, the underlying communication can be arbitrary switch GRPC, thrift.Built-in service discovery, call chain tracking, Cron scheduling, current limiting, event bus, CQRS, DDD, similar MVC development experience, plug-in development.
- damienbod/IdentityServer4AspNetCoreIdentityTemplate - An ASP.NET Core 3.1 IdentityServer4 Identity Bootstrap 4 template with localization
- Arno0x/CSharpScripts - Collection of C# scripts
- thecodrr/BreadPlayer - Bread Player, a free and open source music player powered by UWP and C#/.NET with a sleek and polished design built for, and by, the people seeking a better alternative to Groove and Windows Media Player by Microsoft.
- hexadezi/adbGUI - Wrapper for Android Debug Bridge (ADB) written in C#
- force-net/DeepCloner - Fast object cloner for .NET
- cornflourblue/aspnet-core-jwt-authentication-api - ASP.NET Core 2.2 JWT Authentication API
- benfoster/Fabrik.Common - Useful stuff from fabrik
- IntelliTect/EssentialCSharp - This project contains the source code for the book Essential C# by Mark Michaelis (Addison-Wesley).
- zeromq/clrzmq - CLR (.NET & Mono) binding for 0MQ
- AndreiMisiukevich/ContextMenu - ContextView for Xamarin.Forms
- mdechatech/CharTweener - Unity3D - DOTween extensions for tweening TextMeshPro characters
- fals/cqrs-clean-eventual-consistency - CQRS, using Clean Architecture, multiple databases and Eventual Consistency
- SpiderLabs/SharpCompile - SharpCompile is an aggressor script for Cobalt Strike which allows you to compile and execute C# in realtime. This is a more slick approach than manually compiling an .NET assembly and loading it into Cobalt Strike. The project aims to make it easier to move away from adhoc PowerShell execution instead creating a temporary assembly and executing using beacon's 'execute-assembly' in seconds.
- hugoscurti/mesh-cutter - Simple mesh cutting algorithm that works on simple 3d manifold objects with genus 0
- doghappy/socket.io-client-csharp - socket.io-client implemention for .NET
- colyseus/colyseus-unity3d - ⚔ Colyseus Multiplayer SDK for Unity
- GhostPack/ForgeCert - "Golden" certificates
- shibayan/Sharprompt - Interactive command-line based application framework for C#
- jderrough/UnitySlippyMap - A slippy map implementation written in C# for Unity3D
- ProgrammingBlockchain/ProgrammingBlockchainCodeExamples - Don't talk. Code!
- LayoutFarm/Typography - C# Font Reader (TrueType / OpenType / OpenFont / CFF / woff / woff2) , Glyphs Layout and Rendering
- mmacneil/ASPNetCoreGraphQL - Sample project demonstrating a GraphQL service built with ASP.NET Core 2.2, Entity Framework Core and graphql-dotnet.
- michaelday008/AnyRPGCore - Open source Role Playing Game engine for Unity 3D written in C#.
- Metric/Materia - An open source alternative to Substance Designer written in C#
- trentsartain/Neural-Network - This is a configurable Neural Network written in C#. The Network functionality is completely decoupled from the UI and can be ported to any project. You can also export and import fully trained networks and datasets.
- praeclarum/Continuous - Continuous IDE Addin enables live coding from Xamarin Studio and Visual Studio
- ctstone/csredis - .NET client for Redis and Redis Sentinel (2.8). Includes both synchronous and asynchronous clients.
- amaggiulli/QLNet - QLNet C# Library
- ClosedXML/ClosedXML.Report - ClosedXML.Report is a tool for report generation with which you can easily export any data from your .NET classes to Excel using a XLSX-template.
- AsynkronIT/protoactor-dotnet - Proto Actor - Ultra fast distributed actors for Go, C# and Java/Kotlin
- zac7f/Socks5 - A full-fledged high-performance socks5 proxy server written in C#. Plugin support included.
- andreakarasho/ClassicUO - ClassicUO - an open source implementation of the Ultima Online Classic Client.
- tg123/commandlinefu.cn - 中文版commandlinefu
- LeeCampbell/RxCookbook - Collection of recipes and snippets helping you create useful Rx code
- xen2/SharpLang - Compiles .NET/C# to native code using LLVM framework. No longer active, consider migrating to https://github.com/dotnet/corert
- stomakun/BaiduOldDriver - Library and tools for using Baidu Netdisk's private APIs. 百度网盘私有API的C#库。
- lolp1/Process.NET - A C# class library for interacting with processes.
- lei-zhu/SimpleCrawler - C# Crawler 多线程爬虫程序,支持正则表达式过滤、关键字过滤、正文内容识别等等
- keijiro/Cloner - An example of use of procedural instancing.
- BlueshiftSoftware/EntityFrameworkCore - NoSQL providers for EntityFramework Core
- keijiro/ChromaPack - ChromaPack -- A lossy texture compression plugin for Unity.
- Unity-Technologies/com.unity.multiplayer.mlapi - A game networking framework built for the Unity Engine to abstract game networking concepts.
- thrdev/Socks5 - A full-fledged high-performance socks5 proxy server written in C#. Plugin support included.
- SharpC2/SharpC2 - .NET C2 Framework Proof of Concept
- floatinghotpot/cordova-plugin-admob - Basic Cordova Plugin for AdMob
- interl0per/Console-Graphics - A full blown 3D graphics engine that runs in a windows console window
- BenFradet/RiotSharp - C# wrapper for the Riot Games API
- aws/aws-extensions-for-dotnet-cli - Extensions to the dotnet CLI to simplify the process of building and publishing .NET Core applications to AWS services
- zabirauf/icsharp - C# kernel for Jupyter
- windows-toolkit/WindowsCommunityToolkit - The Windows Community Toolkit is a collection of helpers, extensions, and custom controls. It simplifies and demonstrates common developer tasks building UWP and .NET apps for Windows 10. The toolkit is part of the .NET Foundation.
- kklldog/AgileConfig - 基于.NET Core开发的轻量级分布式配置中心 / .NET Core lightweight configuration server
- NewLifeX/NewLife.Cube - 魔方是一个快速Web开发平台,能够快速搭建系统原型,而又具有足够灵活的可扩展性!内部集成了用户权限管理、模板继承、SSO登录、OAuth服务端、数据导出与分享等多个功能模块,默认模板在真实项目中经历过单表100亿数据添删改查的考验。
- labo89/adbGUI - Wrapper for Android Debug Bridge (ADB) written in C#
- codidact/core - The core Codidact Q&A software implementation
- aspnet/HttpClientFactory - [Archived] Contains an opinionated factory for creating HttpClient instances. Project moved to https://github.com/aspnet/Extensions
- SilentOrbit/protobuf - C# code generator for reading and writing the protocol buffers format
- dotnet/platform-compat - Roslyn analyzer that finds usages of APIs that will throw PlatformNotSupportedException on certain platforms.
- cornflourblue/aspnet-core-registration-login-api - ASP.NET Core 2.2 API for User Management, Authentication and Registration
- MLJejuCamp2017/DRL_based_SelfDrivingCarControl - Deep Reinforcement Learning (DQN) based Self Driving Car Control with Vehicle Simulator
- mono/ngit - Automated jgit port to c#
- Toemsel/Network - C# Network Library
- Kevin-Robertson/InveighZero - Windows C# LLMNR/mDNS/NBNS/DNS/DHCPv6 spoofer/machine-in-the-middle tool
- abbyy/ocrsdk.com - ABBYY Cloud OCR SDK
- egordorichev/BurningKnight - C# branch of BK
- Viagi/LandlordsCore - ET斗地主Demo,ET开源链接:https://github.com/egametang/ET
- Redth/APNS-Sharp - Apple Push Notification & Feedback Services Client C# Library
- microfisher/Simple-Web-Crawler - 基于C#.NET的简单网页爬虫,支持异步并发、切换代理、操作Cookie、Gzip加速。
- daterre/Cradle - Play Twine stories in Unity.
- brandonseydel/MailChimp.Net - Mail Chimp 3.0 Wrapper
- microsoft/BotBuilder-Samples - Welcome to the Bot Framework samples repository. Here you will find task-focused samples in C#, JavaScript and TypeScript to help you get started with the Bot Framework SDK!
- FuzzySecurity/Sharp-Suite - My musings with C#
- bUnit-dev/bUnit - A testing library for Blazor Components. You can easily define components under test in C# or Razor syntax and verify outcome using semantic HTML diffing/comparison logic. You can easily interact with and inspect components, trigger event handlers, provide cascading values, inject services, mock IJSRuntime, and perform snapshot testing.
- Tlgyt/The-Collection - Collection of cracked malware, and ebooks
- ThrDev/Socks5 - A full-fledged high-performance socks5 proxy server written in C#. Plugin support included.
- uknowsec/SharpNetCheck - 在内网渗透过程中,对可以出网的机器是十分渴望的。在收集大量弱口令的情况下,一个一个去测试能不能出网太麻烦了。所以就有了这个工具,可配合如wmiexec、psexec等横向工具进行批量检测,该工具可以在dnslog中回显内网ip地址和计算机名,可实现内网中的快速定位可出网机器。
- Kooboo/Kooboo - A new web development methodology for JavaScript & C# developers. A super fast and very easy to use CMS.
- TomaszRewak/C-sharp-stack-only-json-parser - Stack only json deserialization using generators and the System.Text.Json library
- lightszero/LSharp - A Pure C# IL Runner,Run DLL as a Script.直接解析执行IL的脚本引擎
- mariuszgromada/MathParser.org-mXparser - Math Parser Java Android C# .NET/MONO (.NET Framework, .NET Core, .NET Standard, .NET PCL, Xamarin.Android, Xamarin.iOS) CLS Library - a super easy, rich and flexible mathematical expression parser (expression evaluator, expression provided as plain text / strings) for JAVA and C#. Main features: rich built-in library of operators, constants, math functions, user defined: arguments, functions, recursive functions and general recursion (direct / indirect). Additionally parser provides grammar and internal syntax checking.
- jamesmontemagno/ConnectivityPlugin - Connectivity Plugin for Xamarin and Windows
- DavidArno/SuccincT - Discriminated unions, pattern matching and partial applications for C#
- phatcher/CsvReader - Extended version of Sebastian Lorien's fast CSV Reader
- firesharkstudios/butterfly-server - The Everything is Real-Time C# Backend for Single Page Applications
- ReflectionMagic/ReflectionMagic - Framework to drastically simplify your private reflection code using C# dynamic
- MRCollective/ChameleonForms - Shape-shifting your forms experience in ASP.NET Core MVC
- cesarsouza/keras-sharp - Keras# initiated as an effort to port the Keras deep learning library to C#, supporting both TensorFlow and CNTK
- spectresystems/spectre.console - A library that makes it easier to create beautiful console applications.
- egil/bUnit - A testing library for Blazor Components. You can easily define components under test in C# or Razor syntax and verify outcome using semantic HTML diffing/comparison logic. You can easily interact with and inspect components, trigger event handlers, provide cascading values, inject services, mock IJSRuntime, and perform snapshot testing.
- hiramtan/HiSocket - It is a lightweight client socket solution, you can used it in C# project or Unity3d
- couchbase/couchbase-net-client - The official Couchbase SDK for .NET Core and Full Frameworks
- GameBuildingBlocks/UnityComponent - Unity Resource Component
- sherlockchou86/WeChat.NET - WeChat.NET client based on web wechat
- ericnewton76/gmaps-api-net - C# google maps api interface for interacting with the backend web services for Google Maps
- Tapanila/SharpCaster - Chromecast C# SDK for Windows, Windows Phone, .NET 4.5.1, Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android platforms.
- xamarin/mqtt - Minimalist and intuitive MQTT broker and client written entirely in C#
- tylike/CIIP - CIIP用于快速开发ERP类信息系统的框架.由CIIP.Designer(业务模型设计器)和CIIP.Client客户端运行程序组成.包含报表设计器,Dashboard数据分析工具,支持验证规则,支持外观变化规则,内置权限模块,界面布局设计器,多国语言支持,支持14种常用数据库,如SqlServer,Oracle,MySql等。
- parallelbgls/Modbus.Net - A high extensible hardware communication platform using C#
- keijiro/CosineGradient - Cosine gradient generator for Unity
- brakmic/OpenCV - 📷 Computer-Vision Demos
- sayedihashimi/slow-cheetah - XML Transforms for app.config and other XML files
- OneDrive/onedrive-sdk-csharp - OneDrive SDK for C#! https://dev.onedrive.com
- oleg-shilo/cs-script - C# scripting platform
- codaxy/wkhtmltopdf - C# wrapper around excellent wkhtmltopdf console utility.
- daxnet/we-text - WeText is a sample application that demonstrates the implementation of DDD/CQRS and microservice architectural patterns in C#.
- socioboard/socioboard-core - This is an old repo, for latest maintained version go here - https://github.com/socioboard/Socioboard-Core-3.0
- seanoflynn/research-bittorrent - C# BitTorrent library
- scheshan/DotNetClub - A tiny club written in Asp.Net Core
- nspec/NSpec - A battle hardened testing framework for C# that's heavily inspired by Mocha and RSpec.
- mfenniak/rethinkdb-net - A C# / .NET client driver for RethinkDB.
- Covid-19Radar/Covid19Radar - Open Source / i18n / iOS Android Cross Platform Contact Tracing App by exposure notification framework Xamarin App and Server Side Code
- justcoding121/Titanium-Web-Proxy - A cross-platform asynchronous HTTP(S) proxy server in C#.
- justcoding121/Advanced-Algorithms - 100+ algorithms & data structures generically implemented in C#.
- mj1856/TimeZoneConverter - Lightweight libraries to convert between IANA, Windows, Rails, and POSIX time zones.
- axodox/AxoCover - Nice and free .Net code coverage support for Visual Studio with OpenCover.
- OmarElabd/ObjectExporter - Object Exporter lets you export out an object while debugging in Visual Studio, the object can be serialized in either C#, JSON or XML.
- anchan828/property-drawer-collection - カスタムプロパティの作品集
- jamesmontemagno/ImageCirclePlugin - Circle Images for your Xamarin.Forms Applications
- wintoncode/Winton.Extensions.Configuration.Consul - Enables Consul to be used as a configuration source in dotnet core applications
- mmbot/mmbot - A C# port of Hubot
- TheM4hd1/Vayne-RaT - An Advanced C# .NET Rat, It’s Stable and Contains Many Features.
- microfisher/Strong-Web-Crawler - 基于C#.NET+PhantomJS+Sellenium的高级网络爬虫程序。可执行Javascript代码、触发各类事件、操纵页面Dom结构。
- keijiro/ColorSuite - Multifunctional color adjustment plugin for Unity.
- VulcanTechnologies/HoloLensCameraStream - This Unity plugin makes the HoloLens video camera frames available to a Unity app in real time. This enables Unity devs to easily use the HoloLens camera for computer vision (or anything they want).
- crest-ocean/crest - An advanced ocean system implemented in Unity3D
- Clancey/Comet - Comet is an MVU UIToolkit written in C#
- sipsorcery/sipsorcery - A WebRTC, SIP and VoIP library for C# and .NET Core. Designed for real-time communications apps.
- agileobjects/ReadableExpressions - A .NET 3.5+ and .NET Standard 1.0 library and set of Debugger Visualizers which translate Expression Trees into readable C# source code
- getsentry/raven-csharp - Superseded by: https://github.com/getsentry/sentry-dotnet
- infosecn1nja/SharpDoor - SharpDoor is alternative RDPWrap written in C# to allowed multiple RDP (Remote Desktop) sessions by patching termsrv.dll file.
- TheAllenChou/unity-cj-lib - Utility library for Unity
- Flafla2/Unity-Wiimote - An easy to use interface between Unity3D / C# and a Wii Remote controller.
- AndrewMD5/SteamCleaner - 🇺🇸 A PC utility for restoring disk space from various game clients like Origin, Steam, Uplay, Battle.net, GoG and Nexon 🇺🇸
- bytefish/TinyCsvParser - Easy to use, easy to extend and high-performance library for CSV parsing with .NET
- j6mes/httplib - HttpLib. A free HTTP library for C#
- Finickyflame/DesignPatterns - Simple repository containing one simple example for all existing patterns in C#
- slashdotdash/faker-cs - C# port of the Ruby Faker gem (http://faker.rubyforge.org/)
- ah-/rdkafka-dotnet - C# Apache Kafka client
- MrCMS/MrCMS - Mr CMS is an open source C# MVC CMS Framework
- Coldairarrow/Coldairarrow.Fx.Core.Easyui.GitHub - A Web Rapid Development Framework For .NET Core
- UiPath/corewf - WF runtime ported to work on .NET 5
- EslaMx7/ScreenTask - Desktop App in C# to Share Your Screen With Your Friends Inside The Internal Network.
- Orckestra/C1-CMS-Foundation - C1 CMS Foundation - .NET based, open source and a bundle of joy!
- jamie-pate/flipflop-windows-wheel - C# dotnet4 application to set or remove the 'flipflopwheel' registry setting in windows for all mouse devices
- elanderson/Angular-Core-IdentityServer - Using Angular (4+) with ASP.NET Core and IdentityServer4
- yanghuan/bridge.lua - Bridge.lua is a C#-to-Lua Compiler,which generates equivalent and consistent lua code
- Coevery/Coevery - A flexible data-centric web application framework
- kphillpotts/XamarinFormsLayoutChallenges - Sample Layouts for Xamarin Forms
- AK-Saigyouji/Procedural-Cave-Generator - Unity scripts that procedurally generate ready-to-use cave meshes.
- ObjectivityLtd/Ocaramba - C# Framework to automate tests using Selenium WebDriver
- barrett777/Heroes.ReplayParser - A C# library for parsing Heroes of the Storm replay files (.StormReplay)
- DamonMohammadbagher/NativePayload_DNS - C# code for Transferring Backdoor Payloads by DNS Traffic and Bypassing Anti-viruses
- SadConsole/SadConsole - A .NET ascii/ansi console engine written in C# for MonoGame and XNA. Create your own text roguelike (or other) games!
- UiPath-Open/corewf - WF runtime ported to work on .NET Core and .NET Standard
- ZenLulz/MemorySharp - A C# based memory editing library targeting Windows applications, offering various functions to extract and inject data and codes into remote processes to allow interoperability.
- ivaylokenov/MyTested.AspNet.TV - YouTube Channel for Advanced C# Lessons
- CatLib/CatLib - CatLib for unity3d dependency injection framework
- d60/Cirqus - d60 event sourcing + CQRS framework
- Cocos2DXNA/cocos2d-xna - XNA Port of Cocos2d-X
- microsoft/slow-cheetah - Tooling for XML and JSON file transforms on build from Visual Studio and MSBuild
- ddevault/Craft.Net - (Unmaintained, see TrueCraft) Minecraft server, client, and etc for .NET
- GhostPack/SharpRoast - DEPRECATED SharpRoast is a C# port of various PowerView's Kerberoasting functionality.
- NormalVR/CutieKeys - A basic drum keyboard that anyone can use in their own VR project.
- speps/XInputDotNet - C# wrapper around XInput, works with any Mono or .NET application (eg. Unity3D)
- judah4/HSV-Color-Picker-Unity - HSV color picker for Unity UI
- EraserKing/Unblock163MusicClient - Unblock 163 Cloud Music Windows client.
- ratishphilip/CompositionProToolkit - Collection of Helper classes and controls (using Win2d) for Windows.UI.Composition
- ivanpaulovich/dotnet-new-caju - Learn Clean Architecture with .NET Core 3.0 🔥
- adrianaisemberg/CLAP - CLAP: A Kick-Ass .NET Command-Line Parser
- steponteam/FaceRecognization - A C# wrapper of arcsoft's face recogization library.
- NEventStore/CommonDomain-ReadOnly - Encapsulates various infrastructure concerns for domains.
- yuzd/Hangfire.Core.Extend - 在1.6.5基础上给dashbord增加了搜索功能,增加在dashbord上手动添加job,提供对外SDK添加job
- ProfessionalCSharp/MoreSamples - Additional code samples the book series Professional C#, Wrox Press
- yaronzz/Tidal-Media-Downloader - Download 'TIDAL' Music On Windows/Linux/MacOs (PYTHON/C#)
- DSharpPlus/DSharpPlus - A C# library for making bots using the Discord API. (.NET framework)
- Merlin-san/UdonSharp - An experimental compiler for compiling C# to Udon assembly
- pruiz/WkHtmlToXSharp - C# wrapper wrapper (using P/Invoke) for the excelent Html to PDF conversion library wkhtmltopdf library.
- citizenmatt/resharper-clippy - Clippy. For ReSharper
- murrayju/CreateProcessAsUser - Creates a process in a different Windows session
- antlr/antlrcs - The C# port of ANTLR 3, StringTemplate 3, and StringTemplate 4
- andoowhy/EgoCS - EgoCS: An Entity (GameObject) Component System framework for Unity3D
- Auburns/FastNoise_CSharp - FastNoise C# Version
- hultqvist/protobuf - C# code generator for reading and writing the protocol buffers format
- imposters-handbook/sample-code - Sample code for The Imposter's Handbook
- telerik/razor-converter - Tool for converting WebForms Views to Razor (C# Only)
- stack72/TeamCitySharp - No Longer Maintained - please use https://github.com/mavezeau/TeamCitySharp
- tugberkugurlu/AspNetCore.Identity.MongoDB - MongoDB Data Store Adaptor for ASP.NET Core Identity
- microfisher/Captcha-Recognizer - 基于C#.NET异步图形验证码识别组件(集成了若快、优优云、打码兔、云打码等平台,准确率95%,速度2-6秒)采用策略设计模式
- brandondahler/Data.HashFunction - C# library to create a common interface to non-cryptographic hash functions.
- cocowolf/loxodon-framework - A MVVM framework for game development on the Unity3D,which supports lua and C# language.
- Readify/Neo4jClient - .NET client binding for Neo4j
- djkaty/Il2CppInspector - The premiere tool for reverse engineering Unity IL2CPP binaries
- mattatz/CellularGrowth - GPU-based cellular growth simulation in Unity. 🧠
- LordMike/TMDbLib - C#.Net library for TheMovieDB.
- freedombird9/wechat-deletion-check - Windows app that checks who deleted/blocked you in WeChat.
- dotnet/core-sdk - .NET Core SDK Setup