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  S L I G E

  An automatic level generator
  for DOOM and DOOM II

  User Manual
  presented as a set of questions and answers
  because it was easier

| Version of 2000/02/01
| Covering SLIGE build 485 or so
  Recent documentation changes are marked in the left margin
  See the bottom for recent program changes

  Dave Chess


  Q. What is SLIGE?

  A. SLIGE is an automatic level generator for DOOM and DOOM II.
     When you run SLIGE, you get a file that (after passing it
     through a blockmap generator like BSP) you can feed to DOOM
     (or DOOM II) to get a brand-new level that no one's ever
     played before.  It runs in Windows95 and (I expect) Windows 98
     and Windows NT, and I'm told it'll also run in Windows 3.1 with
     WIN32 installed, whatever that means.  The source is also available,
     and it has been successfully compiled for DOS and Linux.

  Q. How do I use it?

  A. Simple!  Just stick SLIGE.EXE somewhere on your hard disk, and:

        bsp slige.out slige.wad
        doom -file slige.wad

     or, for DOOM II:

        slige -doom2
        bsp slige.out slige.wad
        doom2 -file slige.wad

     where you can substitute your own favorite blockmap builder for
     BSP, and put things in other directories or whatever if you like.

     (If you don't have a blockmap builder, look on, in:
     I use BSP myself; that's in that directory, as of this
     writing.  SLIGE's output files *ought* to be perfectly vanilla,
     and compatible with any good blockmap builder, but I've had
     some trouble reports from IDBSP and ZenNode users.  Dunno why.
     If you have any interesting experiences using other blockmap
     builders with SLIGE, let me know!  The -nulls switch (see below)
     may help with some of these; if it does for you, let me know
     that also, and I'll document it.)

     Note that you get a different level every time you run the
     program (it does a cheesy random-number seeding from the
     clock), so if you like the level and want to save it, rename
     the WAD file before running SLIGE again!

     The SLIGE.EXE file doesn't have to be in the DOOM directory or
     anything.  If you want to change the textures and flats that
     SLIGE uses, you'll need to put your modified SLIGE.CFG in the
     current directory, or use the -config switch to name it.

  Q. So what's it good for?

  A. I see two main uses for SLIGE: for DOOM players to hone their
     playing skills by DOOMing in lots of new environments they've
     never played in before, and for DOOM level designers to get
     bases to build on and ideas for rooms of their own.  Sometimes
     the computer can come up with something neat and inspiring,
     just because it has no common sense, or because it gets lucky.
     (It's also been suggested that SLIGE is a good source of PWADs
     to test PWAD utilities like editors and stuff on; I hadn't
     thought of that, but it sounds reasonable!)

  Q. Is this a beta?

  A. Not any more!  There have been lots of releases of the program,
     and while I have All Sorts of Grandiose Plans about improvements
     for the future, I finally got some config-file stuff done, and
     the code in general is pretty well-tested by now and seems to have
     too few bugs to really deserve the name "beta".  (On the other hand,
     some of the obvious limitations that I keep telling myself I'll
     fix real soon (like how square the rooms are) are still in there.)

  Q. Are there known bugs?

  A. A few.  Previous builds sometimes had an occasional doorway
     you couldn't get through, or a thing with an invalid id, or a
     switch that didn't do anything, but I think those are all fixed
     now.  In the current version, there's an occasional semi-transparent
     pillar in a room-of-pillars, but I think that's a blockmapper or
     engine bug).  Very rarely, a tree can block a door that you don't
     really need to get through anyway; more seriously but also very
     rarely, there can be a teleport gate that's difficult or impossible
     to get through, or to get past.  These will all be fixed eventually.

     Other known things that go wrong are subtler (sometimes oddly
     aligned textures or strange monster placement), and not quite
     bugs.  But I'm eager for feedback about anything at all that bothers
     you (or impresses you!) about SLIGE levels, so don't hesitate to
     write even if you're not sure something's a bug.  (If it's HOM or
     a slime-trail, it's almost definitely a bug, unless you're using
     some unreliable blockmap builder.)

     Oh, and if you see any wall sections that are red (REDWALL)
     that don't look like they ought to be, send those in, too.
     That's the way SLIGE's post-production HOM-killer marks
     places where a texture was left out by the main program.

  Q. When I try to use this SLIGE level, I get a message like
     "R_TextureNumForName: <something> not found".  Why?

  A. Well, if the <something> is the name of one of SLIGE's custom
     textures or flats (MARBGARG, EXITSWIT, DOORSKUL, GRAYALT, or SLDOOR1,
     for instance), it may mean that something (your blockmap builder,
     or your editor if you touched the WAD with an editor) has removed
     an important lump, where the custom texture/flat is stored.  If this
     is the case, you can either (a) get a blockmapper or editor that
     doesn't suck quite so badly, (b) throw this WAD away and use the
     -nocustom switch in the future to tell SLIGE not to use any custom
     graphics, or (c) use the -cwad switch to produce a PWAD containing
     *only* the custom graphics, and use that WAD along with normal
     SLIGE PWADs in the future (see below for an example).

     Of course, if you've been messing with the config files (see
     below somewhere), and you get this message referring to one of
     the textures that you were messing with, you probably just
     spelled the name wrong or something, and should fix your config

  Q. Nope, that wasn't it; the "TextureNumForName" message was about
     a standard DOOM texture (and/or I tried what you said above and
     it didn't help), and I haven't been messing with the config file.

  A. Send me a note and tell me about it!  Probably I forgot to tell
     SLIGE that some particular texture is DOOM I or DOOM II only, and
     it's trying to use it in the wrong game.  Ooops!  Tell me the name
     of the texture from the error message, and I can fix it quick.

  Q. I don't get that particular message, but the WADs that I make
     just don't work!  SLIGE sucks!

  A. More likely your blockmap-builder sucks, or at least has some
     "limitations".  I recommend using BSP 2.3 or above; it seems to
     have no trouble with SLIGE levels.  If you have trouble with some
     other blockmap builder, try the "-noslinfo" and "-nocustom" switches
     when running SLIGE (to remove things from the WAD that might be
     confusing your blockmapper), and use any switches you can find to
     tell your blockmapper not to (for instance) merge vertexes that
     are "too close together".  That might help.  Also try the "-nulls"
     switch (see below), and if that helps, let me know.

     If a SLIGE wad isn't working with some DOOM port (WinDoom, ZDoom,
     Boom, etc), try it with vanilla DOOM/DOOM 2, and see if it works
     there.  If it does, then there's some problem with the port you're
     using; send me a note about it, and also send the WAD to the owners
     of your port.  One hint: if the WAD is causing ZDoom to hang, try
     the -noflathack switch on ZDoom.  That's said to help sometimes.

  Q. There's a step in this level that's a little too high to
     go up.  Is that a bug?

  A. Have you tried activating it?  It's probably just a very
     low lift.  Or maybe there's a switch or teleporter somewhere
     further along that'll get you up there.  But if it won't
     activate, and you can't get up it, and it's keeping you from
     finishing the level or otherwise getting somewhere desirable,
     send it in; it's a bug.

  Q. I've noticed that sometimes the short edges of door
     sectors aren't unpegged, so they seem to move with
     the door.  You should fix that!

  A. Nah, I do it on purpose.  I think it sometimes looks
     kind of cool to have the track move with the door,
     so the program sometimes does that.

  Q. Mostly SLIGE uses the sky textures correctly, but once in
     awhile there's a sky texture just sitting on a wall or a
     pillar, like a painting.  Is that a bug?

  A. No, it's a painting!  *8)  In fact I was inspired to do it by
     a comment in the UDS: "They can also be used on regular walls,
     but they usually aren't, because then they look just like a
     painting."  I thought that might look cool, and when my
     daughter saw the results of my first experiment she thought
     it looked really neat, so I kept it in.  Now that I finally have
     some config-file support working, you can (if you're brave enough
     and clever enough to figure out the config format!) go in and
     take the "plaque" attribute off of that texture, and it'll stop
     doing that.

  Q. What's this stuff SLIGE prints when it runs?

  A. Nothing much.  You can mostly ignore it unless it sounds really
     fatal.  SLIGE pretty much never fails to generate a usable
     output file (unless you're out of disk space or memory or
     something silly like that).  The stuff that SLIGE prints also
     changes from build to build, so if you've gotten used to a
     certain build telling you every time it puts in a certain thing,
     you may find that the next build puts them in without mentioning
     it.  This is normal.

  Q. Do SLIGE-built PWADs implement difficulty levels?

  A. Definitely!  While building a map, SLIGE maintains three
     different user models, one for each of the main difficulty
     levels.  It keeps track of the expected condition (health /
     ammo / armor) of each kind of player in each room, and
     puts in monsters and ammo and armor accordingly.  Do try
     a few SLIGE levels on more than one setting, and let me
     know what you think!  I expect to have to twiddle things
     quite a bit before I have it just right.  Too much health
     on Hurt Me Plenty?  Not enough extra monsters on Ultra?
     Write and tell me!

  Q. The levels SLIGE makes are too hard for me!

  A. So don't play on Ultraviolence!  *8)  I know some people are
     used to playing all WADs that way, but SLIGE's aren't really
     intended for *everyone* to play on UV.  Try Hurt Me Plenty,
     try Not Too Rough, try Too Young To Die.  If some level is
     too hard even on Too Young to Die, let me know!

  Q. I'm a guy who likes to take on Cyberdemons with just my
     fists.  Even on Ultraviolence, the levels SLIGE makes are
     too easy!

  A. Well, Rambo, SLIGE has a switch for you!  You can use the
     "-macho" switch, along with a number from 1 to 100, to
     cause the Ultraviolence (and to a lesser extent Hurt Me
     Plenty) settings of the generated level(s) to be harder.
     For instance:

         slige -macho 60

     The -macho switch tells SLIGE that you can kill the average
     monster at a lower cost in ammo and health than the default
     player model.  -macho 1 will be pretty much unnoticable,
     whereas -macho 100 is a claim that you're about twice as
     good as the default model says you should be.  Again,
     -macho effects only Hurt Me Plenty and Ultraviolence;
     Too Young to Die and Not Too Rough will be as easy as ever.

  Q. I'm even harder to please!  Most of these SLIGE levels are
     pretty easy, but there are a couple where you're trapped in
     a room with two Revenants, and...

  A. Yeah, with the introduction of some of the bigger monsters,
     like Cacos and Revs, where placement and environment are
     (even) more important than with troopers and cattle, the
     SLIGE model is just too simple.  It doesn't realize that a
     Caco trapped in a small room that you can just lob shells
     into is very different from one that's got you trapped at
     the top of a lift.  Deal with it!  Think of it as good
     practice.  (Which it is.)  If you get a level that you
     think really can't be done at all, send it to me and I'll
     see if I agree, and if I can think of a way to avoid the
     situation occurring in the future.

| Q. Are there any other ways to mess with the monster balance?
|    What about weapons?
| A. Usually, SLIGE decides at random whether or not a given
|    level will contain any "big" monsters, or any "big"
|    weapons (with later levels in the same multi-level WAD
|    being more likely to).  You can use the "-bimo" and/or
|    "-biwe" switch to turn on big monsters and/or big weapons,
|    respectively, in all the levels produced in one run.
|    You can also use the "-bimo!" switch (that's -bimo with
|    an exclamation point on the end) to force SLIGE into
|    "biggest monsters" mode, in which it will tend to choose
|    bigger monsters more often than smaller ones.
|    So if you do "slige -doom2 -bewe -bimo -bimo!", for instance,
|    you're likely to get a rather extreme level!  SLIGE will
|    sometimes produce a level like this even without the switches,
|    but with the switches it's more or less a sure thing.
  Q. Can SLIGE-built levels be used in co-op mode?  How about

| A. Yes, and sort of: SLIGE puts four co-op starts into each
     level, and I've tried to take the advice of various veteran
     co-op players in making SLIGE co-op-friendly.  If you're
     a co-op player and you have any advice on how SLIGE's levels
|    could be (even) better for co-op play, let me know!  Co-op
|    players might want to try out the -bimo and -bimo! switches
|    described above, as I'm told that having lots of big nasty
|    monsters is especially fun in co-op.

|    For deathmatch, SLIGE has a -dm switch, that causes it to
|    put in at least four deathmatch starts (almost always), to
|    avoid things that don't work in deathmatch (like one-way
|    boss-arena teleports), and to make sure that every room with
|    a deathmatch start has some decent weapon.  I suspect that
|    the levels produces by "slige -dm" aren't really ideal for
|    deathmatch play, since they're still quite linear, and have
|    lots of noisy doors and stuff, but give it a try and let
|    me know what you think!

  Q. Do SLIGE-built PWADs work with the ShareWare DOOM?

  A. I don't think so.  Each level contains one object (a dead
     Lost Soul) that's invisible and has no effect on the game,
     but isn't present in the shareware DOOM, and so should keep
     the WAD from working there.  So you can pass around SLIGE
     levels without worrying about offending id Software.  At
     least this is my theory!  I don't have the Shareware version
     to test it with.

  Q. What about DOOM 1.2 / Ultimate DOOM / Final DOOM / BOOM / etc?

  A. I personal have tested the WADs with DOOM 1.9.  As far as I know,
     they should work with all DOOMs 1.2 or greater; if you find any
     SLIGE WADs that don't, let me know!  They should also work with
     BOOM, just because BOOM is very DOOM-compatible, but again I
     haven't tested.  If I get into BOOM, I may someday add some
     optional BOOM features to SLIGE (via a -boom switch or whatever).
     I have no plans at the moment to extend to Hexen or anything.
     See above for some suggestions if you encounter problems running
     SLIGE levels with your favorite DOOM port (search on "ZDoom").

  Q. Aren't there any more program switches and parameters and stuff?

  A. A few.  If you want the output file to be something other than
     SLIGE.OUT, you can specify it, as in

      slige newlevel.out

    If you think the levels are too dark, you can specify a base
    light-level somewhere between 100 and 220 or so, as in

      slige -minlight 180

    But try out the default first, and let me know if you find that
    you really want it to be different!  (The "minlight" setting is
    the light level that SLIGE considers to be the utterly darkest
    room that's at all playable.)
|   If you don't want to ever have a monster in a secret closet, use
|   the "-nosemo" switch ("no secret monsters").  That way you can
|   blast through ignoring all those subtle secret hints, and still
|   maybe get 100% kills at the end.

    If you want a different number of rooms in the new level, you
    can use the -rooms switch, as in:

      slige -rooms 7

    but note that the number you give is just a request; the exact
    number of rooms in the level may be bigger or littler.  The
    default if you don't use this switch is like 18ish.  The
    exact meaning of this switch is in flux; it may soon go
    away altogether, or its meaning may change radically.

    By default SLIGE just produces one level, and it's E1M1 in
    DOOM, or MAP01 in DOOM II.  But you can ask for more, as in

      slige -levels 8

    to replace all the levels of E1; or

      slige -levels 6 -doom2

    to get MAP01 through MAP06.  You can also change the origin,
    as in

      slige -E2M3


      slige -doom2 -map17

    Secret levels are a little complex; SLIGE will always put them
    in if the level that leads to them is generated, but they do
    *not* count for the purposes of the -levels switch.  So doing
    "slige -levels 8" will in fact get you E1M1 through E1M9, with
    E1M9 reachable as always from E1M3.  Similarly, if you do
    "slige -doom2 -map15", you'll get MAP15, MAP31, and MAP32.  To
    get an entire Doom I megawad, do "slige -levels 32" (not 36!).
    The current handling of secret levels is pretty simple; another
    thing I hope to improve later on.

    SLIGE sometimes puts in a typical fight-the-big-monster arena
    at the end of the last level in a WAD (especially for multi-level
    WADs).  If you want to make almost certain that that will happen
    in a given WAD, use the "-arena" switch.

    The "-v" switch will cause SLIGE to produce lots of extra
    meaningless output while it runs.  And "-restrict 12" should
    cause it to use only textures and monsters and stuff that
    are present in both DOOM and DOOM2, in case you want to
    produce an "ambidextrous" PWAD using some magic utility.
    This has not been extensively tested!  Finally, the "-doom0"
    switch may increase compatibility with versions of DOOM prior
    to 1.666, but I've never tested it.  Everyone has 1.9, right?

    If you need a patch PWAD containing the SLIGE custom graphics
    (see the question about texture error messages above), do

      slige <game switch(es)> -cwad <filename.ext>

    as in

      slige -doom2 -cwad slcust.wad

    This will produce "SLCUST.WAD" with the SLIGE custom textures for
    DOOM 2.  (It wil *not* produce a PWAD with a new level; just the
    texture WAD.)  To use that with a SLIGE level, do for instance

      doom2 -file slcust.wad slige.wad

    The related "-nocustom" switch tells SLIGE not to use any custom
    graphics at all in the levels it generates (see example below).

    There's also a "-noslinfo" switch, to suppress the SLINFO lump.
    If you don't know what that means, you have no need to use
    the switch!  *8)

    The "-nulls" switch tells SLIGE to include zero-length index
    entries for the "derived lmps" (the things that the blockmap
    builder creates).  Some utilities, including some versions of
    DeeP97 and WARM, apparently get confused if there aren't index
    entries for these lmps.  That DeeP97 limitation has now been fixed,
    but there may be other programs with the same problem.  If you're
    having trouble using SLIGE output with some DooM utility, see if
    giving the -nulls switch on the command line helps.  If it does,
    drop me a note!

    By default, SLIGE gets information on textures and flats and
    themes and stuf from the file SLIGE.CFG in the current directory
    (or from internal hardwired defaults if that file isn't there).
    You can use the -config switch to change this, as in

      slige -config blue.cfg

    Let's see; that's about it, I think.  There are some other
    switches, but none of them work well enough to tell anyone
    about yet.  Here's a big example:

|    slige -doom2 d:\tmp\fred.dat -map03 -levels 5 -arena -nocustom -biwe

    will produce a blockmapless PWAD called FRED.DAT in d:\tmp,
    containing maps three through seven for DOOM 2, using only
    standard DOOM 2 textures, with (probably) a fight-the-boss
|   arena at the end, and with an increased probability of the
|   larger weapons (plasma rifle, rocket launcher) showing up in
|   every level.

  Q. Does SLIGE do secret levels?  What about the special endings
     to ExM8 and MAP30?

  A. SLIGE does do secret levels; see the long long answer to the
     previous question for the details.  It also does the special
     episode-endings in ExM8 (for instance, E2M8 will almost always
     end with a Cyberdemon battle, and when you kill the Cybie, the
     level ends), and in MAP07 (but only if it's the last level in
     the PWAD).  It doesn't currently use the other sector-special
     death-effects (E4M6, say), and it doesn't use any Keens or
     Romero-heads.  It may later on (although I've never really
     gotten the point of the Keen dolls).

  Q. So why don't you replace the background music, too, while
     you're at it?  Heh heh heh.

     Well, in fact...   Long before I did SLIGE, I was heavily
     into algorithmic composition for awhile.  SLIGE does have a
     -music switch, but it doesn't do much of anything yet.  If
     I get around to it, I'll port some of my old music ideas into
     it, and you *will* be able to get new automatically-genned
     music.  Might not be all that good, though!  *8)

  Q. Pretty neat!  Doesn't it know about any other textures, though?
     I've never seen it use my favorite wall texture, PIGEYE7.

  A. At the moment it has four "themes" (generic military, generic
     wood, generic marble, and a wild theme that it sometimes uses
     in secret levels) set up by default.  Each theme has a pretty
     random set of textures that I threw in.  As of build 464, though,
     you can change the themes, and the textures and flats that they
     use, by messing with the config file.

  Q. What config file?

  A. By default, SLIGE loads texture and flat and theme information
     from SLIGE.CFG in the current directory.  If that file isn't
     there, it uses hardwired defaults (which are in fact the same
     as the settings in the SLIGE.CFG that's shipped with SLIGE).
     To make SLIGE use some other config file, use the -config
     switch.  SLIGE comes with a sample other config file called
     BLUE.CFG, that has an extra "blue" theme in addition to the
     four default themes.  Try it out!

  Q. OK, I've mastered the -config switch, and the blue theme was
     fun (if garish).  Now how do I make my own changes?  What's
     the format of the config file?

  A. The config file is a flat text file, editable with your
     favorite text editor.  There's no formal documentation for
     the language used to write the file yet, but there are
     comments in the shipped SLIGE.CFG that should let you at
     least play around a little.  Give it a try and see if it
     makes any sense!  Make suggestions to me about stuff that
     should be alterable via the config file but isn't, or stuff
     that you wanted to do but couldn't figure out how to.

     Note that it's entirely possible to make changes to the config
     file that will cause SLIGE to trap, or to produce WADs that
     will crash DOOM.  So ya hafta be a little careful.  I expect
     more error-checking and stuff will be added as we go; the
     config code is still very young.

  Q. What about other monsters / weapons / stuff?

  A. At the moment you get zombies (including DOOM II commandos),
     imps, demons, spectres, lost souls, cacodemons, and DOOM II
     revenants and hellknights, as well as (in wad-end arenas)
     cyberdemons, archviles, mancubi, Barons, spider-demons, pain
     elementals, and baby spiders.  Weapons are the shotgun (and
     supershotgun in DOOM II), chaingun, plasma gun, rocketlauncher
     and chainsaw, and sometimes there are barrels scattered around,
     and once in awhile you'll get a BFG in an arena.  Invisibility
     and radsuits are in there also, as well as backpacks, but none
     of them are terribly well modelled.  No megaspheres or invuls yet;
     probably eventually.  The boss arenas are still sort of boring,
     and it'd be nice to have the occasional Big monster somewhere
     besides a level-end arena.  I plan to improve all that over
     time!  But I'm philosophically opposed to having Cyberdemons
     just sort of wandering the corridors.  And I fully expect to get
     letters from the ASPCM complaining about how cramped many of the
     cacodemons feel, trying to float in those same corridors.

     The current config-file support doesn't allow you to change
     or add monsters or weapons or other objects (except to tell it
     which lamps belong in which theme).  Later versions of SLIGE
     may include putting that kind of thing in the config file too.

  Q. Speaking of corridors, why are SLIGE levels so interior?

  A. Outside areas are somewhat more complex to design and build
     in DOOM.  That's another area that I'm actively working on.
     In this version, you'll find some airholes to the outside,
     and the occasional exterior window or patio, but no extensive
     outdoor areas.

  Q. Why are there so few puzzles?  And Crushing Ceilings!  I love
     being crushed!

  A. SLIGE does sometimes use keys and other locked inter-room
     links in building its levels.  The usage is pretty simple,
     and doesn't really count as a puzzle.  The secret doors are
     similarly simple, and can be traps or surprises, but not
     really puzzles.  SLIGE levels are basically shoot-em-ups
     rather than detective stories!  But I plan to add more
     stuff as I go along.  If there's any particular mode of thing
     that happens in DOOM that you especially like, and that SLIGE
     doesn't seem to do (secret-related or not), drop me a line.
     SLIGE *does* do a crushing ceiling now and then, but not often;
     I don't really like 'em all that much myself...

     (SLIGE always sets the "secret" bit of the very first sector of
     each level to TRUE if there are no real secrets on a level,
     just so the message at the end will say "100%" rather than "0%",
     and you'll know you didn't miss anything.)

  Q. How come there's always this strange pair of awnings or whatever
     it is in the first room?

  A. That's an "S"-shaped hole in the ceiling.  I put it there as a
     sort of "watermark" to differentiate SLIGE-generated levels.  This
     way if someone wants to SLIGE up a dozen new levels and upload
     them to as his own creations, he'll at least have to
     learn enough about level-editing to remove the watermarks first!
     (The last bit of the spherical fireball from the dead Lost
     Soul is sometimes visible also, just for fun.)

  Q. OK, so I've played with it a little.  Now what?

  A. Tell me about it!  I'm always looking for feedback of any
     and all kinds from DOOMers.  Did it work?  Did it ever crash
     or otherwise malfunction?  Did it ever produce a level that
     could not be walked through in -nomonsters mode?  Did it ever
     produce a level that seemed unbeatable without cheating?  Is
     the ammo balance annoyingly wrong annoyingly often?  Did
     it ever really amaze you?  Do you think it's just the best
     program in the whole universe?  Do you have suggestions for
     future versions?  Let me know.

     Post to, or send me a note
     at  (The newsgroup might be slightly
     preferable, in that you'll at least be able to talk to
     other folks about it while waiting for me; sometimes I
     don't check my email for some time.)

  Q. Why's it called "SLIGE", anyway?

  A. SLIGE is an acronym for "Space Llama Interment Gazelle Expert".
     It is also the Gaelic word for "shell", in the sense of "sea
     shell".  Whether it can properly be used to mean "artillery shell"
     is apparently a hotly-contested issue among Gaelic speakers, some
     of whom consider the usage an unwanted Englishism, while others
     are just good friends.  "Slige" is also a Danish word meaning
     roughly "such", or "some", or "these".  For instance, the phrase
     in Ezra 9:14 that reads "Should we again break thy commandments,
     and join in affinity with the people of these abominations?", comes
     out in Danish as "skal vi da på ny krænke dine Bud ved at besvogre
     os med Folk, der over slige Vederstyggeligheder?".  Lovely word,
     that "Vederstyggeligheder".

  Q. What's SLIGE written in?  Can I get the source?

  A. SLIGE is somewhat over fifteen thousand lines of very vanilla C.
     (I use Microsoft Visual C++ Standard Edition, because that's
     what was cheap at Babbage's, but I don't use any special MSC'isms,
     or any of that commie C++ stuff.)  I'm a great believer in open
     source, and as of Build 311, the source is now freely available.
     Look in the same place you got this file (see the URLs up there
     on the title page).  If you do do anything with the source,
     *please* read the few requests at the very top of the file.

  Q. Are you going to do a DOS version?  Or Linux?

  A. I might, but it's not a Really High Priority.  SLIGE is very
     vanilla C, but it's also very 32-bit; a 16-bit port would be
     Boring.  I sometimes compile a 32-bit DOS version myself
     using DJGPP, but so far I don't release or support that
     (there are all sorts of issues involving DPMI and floating
     point support and stuff that I'd rather be ignorant of).
     Since the source is available, you can of course port it
     wherever you want!  A DOS DJGPP port by Matthew Wong is
     available at ""
     (or was at the time of this writing anyway).  A couple
     of people have told me that it compiles and runs fine under
     Linux, but I haven't done that myself, and I don't know of
     anyone who has made a Linux SLIGE binary generally available.
     No Mac ports reported yet!  I've heard from one person doing
     a RISC OS port, for the Acorn; DOOM is everywhere...

  Q. So what's your schedule?

  A. When I get 'round to it!  I get enough of schedules at work.  I
     hack on SLIGE when and if I get the time and feel like it (I wish
     laptops did better in full sunlight).  I've been doing it pretty
     spotily lately (mid 1999), and if I suddenly vanish for months
     and SLIGE-related mail goes unanswered, don't say I didn't warn
     you!   *8)

  Q. Aren't you forgetting something?

  A. All thanks are due to the entire DOOM community, including the
     folks on, id Software itself
     ("DOOM" and "DOOM II" are trademarks of id Software), the
     authors of BSP (and especially Lee Killough for his helpful
     participation in the newsgroup), S. John Ross, Blake Wilfong,
     Len Pitre, and Rob Ellwood for extensive testing and accurate
     bug reporting, for the server-space,
     Matthew Fell for the Unoffical DOOM Specs, and everybody that
     *he* thanks in his acknowledgements.  The "keybox" effect (a
     cute thing that SLIGE does once in a great while to mark a locked
     door) was inspired by a feature in TWZONE.WAD by Paul Corfiatis
     (thanks to Blake Wilfong for suggesting it).  Also all past, present,
     and future users of SLIGE itself, for their support, and my
     daughter Mayanne for playtesting with Golden Eyes (I finally
     got floating heads in, didn't I?).

  Q. So what's new?
| A. The main new things in build 485 since 474 are:
|    - Rudimentary deathmatch support via the -dm switch, including
|      a few bug fixes, and an increased likelihood of "extra hugeness",
|      over the alpha version,
|    - Some minor bug fixes,
|    - The -nosemo switch, so S.Napper can get 100% kills
|      without having to hunt for all the secrets,
|    - The -biwe, -bimo, and -bimo! switches, to get various
|      sorts of "big" weapons and monsters without having to
|      wait for the dice to roll that way.

  A. The main new things in build 474 since 464 are:
     - Fixed buffer-overrun that would cause the DOS version to trap,
     - Removed filelength() call, which isn't standard C,
     - Restored the "LIGHT" attribute on various flats, which was
       accidentally removed in 464; so SLIGE knows about ceiling
       lights again,
     - Finally fixed the oddity where a window grating could look
       completely different when viewed from the other side,
     - Added a "night" mode, a "dim" mode, and a few other lighting
     - Added a few more within-level correlations, like "no doors"
       and "wide links".

  A. The main new things in build 464 since 449 are:
     - Config-file support!  Finally!!  Just textures and flats
       (and lamps) and themes so far.  But it's a start.
     - Included a sample BLUE.CFG config-file that includes a
       new demonstration "blue" theme.  Kinda pretty, really.
     - Fixed the bug where barred doors were stuck open.
     - Fixed a bug found by Len Pitre, where you could get stuck in
       a closet if you tried real hard.
     - Fixed a bug where SLIGE would rarely crash when making an arena
       (and there were no available ceiling-light flats in the theme).
     - Got rid of those occasional annoying do-nothing switches.
     - Added one new surprise; I imagine you'll know it if you see it.
       Heh heh heh.

  A. The main new things in build 449 since 426 are:
     - SLIGE will now create and use some custom flats and patches in
       both DOOM and DOOM 2 PWADS, in addition to the custom textures
       that it uses in DOOM 2 only.  It's possible that this will
       confuse some DOOM ports; use -nocustom to tell SLIGE not to
       use custom graphics, and see documentation above for other hints,
     - Made the level-end arenas a *bit* more varied, by adding a few
       more architectural elements, and sometimes pain elementals or
       baby spiders,
     - Fixed a bug (found by Aaron Parsons) that would sometimes put a
       lamp where it blocked a door,
     - Fixed a couple of bugs that could sometimes put monsters too
       close together, resulting in sticky monster-gobs,
     - Fixed a bug that would rarely cause SLIGE to loop when putting
       in a barred door on an extra-hugeness level,
     - Made it (even) less likely that a secret level will be unreachable,
     - Improved SLIGE's models of the plasma gun, super-shotgun, chainsaw,
       and berserk-pack,
     - Removed the case-sensitity from the -ExMx switch (so -exmx works),
     - Added computer area maps as bonuses,
     - Allowed monsters to use some teleporters, for extra fun,
     - Made theme-changes more rational (less random) in most levels,
     - Various random new elements, including the PLAT1 lift-texture,
       the occasional crushing surprise, a new kind of secret, and a
       bit more awareness of lighting, especially light-texture ceilings.

  A. The only new thing in build 426 since 425 is:
     - Fixed the line that caused gcc to choke during compilation.
       (426 is released in source only; the Win32 binary is functionally
       identical to 425.)

  A. The main new things in build 425 since 400 are:
     - Secret levels.  A rather simple implmentation, but it's a start.
     - Level-end boss-battles!  Also a rather boring implementation,
       but it's nice to finally have the occasional Archvile or
       Cybie in a SLIGE level.
     - Mission 8 special endings (do try an E1M8, for instance).
     - Occasional nukage around teleport gates, just for a nice surprise!
     - A whole bunch of other new architectural features and stuff
       that you can find for yourself.
     - Finally fixed the bug that rarely made a level-end switch
       have the wrong y-alignment and look silly.
     - Made all DOOM II exit switches even more glaringly obvious.
     - Added the STEP textures, so steps often look steppier.
     - Fixed a bug that could rarely cause engine crashes from
       barred doors in extra-huge levels.
     - Somewhat better modelling of backpacks.
     - A new -nulls switch, to accommodate a limitation in previous
       versions of DeeP97 and perhaps other utilities (see the doc).
     - Folded up a multi-line #define that was causing some people
       (but not others) to have trouble compiling under Linux.

     The main new things in build 400 since 382 are:
     - Fixed the bugs in 382 that could make a level unfinishable,
     - Added some teleport-gates (and probably new bugs!),
     - The occasional "extra huge" level (you'll know it when
       you see it),
     - Constructs (you'll probably know them when you see them,
       too); sort of lame right now, but a start,
     - Some new level-ending styles,
     - Grid rooms can now have bonuses (as well as monsters),
     - Multiforks (rooms with four or more doors),
     - The usual random new decorations and surprises.

     The main new things in build 382 since 354 are:
     - A whole new class of inter-room links, which should add some
       more variety to play (and perhaps some new bugs!), and one new
       flavor of room.
     - Some other small new features and eyecandy.
     - Fixed a bunch of bugs, including one that gave some levels
       *way* too many rooms and one (found by Len Pitre and Rob Ellwood)
       that sometimes put a monster in the void inside a pillar.
     - The occasional radiation-suit.
     - Major cleanup to the custom-texture code, so now it's easier for
       me to add lame new DOOM2 textures that use existing patches.
     - A couple of lame new DOOM2 textures using existing patches.  *8)

     The main new things in build 354 since 337 are:
     - Fixed most of the remaining y-offset annoyances, so wall textures
       should look much better, and there should be no more things
       that look just like secret doors but aren't,
     - Some new eyecandy and architectural features that I'd rather
       surprise you with than tell you about,
     - Hellknights in DOOM 2 maps (although they're pretty rare!),
     - A few experimental custom textures in DOOM 2 maps,
     - Monsters in rooms will now usually be facing the door that
       you're coming in through, rather than wandering around at random,
     - Restricted the number of "barred" doors on a level, to try to
       avoid an engine crash,
     - Fixed a bug found by Rob Ellwood where SLIGE would try to use
       the LITEMET texture with the wrong IWAD.

     The new things in build 337 since 325 are:
     - Barrels!  Lots of people seem to like those, so here
       they are.
     - The occasional window to the Outside, and miscellaneous
       other eye-candy and small architectural features.
     - Increased various within-level correlations, so that each
       level may have more of a distinctive flavor.
     - Increased code portability somewhat; should compile and
       run under gcc with no source changes or special defines,
       even with all warnings turned on.
     - Fixed a bug found by Rob Ellwood where a monster could be
       stuck inside a door.

     The new things in build 325 since 311 are:
     - A new theme, generic marble, to go with generic wood and
       generic military.  Blow things up in a museum!  Also a new
       "Nukage City" level-flavor (not a theme, just a flavor).
     - Some other new small architectural features.
     - A few other new things that you may or may not notice,
       especially if they kill you.  *8)

     The only things in build 311 that have changed since 310:
     - Random little bits of code-cleanup, finally got rid of
       the last few compiler warnings, made sure comments were
       sensible.  One *does* like to have one's children looking
       their best when they go out in public!
     - Made the source freely available on the Web.

     Main things in build 310 that have changed since 279:
     - Levels now sometimes include switch-locked (as well as
       key-locked) doors (and the level-end switch will tend
       to be specially-marked, to clue you that it's not just
       an open-door switch)
     - More monsters sometimes included: Cacodemons (floating heads)
       and Revenants (in DOOM II)
     - Rocketlaunchers and rockets sometimes included (ka-pow!)
     - In multi-level WADs, later levels will sometimes have
       bigger monsters and weapons than earlier ones.
     - Some new architectural features, including "barred" doors
     - Still more progress toward config files, still not done
     - Further twiddling with the model; among other things, there
       should be less ammo-starvation in multi-level WADs
     - The MSVC++ rand() function appears to suck big-time, so I
       cons'd up a perhaps slightly better one from multiple calls
       to the lousy one.  If nothing else, seeds are now 32 bit...

     Main things in build 279 that have changed since 228:
     - SLIGE-generated levels now sometimes include locked doors,
       skull-keys and keycards, and less linearity in general
     - New "-macho" switch to generate harder levels
     - Another monster sometimes included: Lost Soul (flaming skull)
     - A number of new textures, especially in DOOM2 (same old
       two primitive themes, though)
     - Some new secret-door hint styles
     - PWADs can now span multiple DOOM episodes (I think)

     More minor things:
     - Some small lighting and architecture improvements.
     - Some infrastructure coding to allow textures in a config
       file; not done yet, though!
     - I think the invalid-thing bug is fixed; thanks to Unseen
       Dragon and others for reports and samples (actually I
       think it was fixed by accident in build 228)
     - Another attempt to avoid the bleeding-grating engine bug
       (thanks to Blake Wilfong for finding an example the last fix
       didn't fix).
     - Fixed up some y-offsets, so they wouldn't look like secret
       doors, and some other minor bugs.

     Main things in build 228 that have changed since 200:
     - Added starting positions for players 2, 3, and 4 in
       co-op mode (suggestions for more co-op special stuff
       would be most welcome!).
     - Added simple damaging floors, backpacks full of ammo, the
       occasional plasma gun or chainsaw or invisibility sphere,
       and some lifts that come down when you approach them.
     - Added some more secret closets, and some that open when you
       least expect it.
     - Reduced the number of rooms with nothing at all in them.
     - Fixed a bug where the level would be all messed up if any
       coordinate went outside (-10000,10000).  Thanks to
       John Kleinman for sending in an example of the bug.
     - Moved pickables slightly away from walls, to make it less
       likely that the player can grab them from the next room
       (why does the engine allow grasp to extend through voids
       anyway?).  Thanks to Blake Wilfong for noticing.
     - Twiddled around with the parameters of the user-model again;
       UV in particular should have a little more ammo and some more
       monsters.  If I've guessed right, which I often don't.  It's
       a pretty complex model.

     Things in build 200 that changed since 180:
     - Added some real secrets, with monsters and bonuses and stuff!
     - The start of non-linearity: there are now some rooms that
       aren't on the direct path from start to finish.  No keys
       or anything yet, though.
     - Avoided the tutti-frutti effect above BIGDOOR6, by not using
       that texture on doors over 112 tics high,
     - Made "twinned" connections between rooms (two doors, two
       staircases) a little less common, and windows a little
       more common.
     - Avoided the bleeding-grating effect in grated windows,
       by twiddling a light level (hope that works!).
     - Twiddled some parameters to make the levels a little harder
       on Hurt Me Plenty and Ultraviolence.
     - Fixed a bug in multi-level mode where the user model was
       getting reset before each new level.

  Dave Chess
  February, 2000

Disclaimer Regarding This Project

Just because I have mirrored a project by another person, this does not mean in any way, shape, or form that I agree or support the views of this project or even the person who made it, I have simply mirrored it for historical reasons as I have an interest in digital preservation. Over the years I have taken the time to archive many items, much of which can be seen on my Internet Archive user page. Following this, just because I have mirrored a project, this also does not mean that the author endorses me or my work.

If you are reading this and are wondering why exactly that this disclaimer is inside of this project, it is simply here as a blanket way for getting out of trouble if myself or the project owner gets into hot water in some way, just in case. This is a standard text that is in all of my GitHub mirrors and does not automatically mean that the project owner is a bad person or is untrustworthy.

You are welcome to delete this file, as it will not affect the main part of the project in any way.

Cass Python of OwlyFans


Source code for the open-source SLIGE







No releases published


