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Releases: GreedyGame/android-native-plugin

Version 8.8.17

31 Jan 10:36
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*SDK initialization with a Context
*Support for Facebook Audience Network and Mopub
*CCPA support
*New Engagement Windows
*Check if SDK is initialized using isSdkInitialized
*Deprecated showFloat,removeFloat,removeAllFloat
*Bug Fixes

Version 8.8.16

04 Jul 11:34
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  • Fixed crash when applying ellipsize to the image processing.
  • Fixed crash because of non-thread-safe access of timer.

Version 8.8.14

16 Apr 11:06
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  • Removed all permissions from the Manifest
  • Fixed a crucial crash when trying to render the ad in multiple lines.

Beta Version 9.0

20 Feb 04:40
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Beta Version 9.0 Pre-release
  • Improved Ad Delivery.
  • <activity> declaration changes in the manifest.
  • Added NativeAdView that takes care of rendering click.
  • Register for setImpressionListener in the NativeAdView to listen for impression callbacks on onImpression method.
  • Moshi library dependency added.
  • Out of the box kotlin support.
  • Controllable clickable behaviour of units from the Integration panel.
  • Gradle repository support.
  • Fixed crutial bugs in Ad rendering.

Version 8.8.13

25 Oct 11:59
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  • Fixed TransactionTooLargeException crash.

Version 8.8.12

10 Oct 16:57
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  • COPPA support.

Breaking Changes

  • Removed onFound from CampaignStateListener callback.
  • Game id is now passed as a parameter while building GreedyGameAgent object. So now it can be removed from strings.xml or greedygame.xml.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed startService() crash on Oreo device when starting service on the Background.
  • GoogleApiBuilder instance building crash fixed.
  • Resolved AdmobMediator crash trying to load a null view.
  • Resolved Volley PriorityQueue ANR by forking the latest release.
  • Fixed SecurityException when trying to read network information.
  • Trying to render a view which is not available on OnConfigurationChanged fixed.
  • Fixed NullPointerException while doing Bitmap Operations.

Version 8.8.11

23 Aug 14:48
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  • Created a workaround for Reflection ANR issue in Unity.

Version 8.8.10

20 Jul 13:23
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  • Crash on the UII Fixed.
  • Fixed ad callback not being fired when the Activity is restarted.
  • Fixed a crash when Game id is not added while integrating.

Version 8.8.9

22 Jun 14:40
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  • GDPR support.
  • Enhanced capabilities on ad unit templates.

Size Reduction

  • Reduced ~20% SDK binary size.
  • Reduced 27.4% Field count and 2% of Method count.

Bug Fixes

  • SSL issue on older KitKat devices rectified.
  • Fixed some crashes and created some new ones.

Version 8.8.8

22 May 06:47
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* Official support for Mopub Mediation through Admob.

Api Changes

* onProceed callbacks removed from Campaign callbacks.

Performance Improvement

* Optimized on SDK operations to achieve a 90 plus percentage reduction of usage in Main thread.
* Minimized AdRefresh operation footprint.
* Strategically refreshing the ad if the user is interested in the current ad.

Bug Fixes

* Oreo crash on 8.0 with application target sdk version 26 and above fixed.
* Resolved ANR’s caused by Deadlocks.