All Committee Working, Editors DRAFT's and Official documents are linked to from the Website
The following is a recommended ESIP STC Github workflow for collaborative document drafting:
- create a local copy of the ESIPfed STC repo
git clone
- configure remotes on local - specify the ESIPfed STC repo remote as 'upstream':
git remote add upstream
- fetch the branches and their respective commits from the upstream repository:
git fetch upstream
- because we're using GitHub Pages for publication,
is our main branch - log an issue in the stc issue tracker. Please use labels to classify your issue. If you need a new label to be created then please state this in your issue description.
- create a branch in your local repo which tracks gh-pages in upstream. The branch name should reflect the issue number you created above e.g. STC-1
git checkout -b STC-1 upstream/gh-pages
- make the changes in your branch & commit - with commit message please! e.g.
git commit -m "STC-1 Clarify reference to Ontology Repositories as 'Semantic repository implementation' (SRI)"
- synchronise your changes with upstream:
git push upstream STC-1
- now would be a good time to format (2 space indents please) and validate your HTML if you intend to include it within your pull request.
- within GitHub, create a Pull Request from STC-1 into gh-pages ... at this point, you might assign the Pull Request to someone else to check before merging
- EDITORS ONLY: within GitHub, Merge the changes into gh-pages ... then you will see the new commit version linked to and available from
- bring all those changes back into your local repo:
git fetch upstream
- rebase (don't 'pull' - because this creates another commit) changes on your branch:
git rebase upstream/gh-pages
(you might also want to rebase local/gh-pages too)
Alternatively - send your text to the Editors via the WG email list.