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MIR Object Recognition ROS2 Code Base

Features impelemented

  • Multimodal object recognition node as a Lifecycle node.
  • A universal lifecycle controller node.
  • Composition of nodes.
  • Dynamic paramter reconfiguration using rqt_reconfigure for runtime manipulation of parameters.
  • Integrated RGB Object recogntion using YOLOv5 from b-it-bots.

Note: The code is only tested with the RGB recognition. The depth recognition is not tested due to the lack of 3D object recognition models.

Environmental setup

Note: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS(Focal Fossa) is recommended for this codebase to work.

Install ROS2 Rolling

sudo apt install ros-rolling-desktop

For more details, see ROS2 Rolling Installation.

Source the setup script

source /opt/ros/rolling/setup.bash

Install dependencies

  • cv-bridge
sudo apt-get install ros-rolling-cv-bridge
  • yaml-cpp-vendor
sudo apt install ros-rolling-yaml-cpp-vendor*
  • rqt-reconfigure
sudo apt install ros-rolling-rqt-reconfigure

Clone the necessary packages into the workspace

mkdir ~/mir_object_recognition/src
cd ~/mir_object_recognition/src

git clone --branch rolling-devel .

git clone --branch foxy-devel

Note: If you want to use the bag file for RGB image and Pointcloud data, skip the next step.

Setup the RealSense SDK and ROS2 wrapper for RealSense cameras

sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-key F6E65AC044F831AC80A06380C8B3A55A6F3EFCDE || sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-key F6E65AC044F831AC80A06380C8B3A55A6F3EFCDE

sudo add-apt-repository "deb $(lsb_release -cs) main" -u

sudo apt-get install librealsense2-dkms librealsense2-utils librealsense2-dev

git clone -b ros2-beta

Build the workspace

  • Packages that will be built are:
    • mas_perception_msgs
    • realsense2_camera_msgs
    • lifecycle_controller
    • mir_rgb_object_recognition_models
    • mir_object_recognition
    • mir_recognizer_scripts
    • realsense2_camera
    • realsense2_description
colcon build 
source install/setup.bash

Steps to run the mmor component:

Note: Make sure to source the ROS rolling and devel in all the terminals

Step 0:

  • Navigate to the worskpace directory and source the ROS and workspace in all the terminals.
cd ~/mir_object_recognition
source /opt/ros/rolling/setup.bash
source install/setup.bash

Step 1:

  • If using a realsense camera, connect the camera to your system where you are running this codebase and run the following command in terminal 1:
ros2 launch realsense2_camera pointcloud.enable:=true pointcloud.ordered_pc:=true depth_module.profile:=640x480x30 rgb_camera.profile:=640x480x30
  • The ros2-beta branch of realsense2_camera package has a bug that doesn't set the pointcloud.ordered_pc parameter to true. So, we have to set it manually using the ros2 param command.
ros2 param set /camera pointcloud.ordered_pc true
  • To align the pointcloud depth properly, set the below parameter to true.
ros2 param set /camera align_depth.enable true


  • If running in the simulation, run the bag file in loop in terminal 1 using the command below:
ros2 bag play -l bag_files/bag_file_name
  • If you dont have the bag file, download one from the below link and save it in ~/mir_object_recognition/bag_files:


  • In order for the object recognition to work properly, the RGB image and the Pointcloud data should be of same size and in sync.

  • If you want to collect a bag file and use if for later, use the following command in terminal to record the bag file with the required topics:

ros2 bag record /camera/color/camera_info /camera/color/image_raw /camera/depth/color/points /clock /tf /tf_static

Step 2:

  • If you are using a realsense camera, you have to publish the tf link between the camera and the base_link in another terminal:
ros2 run tf2_ros static_transform_publisher 0.298 -0.039 0.795 0.0 1.16 -0.055  base_link camera_link
  • Change the tf values according to your camera setup.

Step 3:

  • Run the multimodal_object_recognition launch file in terminal 2 using the command below (make sure to source your workspace).
ros2 launch mir_object_recognition 
  • Once the node is launch is up and running, move to next step.

Step 4:

  • Run the rqt_reconfigure to dynamically change parameters via gui in terminal 3 using the command below:
ros2 run rqt_reconfigure rqt_reconfigure
  • Click 'Enter' after chaning any input field values.

Step 5:

  • Run the lifecycle_controller in terminal 4 using the command below.
ros2 run lifecycle_controller lifecycle_controller --ros-args -p lc_name:=mmor
  • lifecycle_controller needs the lifecycle node name as a parameter to run.

  • Here, we are passing mmor for our multimodal_object_recognition (mmor) node.

  • To know more about how to use the lifecycle controller, refer to the wiki.

Step 6:

  • Run the RGB recognizer script in terminal 5 using the command below:
ros2 launch mir_recognizer_scripts

Step 7:

  • Run the rviz2 to view the object recognition output and other relevant data in terminal 6 using the command below:
  • Once the rviz is open, load the ~/mir_object_recognition/src/mir_object_recognition/ros/rviz/mir_object_recognition.rviz file to view the recognized objects and their poses.

Step 8:

To perform RGB object recognition, follow the steps below:

  • The mmor node will be in unconfigured state by default.
  • Change the state to Inactive by entering C in the lifecycle_controller terminal, during which all the parameters, publishers, subscribers and other configurations take place.
  • Refresh the rqt_reconfigure gui to see the updated parameters.
  • To start processing the data, change the mmor node state to Active by entering A in the lifecycle_controller terminal.
  • The mmor node then process the image and point cloud data and publishes the recognized objects list, along with their poses and bounding boxes.
  • The object recognition from RGB recognizer, bounding boxes and poses from pointcloud can be visualized in rviz2.
  • To terminate the mmor node, enter X in the lifecycle_controller terminal, which will shut down the node.
  • To know more about the process flow of this project, refer to the wiki.

Steps to run the data collector component:

Step 1:

Follow the first step for the MMOR component and run either the bagfile or the realsense node.

Step 2: In a new terminal with the workspace sourced, run the launch file for the data collector component

ros2 launch mir_object_recognition

Step 3: In another terminal, run the lifecycle controller node and pass 'data_collector' as the lc_name argument.

ros2 run lifecycle_controller lifecycle_controller --ros-args -p lc_name:=data_collector

Step 4:

Press C to transition the data_collector component from UNCONFIGURED to INACTIVE state, and then press A to transition it to ACTIVE state. In this state, the component will start saving the pointcloud clusters and the RGB image. By default, the location is the '/tmp/' directory, but if you want to change this, you can provide the desired location as an argument to the launchfile like the following example:

ros2 launch mir_object_recognition log_directory:=/home/user/Pictures/

More details about the concepts, issues and resources can be found on the wiki page.


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Contributors 4
