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Users Looker Studio

Ross Scroggs edited this page Nov 16, 2024 · 1 revision

Users - Looker Studio

API documentation


To use these commands you must add the 'Looker Studio API' to your project and update your service account authorization.

gam update project
gam user check serviceaccount
[*] 35)  Looker Studio API (supports readonly)


<DomainName> ::= <String>(.<String>)+
<EmailAddress> ::= <String>@<DomainName>
<UniqueID> ::= id:<String>
<UserItem> ::= <EmailAddress>|<UniqueID>|<String>

<LookerStudioAssetID> ::= <String>
<LookerStudioAssetIDList> ::= "<LookerStudioAssetID>(,<LookerStudioAssetID>)*"
<LookerStudioAssetIDEntity> ::=
        <LookerStudioAssetIDList> | <FileSelector> | <CSVFileSelector> | <CSVkmdSelector> | <CSVDataSelector>

<LookerStudioPermission> ::=
<LookerStudioPermissionList> ::= "<LookerStudioPermission>(,<LookerStudioPermission>)*"
<LookerStudioPermissionEntity> ::=
        <LookerStudioPermissionList> | <FileSelector> | <CSVFileSelector> | <CSVkmdSelector> | <CSVDataSelector>

Looker Studio assets have an ID that is referred to by Google as its name; this is the value you will use wherever <LookerStudioAssetID> is required.

Display Looker Studio assets

gam <UserTypeEntity> show lookerstudioassets
        [([assettype report|datasource|all] [title <String>]
          [owner <Emailddress>] [includetrashed]
          [orderby title [ascending|descending]]) |
         (assetids <LookerStudioAssetIDEntity>)]

By default, all assets of type report not in the trash are displayed; use the following options to select a subset of assets.

  • Search
    • assettype report|datasource|all - Display assets with the specified assettype
    • title <String> - Display assets with the specified title
    • owner <Emailddress> - Display assets with the specified owner
    • includetrashed - Display assets in the trash
    • orderby title [ascending|descending] - Order of assets
  • Specific
    • assetids <LookerStudioAssetIDEntity> - Display a specific list of assetids

The stripcrsfromtitle option strips nulls, carriage returns and linefeeds from asset titles. Use this option if you discover asset titles containing these special characters; it is not common.

By default, Gam displays the information as an indented list of keys and values.

  • formatjson - Display the fields in JSON format.
gam <UserTypeEntity> print lookerstudioassets [todrive <ToDriveAttribute>*]
        [([assettype report|datasource|all] [title <String>]
          [owner <Emailddress>] [includetrashed]
          [orderby title [ascending|descending]]) |
         (assetids <LookerStudioAssetIDEntity>)]
        [formatjson [quotechar <Character>]]

By default, all assets of type report not in the trash are displayed; use the following options to select a subset of assets.

  • Search
    • assettype report|datasource|all - Display assets with the specified assettype
    • title <String> - Display assets with the specified title
    • owner <Emailddress> - Display assets with the specified owner
    • includetrashed - Display assets in the trash
    • orderby title [ascending|descending] - Order of assets
  • Specific
    • assetids <LookerStudioAssetIDEntity> - Display a specific list of assetids

The stripcrsfromtitle option strips nulls, carriage returns and linefeeds from asset titles. Use this option if you discover asset titles containing these special characters; it is not common.

By default, when writing CSV files, Gam uses a quote character of double quote ". The quote character is used to enclose columns that contain the quote character itself, the column delimiter (comma by default) and new-line characters. Any quote characters within the column are doubled. When using the formatjson option, double quotes are used extensively in the data resulting in hard to read/process output. The quotechar <Character> option allows you to choose an alternate quote character, single quote for instance, that makes for readable/processable output. quotechar defaults to gam.cfg/csv_output_quote_char. When uploading CSV files to Google, double quote " should be used.

Manage Looker Studio permissions

  • The owner of an asset can not have it's role changed.
  • The owner of an asset can not be deleted.
  • A new owner can not be added to an asset.

<EmailAddress> in <LookerStudioPermission> must be complete, GAM will not add a domain name.

A viewer can not manage permissions.

Add permissions

gam <UserTypeEntity> add lookerstudiopermissions
        [([assettype report|datasource|all] [title <String>]
          [owner <Emailddress>] [includetrashed]
          [orderby title [ascending|descending]]) |
         (assetids <LookerStudioAssetIDEntity)]
        (role editor|viewer <LookerStudioPermissionEntity>)+

By default, the permission is added to all assets of type report not in the trash; use the following options to select a subset of assets.

  • Search
    • assettype report|datasource|all - Add permission to assets with the specified assettype
    • title <String> - Add permission to assets with the specified title
    • owner <Emailddress> - Add permission to assets with the specified owner
    • includetrashed - Add permission to assets in the trash
    • orderby title [ascending|descending] - Order of assets
  • Specific
    • assetids <LookerStudioAssetIDEntity> - Add permission to a specific list of assetids

By default, when a permission is added, GAM outputs details of the permission. The nodetails option suppresses this output.

Delete permissions

gam <UserTypeEntity> delete lookerstudiopermissions
        [([assettype report|datasource|all] [title <String>]
          [owner <Emailddress>] [includetrashed]
          [orderby title [ascending|descending]]) |
         (assetids <LookerStudioAssetIDEntity)]
        (role any <LookerStudioPermissionEntity>)+

By default, the permission is deleted from all assets of type report not in the trash; use the following options to select a subset of assets.

  • Search
    • assettype report|datasource|all - Delete permission from assets with the specified assettype
    • title <String> - Delete permission from assets with the specified title
    • owner <Emailddress> - Delete permission from assets with the specified owner
    • includetrashed - Delete permission from assets in the trash
    • orderby title [ascending|descending] - Order of assets
  • Specific
    • assetids <LookerStudioAssetIDEntity> - Delete permission from a specific list of assetids

By default, when a permission is deleted, GAM outputs details of the permission. The nodetails option suppresses this output.

Update permissions

A permission is updated by deleting the existing permission and then adding the new permission.

gam <UserTypeEntity> update lookerstudiopermissions
        [([assettype report|datasource|all] [title <String>]
          [owner <Emailddress>] [includetrashed]
          [orderby title [ascending|descending]]) |
         (assetids <LookerStudioAssetIDEntity)]
        (role editor|viewer <LookerStudioPermissionEntity>)+

By default, the permission is updated in all assets of type report not in the trash; use the following options to select a subset of assets.

  • Search
    • assettype report|datasource|all - Update permission in assets with the specified assettype
    • title <String> - Update permission in assets with the specified title
    • owner <Emailddress> - Update permission in assets with the specified owner
    • includetrashed - Update permission in assets in the trash
    • orderby title [ascending|descending] - Order of assets
  • Specific
    • assetids <LookerStudioAssetIDEntity> - Update permission in a specific list of assetids

By default, when a permission is updated, GAM outputs details of the permission. The nodetails option suppresses this output.

Display Looker Studio permissions

A viewer can not display permissions.

gam <UserTypeEntity> show lookerstudiopermissions
        [([assettype report|datasource|all] [title <String>]
          [owner <Emailddress>] [includetrashed]
          [orderby title [ascending|descending]]) |
         (assetids <LookerStudioAssetIDEntity>)]
        [role editor|owner|viewer]

By default, permissions for all assets of type report not in the trash are displayed; use the following options to select a subset of assets.

  • Search
    • assettype report|datasource|all - Display permissions for assets with the specified assettype
    • title <String> - Display permissions for assets with the specified title
    • owner <Emailddress> - Display permissions for assets with the specified owner
    • includetrashed - Display permissions for assets in the trash
    • orderby title [ascending|descending] - Order of assets
  • Specific
    • assetids <LookerStudioAssetIDEntity> - Display permissions for a specific list of assetids

The Looker Studio API defines this parameter role editor|owner|viewer but it doesn't seem to have any effect.

By default, Gam displays the information as an indented list of keys and values.

  • formatjson - Display the fields in JSON format.
gam <UserTypeEntity> print lookerstudiopermissions [todrive <ToDriveAttribute>*]
        [([assettype report|datasource|all] [title <String>]
          [owner <Emailddress>] [includetrashed]
          [orderby title [ascending|descending]]) |
         (assetids <LookerStudioAssetIDEntity>)]
        [role editor|owner|viewer]
        [formatjson [quotechar <Character>]]

By default, permissions for all assets of type report not in the trash are displayed; use the following options to select a subset of assets.

  • Search
    • assettype report|datasource|all - Display permissions for assets with the specified assettype
    • title <String> - Display permissions for assets with the specified title
    • owner <Emailddress> - Display permissions for assets with the specified owner
    • includetrashed - Display permissions for assets in the trash
    • orderby title [ascending|descending] - Order of assets
  • Specific
    • assetids <LookerStudioAssetIDEntity> - Display permissions for a specific list of assetids

The Looker Studio API defines this parameter role editor|owner|viewer but it doesn't seem to have any effect.

By default, when writing CSV files, Gam uses a quote character of double quote ". The quote character is used to enclose columns that contain the quote character itself, the column delimiter (comma by default) and new-line characters. Any quote characters within the column are doubled. When using the formatjson option, double quotes are used extensively in the data resulting in hard to read/process output. The quotechar <Character> option allows you to choose an alternate quote character, single quote for instance, that makes for readable/processable output. quotechar defaults to gam.cfg/csv_output_quote_char. When uploading CSV files to Google, double quote " should be used.

Update History



Notes and Information


Command Processing


Client Access

Special Service Account Access

Service Account Access

GAM Tutorials

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