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Freek Bes edited this page Jan 18, 2024 · 14 revisions

The Improved Intra 42 browser extension introduces many features and bugfixes. This page contains a full overview of every single one.


  • A dark theme for all of Intra (this is what the extension originally started as).
  • Color schemes for the entire website, allowing one to change the theme color of the Intranet.
  • Customizable banners for user profiles, visible for everyone with the extension installed.
  • When a user is logged in, clicking on their location in the banner will open the cluster map and mark their location. If your campus has no cluster map on Intra but uses an external one, please add it using this guide!
  • On user profiles, next to project marks, stars are displayed when this user's work was flagged as outstanding.
  • Projects that a student has completed can be sorted by name, alphabetically, or by completion date.
  • Synchronize calendar events with your own personal calendar app.
  • Social media links on user profiles: GitHub, GitLab (more platforms are planned for the future).
  • Show cumulative logtime hours per week and per month in logtime charts.
  • Logtime charts start with Monday as the first day of the week in localizations where this is the case (basically everywhere).
  • (Optional) removal of the annoyingly placed broadcasts FAB button, which is unused by some campuses.
  • An option to hide the Black Hole absorption from profiles for less stress.
  • The dates of planned events in the agenda on the dashboard will include the name of the day (Monday, Tuesday, etc).
  • A button to view another user's feedback logs is added to all user profiles.
  • Small animations here and there to soothe the eyes.
  • A link to the MLX42 project in the attachments section on project pages using the MiniLibX library.
  • A link to Find Peers on every project page.
  • Almost all icons for project attachments are replaced to make them more distinguishable.
  • A button to view feedback logs on all user profiles, not just your own dashboard.
  • An option to view more cursuses in the Holy Graph.
  • Type intra [query] in the browser's omnibar to quickly search Intra.
  • Slightly improved layout of the 42 API documentation

Revitalizations of old, abandoned Intranet features

  • An option to use the old Black Hole absorption countdown instead of showing just the absorption date.

Special additions for the Codam campus (Amsterdam)

  • An option to automatically equip coalition rank titles.
  • Replace the logtime chart with a building time chart (if provided by user).

Is your campus in need of some special functionality?

Feel free to create a branch, implement your (optional) features, test them and create a pull request! Any additions that are focused on specific campuses should be saved in the features/campus/[insert_location_here] folder of the repository. Take a look at Codam's folder for an example.

Bugfixes for the Intranet

Note: if you're working for the 42 Network and have access to the repositories of the Intranet, feel free to look at or even copy my solutions over! The goal of this extension is to improve on the Intranet, meaning I'd be very happy to achieve this goal without needing an extension for it.

  • Sometimes, the "Manage slots" and/or "View my profile" items are missing from the account dropdown menu. If the extension detects this, it will add them back for you.
  • Fix many link colors in profile banners. I believe that all links on profile banners should be colored after a user's coalition color.
  • Fix the border radius issues in the dashboard and profile banners.
  • Proper loading of the Futura font family on Windows and Linux.
  • Fix the account dropdown menu being slightly off-screen for shorter usernames.
  • Fix the width of 100% scores on ratings in the feedback page. The percentage symbol was on a second line, which looked odd.
  • Locked the cursor to default when hovering over tooltips.
  • Add a box-shadow to tooltips to make it easier to differentiate one from the main website.
  • Fix the border radius of user profile pictures in tooltips. If the picture is not perfectly square, the border radius of 50% will cause the image to have an oval shape.
  • The addition of the background-size: cover rule for all profile pictures, so that images that are not perfectly square will always fit in the container perfectly.
  • The addition of a blur filter to the background of profile banner elements, to make things a bit more readable.
  • Fix the z-index on action buttons in profile banners.
  • Fix the vertical alignment for the login name in profile banners.
  • Add an ellipsis to overflowed text in the achievements / projects selector on user profiles.
  • Removal of the white background of the school record button (should be transparent, like any other button of this class).
  • Removal of the white background of the achievement item container. Can be transparent, since its parent's background is already white.
  • Removal of the white background of the skill chart and logtime goal meter.
  • Removal of the white background of evaluation sheet questions (evaluation sheet background is already white).
  • Removal of the white background of profile infos box in profile headers for screens <480 pixels wide.
  • Fix sizing issues for achievement containers, which caused them to display weirdly. Also fixed the text overflow in this element: the title can only use one line, the description two. If overflow is detected, an ellipsis is added. Those descriptions shouldn't be so long anyways. By hovering over the text, the full text will be displayed in a (system) tooltip.
  • Removal of the border radius on buttons that have an element to the right of it (input groups).
  • Fixed the give up button stretching the entire project page.
  • Removed useless white text shadow from labels in highchart containers.
  • Fix vertical text alignment of the evaluation points count in profile banners.
  • Fix background image of profile banners repeating on smaller screens by setting the background-cover value to cover.
  • The addition of a text-shadow on text elements in profile banners, to make them more readable on similarly-colored backgrounds. This applies only to the coalition name, user name and login name.
  • Fix the vertical text alignment for title and cursus selection dropdowns in profile banners.
  • Removal of the border radius on the right info box in profile banners.
  • A fixed height of profile banner containers, to make sure they're always the same size.
  • Set the margin top of the level bar in profile banners to be the same amount as in between other elements in profile banners.
  • Fix border-radius of profile items on smaller screens.
  • Fix the color of the pool donation button. Should be white, if you ask me. Also removed the underline.
  • Add a pointer cursor to the pool donation amount buttons.
  • Remove text-overflow from profile infos container.
  • Fix hyperlink text overflowing outside of modal bodies by allowing word-wrap to break words.
  • Remove the border radius from search page results for user and video items.
  • Remove the text decoration from image elements in search results (which is shown when alt text is shown).
  • Fix authentication page height to 100%, so that background colors can be set on the body element.
  • Add text shadow to header of API page.
  • Removal of text shadow on resource items on API pages.
  • Made sure header elements that are the child of an anchor tag always inherit the color of the anchor.
  • Hid the double Black Hole absorption date (might no longer be an issue with the new way of showing Black Hole absorption by date instead of using a countdown)
  • Add not-allowed cursor to disabled buttons.
  • Fix for holy graph dropdown menu text partially overflowing out of boundaries.
  • Fix border-radius of dropdown menus on the mailer page (staff/admin only).
  • Add a max-width of 100% to textareas to make them unable to be resized outside of their container.
  • Fix vertical alignment of coalition names in profile banners for screens/windows wider than 1600 pixels.
  • Fix achievement icon sizes on screens/windows wider than 1600 pixels.
  • Fix profile infos' bottom box width on smaller screens (<1120 pixels).
  • Fix margins and paddings of profile banner elements on smaller screens (<991 pixels).
  • Fix month overview for events on smaller screens (<768 pixels).
  • Removal of the top padding on user-infos box for smaller screens (<768 pixels), which looks bad with coalition banners starting out of nowhere (hanging in the air).
  • Fix line breaks not being displayed in evaluation feedback.
  • Fix logtime charts sometimes being shifted and only showing three or even two months of past logtime.
  • Fix vertical alignment of user badges on profile banners.
  • Horizontally aligned the marks and mark icons of projects on user profiles.
  • Removal of the Feedback button on the API page (it leads to nowhere)
  • Removal of the transparent line between the header and content containers of dialog modals
  • Fix margin for "Feedback Logs" button in Projects container on dashboard and profiles
  • Add alphabetical sorting to "Add administration users" select box on Internship validation page (staff only)
  • Fix the browser's back button bringing you to raw JSON output after clicking on someone's profile in the clustermap

Easter eggs

Spoilers ahead! Click to show.
  • All contributors to the repository can ask to receive the Improved Intra Contributor title on Intra, visible to anyone with the extension installed. Aditionally, GitHub Sponsors will receive the Improved Intra Sponsor title. The creator of the extension, fbes, is the only one with the Improved Intra Creator title.
  • #haha: rotates all elements around in a 3d space, with randomized timings every refresh.
  • Custom rainbow filter effect on fbes's profile.
  • All instances of pde-bakk's profile picture are shaped like a pear (this user's first name means pear🍐 in Dutch).
  • On April Fool's day, all of Intra will use the Comic Sans font.

Removed easter eggs

  • Some users had custom emotes for their progress towards Codam's Monitoring System (this option had to be enabled in the extension's options menu for them to appear). Clicking on the emote would change it back to its original state. This easter egg was brought over from the Codam's Monitoring Progress for Intra, when this extension was merged into Improved Intra with update v2.0.0. Here's an overview of all users and their custom emote listed in the source code:
    • fbes: a lighthouse. Received for being the creator of the extension.
    • hsmits: a vector icon. Received for being a contributor.
    • ieilat: a pacman ghost. Received for reporting many bugs.
    • jgalloni: a bug. Received for testing the extension in its early states.
    • jkoers: a security camera. Received for being a contributor.
    • lde-la-h: a cactus. Received for being a contributor.
    • pde-bakk: a crown. Received for being a contributor.
    • pvan-dij: a pack of milk. Received for almost drinking 8 liter packs of milk during a 24-hour coding challenge.