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SDM : SDMShell Example

vkebkal edited this page Jan 9, 2020 · 3 revisions

General section

Where to download and how to compile sdmsh go to link sdmsh:Compile and Run.

Go to cloned sdmsh directory and run:

Usage: sdmsh [OPTIONS] IP/NUM [command; [command;] ...]
Mandatory argument IP of EvoLogics S2C Software Defined Modem. Or NUM is 192.168.0.NUM.

  -f, --file=FILENAME        Run commands from FILENAME. Can be apply multiply time.
  -e, --expression="cmd"   Run commands separeted by ';'. Can be apply multiply time.
  -x, --ignore-errors        If commands running from FILE, do not exit on error reply of SDM modem, 
  -h, --help                 Display this help and exit
  -p, --port=PORT            Set TCP PORT for connecting the SDM modem. Default is 4200
  -s, --stop                 Send SMD STOP at start
    --verbose[[=]log-level]  Set log level. Without parameter enable debug logging

sdmsh should be run at least with one parameter, so the IP should be set. So run sdmsh with IP and type stop:

./sdmsh $IP
tx cmd STOP  : 0 samples 
rx cmd STOP  :           

Switch S2C modem to SDM mode

stop command stops running TX/RX processes and also switches S2C Modem to SDM mode. Another way to switch modem to SDM mode use command ATP:

nc $IP 9200

Check current mode using command AT?S.

Local Address: 2
Remote Address: 0
Acoustic Link Status: INITIATION LISTEN
Pool Status: 0 packages, 16384 bytes free
Promiscuous Mode: ON

Switch modem to SDM mode using command ATP


And check once more modem status.

Local Address: 2
Remote Address: 0
Acoustic Link Status: PHY
Pool Status: 0 packages, 16384 bytes free
Promiscuous Mode: ON

INITIATION PHY or Acoustic Link Status PHY means the modem is in SDM mode.

SDM modem : Configuration

Before transmitting a custom signal, modem has to be configured. Threshold, gain, source level and optionally preamplifier gain have to be set.

To get help for config command type:

./sdmsh $IP 
$IP> help config
config    -	Config SDM command.
           	Usage: config <threshold> <gain> <source level> [<preamp_gain>]

To get information about each of this parameters go to link SDM : Protocol Description.

For our example, let us set signal threshold to 350, gain to 0 - normal gain, source level to 3 (min) and let preamplifier gain be auto mode, it means set to 0. Let us config:

./sdmsh $IP 
$IP>config 350 0 3 0
tx cmd CONFIG: 1 samples 
rx cmd REPORT:  CONFIG done

Let us configure 2 modems, modem with $IP1 will transmit custom signal, modem with $IP2 - detect and record received signal.

./sdmsh $IP1 
$IP1>config 350 0 3 0
tx cmd CONFIG: 1 samples 
rx cmd REPORT:  CONFIG done
./sdmsh $IP2 
$IP2>config 350 0 3 0
tx cmd CONFIG: 1 samples 
rx cmd REPORT:  CONFIG done

SDM modem : RX

Reception begins at the moment when the signal detector is triggered. To setup the detector, one must use the ref command - it defines a reference signal 1024 samples long.

Let us set a ref signal which is saved in our case in examples dir:

./sdmsh $IP2 
$IP2>ref examples/1834_polychirp_re_up.dat
tx cmd REF   : 1024 samples 
rx cmd REPORT:  REF done

And now we can switch the modem into the reference signal detection mode. To do that, we use the rx command, where we have to set the number of received signal samples and the filename where the received signal should be saved. In our example we will set number of received signal samples to 2048 and the signal will be saved to rx.dat file in examples dir.

./sdmsh $IP2
$IP2> rx 2048 examples/rx.dat
tx cmd RX    : 0 samples 
rx cmd RX    :           

In response to rx command, we see rx cmd REPORT report. It means that the SDM modem is configured and ready for signal reception with the reference we defined.

SDM modem : TX

To trigger the reception detector, the transmitted signal must include the reference waveform in the very beginning. It will not be added automatically. We can create such file using command cat. Let us create a signal including 1 chirp up as a reference and 1 the signal itself.

cat examples/1834_polychirp_re_up.dat examples/1834_polychirp_re_up.dat > examples/1834_polychirp_re_up_signal.dat

Use command tx and the filename, including reference waveform at the beginning following by custom signal. We will uses already created signal 1834_polychirp_re_up_signal.dat.

./sdmsh $IP1
$IP1> tx examples/1834_polychirp_re_up_signal.dat

In detection mode, preamplifier gain is controlled by AGC - automatic gain control. From the moment of signal detection till the end of signal reception, gain is fixed at the value, set by AGC at the moment of signal detection.