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Query Students

doccz edited this page Feb 11, 2011 · 30 revisions

6. Query Students

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Brief Description:

  • This use-case provides read-only access to Admins for student information.
       Allows the Admin to narrow down searches based on search criteria fields.


  • Admin
  • Super user


  • Student must exist in the system
  • The admin must be logged-in to the system.

Event Flows:

QUERY STUDENTS Basic Event Flow: Select search criteria fields 1. The query page displays (initially with search criteria fields). 2. The admin selects one or more search criteria fields (to be defined). 3. After selecting them, a corresponding input box in which they type will appear. 4. The admin selects the "Submit" button. 5. The information will display in table form. 6. (Event Flow Ends)

Alternate Event Flow: Does not select search criteria fields
1. The query page displays (initially with search criteria fields).
2. The admin selects no search criteria fields (meaning all students will appear).
3. Steps 4-6 of the Basic Event Flow are then carried out.

(NOTE: Should there be an option to print page?)

Document Contributors: Greg Carter, Suzanna Ho, and Danny Kovene

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