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1.4.CAPTION Firmwares

Foxies-CSTL edited this page Feb 14, 2023 · 24 revisions

Each firmware has a header that corresponds to the hardware (MotherBoard and modules) and functions used in the firmware.

Below is an example with the firmware for a QQS-Pro printer with a HiSpeedv1 board with 4xTMC2208 stepper drivers (Mode standalone):

✨Exemple: 8CWTPULR-Robin_mini.bin =>

  • (8) TMC2208 standalone -
  • (C) UI Marlin TFT32 -
  • (W) Wifi module -
  • (T) Extruder Titan(Stock)/BMG_left -
  • (P) PreHeat bed at 60°C -
  • (U) Leveling mode (UBL) -
  • (L) LinearAdvance -
  • (R) Arc function enabled.


  • "QQSP_STOCK-Robin_mini.bin" or "SWCTPULR-Robin_mini.bin" => QQS Stock(4xA4988) with STOCK extruder.

  • "Q5_STOCK-Robin_nano.bin" or "Q5_8+SWCTPULR-Robin_nano.bin" => Q5 Stock(3xTMC2208+1xA4988) with STOCK extruder.

  • "Q5v1.3_STOCK-Robin_nano35.bin" or "Q5v1.3_8+SWCTPULR-Robin_nano35.bin" => Q5v1.3 Stock(3xTMC2208+1xA4988) with STOCK extruder.

  • "SRB_SrBULR-Robin_nano_v3.bin" or "SRM_SrBPULR-Robin_nano_v3.bin" => SR + Pack_TFT(4xTMC2209+1xBTT-TFT) with BMG extruder and BTT-TFT family.

  • How to do an update =>Update and Flash


After choosing your binary, remove the "header" or rename the file:

  • "Robin_mini.bin" for QQS board,
  • "Robin_nano.bin" for QQS board with GD32 chip,
  • "Robin_nano.bin" for Q5v1.2 board,
  • "Robin_nano35.bin" for Q5v1.3 board,
  • "Robin_nano_v3.bin" for SRM board,
  • "firmware.bin" for SKR board or first SR boards,

Place it on your SD card, insert your SD card into the printer and PowerOn your printer.

📝**Captions of the firmware header:**📝

♻️ The options in bold are the active options in all firmwares.

👷**/------Stepper Drivers--------/**

  • (S) 4xA4988 for "QQS_STOCK-Robin_nano",
  • (S) 3x2208+1xA4988 for "Q5_STOCK-Robin_nano",
  • (S) 4x2209UART for "SR". --
  • (A) A4988
  • (8) TMC2208 Standalone
  • (9) TMC2209 Standalone
  • (U8) 4xTMC2208_UART with no module ESP12 (QQSP/Q5)
  • (U9) 4xTMC2209_UART with no module ESP12 (QQSP/Q5) --
  • (U8+) 3xTMC2208 (XYZ) + Choice for E0 (A4988,TMC220x) => U8+A (3x2208Uart + 1xA4988)
  • (U9+) 3xTMC2209 (XYZ) + Choice for E0 (A4988,TMC220x)
  • (UH) 4xTMC2209_UART with one wire (option to add modules EspWifi/Rpi/Neopixel/Tft_Screen)

📺**/-------Options UI TFT--------/**

  • (F) UI STANDARD (Emulation LCD screen on TFT)
  • (C) UI MARLIN (TFT Color screen)
  • (I) UI MKS (TFT Color screen>=480x320 use Lvgl/NANOv2-3)
  • (r) UI STANDARD (Marlin Mode on TFT FOR SKR/NANOv2-3)
  • (D) UI Color with DGUS/DWIN screen
  • (s) UI TOUCH Color with BTT-TFT screens (Mod QQSP/Q5)

🔧**/------Modules & Extruder--------/**

  • (N) NeoPixel (management of led strips).
  • (W) Module ESP8266/ESP12 (infos at the middle of the index page).
  • (w) Module ESP8266/ESP12 with ESP3Dv3.0 Firmware.
  • (T) Extruder Stock (Titan or BMG_left).
  • (B) Extruder BMG_right (also reverse the extruder direction).
  • (O) Extruder OMG_v2.
  • (X) Extruder DirectDrive NEMA14 Pancake (to Mini-Sherpa, SuperDriveHX, Orbiter, etc)

⚗️**/-------Options in firmware----/**

  • (P) PreHeat bed (60°c min) before leveling
  • (L) Linear Advance
  • (m) MPCTEMP - Model predictive temperature control
  • (32) Firmware in 32 steps for a better accuracy of movement(TMC UART mode)

🎨/-----Others options included or for advanced users who build their firmware----/

  • UI screen (All functions are adjustable in real time through the screen menu.)
  • HOST_ACTION_COMMANDS (Action Command Prompt support Message on OctoPrint)
  • (M) MEATPACK (Improve dialogue/communication with OctoPrint)
  • SPECIAL DELTA MENU ((step by step to prepare your Delta)
  • LCD_LANGUAGE (Change to the native language: fr, de, es, it)
  • FW_RETRACK (firmware manages the retraction)
  • RUNOUT SENSOR (runout sensor enable but no active)
  • SOUND (Switch menu to dis/enable the speaker)
  • VOLCANO (For AllMetalHotEnd - Temp limit 300°C)
  • TEMP_SENSOR_0 (After changed the thermitor nozzle)
  • HEADTER MAXTEMP (After changed a new block hotend)
  • Option for differents Probe, sensor, custom effector
  • etc

✨**/-------Some examples of Firmwares ----/**

  • (Q5_8+SCTPULR-Robin_nano) => Q5 Stock(3xTMC2208+1xA4988) with TITAN extruder.
  • (Q5_9CBPULR-Robin_nano) => Q5 with 4xTMC2209 with BMG_right extruder.
  • (QQS)U9rTPULR16-SKR14_firmware => QQS with SKRv1.4 Board with emulation LCD (Marlin Mode)
  • (SR)SCWBPULRM32-Robin_nano_v3 => SR with NanoV3.0 board, 4x2209UART, TFT35Rv2, module Wifi and 32Steps mode.

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