Based on the famous "Savage librarie for dynamixel AX"
The original librarie allow to control only the dynamixels with Protocol 1.0. This new librarie have been extended to control the Dynamixels with Protocol 2.0.
Current State of librarie:
Savage librarie + :
SetDirPin(unsigned char directionPin)
synWritePos(unsigned char ID1, int Position1,unsigned char ID2, int Position2)
readPosition(unsigned char ID, int *Pos_Long_Byte)
SetDirPin(unsigned char directionPin)
ping (unsigned char ID)
setRDT (unsigned char ID, unsigned char RDT)
ledStatus (unsigned char ID, bool Status)
setBD (unsigned char ID, int baud)
setTorque (unsigned char ID, bool torque)
synWritePos (unsigned char ID1, int Position1,unsigned char ID2, int Position2)
readPosition (unsigned char ID, int *Pos_Long_Byte)
syncReadPos (unsigned char ID1, int *Pos_Long_Byte1, unsigned char ID2, int *Pos_Long_Byte2)
syncReadCur (unsigned char ID1, unsigned char ID2) : returns 2 currents in a single variable
setProfileAcc(unsigned char ID, int acc_range)
setProfileVel(unsigned char ID, int vel_range)
Current settings :
- Serial4 for protocol 1.0
- serial5 for protocol 2.0
- XM_TX_DELAY_TIME = 400us (settings for 1Mbps) for default use (57600bps) this parameter have to be increase ~4000us
Installation :
- Download .zip
- In Arduino IDE : Croquis>Inclure une bibliothèque>Ajouter la bibliothèque .zip