Releases: HaxeFoundation/intellij-haxe
0.9.3 Community Release
- Fix local variable name suggestions to not clash with existing class fields.
- Fix Introduce Variable refactoring to find all occurrences of the selected expression.
- No longer block Java (and other) tests from running when Haxe plugin is installed. (Issue #166)
- Resolve static function imports for import with in keyword. ("import String.fromCharCode in f;") (Issue #191)
- Give extern fields public visibility: 'function a()' will be treated as 'public function a()' and will appear in completions.
- Fix (un)comment multiple lines of code feature. (Issue #209)
- Support 'as' keyword in import statements.
- Implemented Refactoring: Pull Members Up/Push Members Down
- Support extern interfaces. (Issue #202)
- Fix visibility determination for methods. (Better completions)
- Check for duplicate imports when copy/pasting.
- Fix resolving classes that appear inside of an import file with a different name than the class itself. Fixes goto declaration as well.
- Fix colorizing identifiers (variable names) in code.
- Fix Issue 162: "call(new x(), new x());" parse failure.
- (Re)Allow "new" for extern and prototype function declarations.
- Fixed IDEA freeze when XML is edited
- Implemented Refactoring: Extract Superclass
- Implemented Refactoring: Extract Interface
- Implemented Refactoring: Push Members Down
- Fixed OutOfBoundsException when resolving names.
- Fix most unit tests. (TiVo version)
Includes all code from the ClassHierarchy branch.
Highlights: (community version, TiVo Release 4)
- Class Hierarchy view panels implemented. (Menu->Navigate->Type Hierarchy, et al)
- Better handling of import files.
- Better handling of Haxe language parsing, including many Haxe 3 features.
- Automatic detection and use of installed haxe libraries (using the 'haxelib' command).
- Better completion (Ctrl-space) using the Haxe compiler -- OpenFL projects only.
- Refactorings:
- Pull up members from class to super-class
- Pull up members from class to interface
- Split into declaration and assignment
- Optimize imports
- (community version, TiVo RC5)
- Refactoring: Pull up members from class to super-class
- Refactoring: Pull up members from class to interface
- Launch Haxe/Neko tests (Patch #131)
- (community version, TiVo RC4)
- Fixed issue 37 (Parser doesn't recover after new A)
- Fixed issue 95 (Local and class variable names resolving to similar package names)
- Fixed issue 132 (incorrect processing of duplicate imports)
- Fixed issue 134 (incorrect reformat of object and array children)
- Fixed reference resolution for expressions in parenthesis - otherwise, code assist does not work for those.
- Fixed: launching test with neko, overriding haxe build parameters for test run configuration, filtering test result output, compilation path of non test build, line number for ErrorFilter; and removed hard-coded path for ErrorFilter
- (community version, TiVo RC3)
- Fixed NPE causing the structure view to not populate, resulting from an errant merge.
- (community version, TiVo RC2)
- Resolve 'convenience' imports that do not export a class named similarly to the file. (TiVo Issue #55)
- Update unbalanced preprocessor token highlighting and detection.
- Improve indentation of comments and preprocessor macros.
- Update for Grammar-Kit
- Fixed syntax rules (BNF) for constructors and external functions.
- Fixed syntax rules (BNF) for code blocks; removed them from being valid syntax everywhere an expression can appear.
- Fixed syntax rules (BNF) to allow meta tags on typedefs.
- (community version, TiVo RC1+Fixes)
- Auto-indent when adding curly brackets now works correctly. Fixes github tivo/intellij-haxe Issue #119. (Thanks, Jérémy!)
- Fix IDE hang on completion for Haxe compiler completions.
- Fix auto-adding new import statements above package declaration and/or comments.
- Fix NPE when manually adding new import statements.
- Put debugging dialogs on the UI thread.
- Fix ArrayOutOfBounds exception when initializing haxelib cache.
- (community version, TiVo RC1)
- Fix NPE when colorizing.
- (community version, TiVo WIP)
- Added timeout to long-running call hierarchy searches.
- (community version, TiVo WIP)
- Fixed Haxe command-line debugger integration for OpenFL projects that are targetting C++ native runtime environments.
- Fixed method hierarchy runtime exceptions, and auto-scrolling to source.
- Fixed type hierarchy auto-scrolling to source.
- Enhanced run & debug output to be color-coded for improved readability.
- Fixed find-usages regression.
- (community version, TiVo WIP)
- More load-time optimizations using new 'haxelib list-path' command.
- Add package and file names to Type hierarchy window. (File names only display if the file name differs from the type name.)
- Fixed supertypes list in the combo view of the Type hierarchy window.
- Allow block statements everywhere.
- Allow array literals to have additional comma [1,]
- Moving a file from one package to another no longer displays "Unimplemented" and now moves the file, however references are not yet updated. Issue #88 -- still unresolved.
- Updated unit tests. Issues: #71, #68.
- Fix formatting for ">=", which is used be to reformatted to "> =". Issue
- Fix logic for /testIf test case/
- (community version, TiVo WIP)
- Repaired resolving references to classes and variables.
- (community version, TiVo WIP)
- Further optimized load time for large projects.
- Run haxelib->Project/SDK/Module library dependency synchronization in the background.
- HXML completion: add parameters for compiler argument to presentable text of completion item
- Completion from Haxe compiler: parse function parameters and return type to generate completion item with parameters and return type
- Completion from Haxe compiler: format data from compiler replace "<" to "<" and ">" to ">"
- getVariants(completion): Handle case when "var d:Array = []; d.|" when d is not resolved
- Add description to completion recived from Haxe compiler:
- Preliminary Haxe compiler completion support (OpenFL only)
- (community version, TiVo WIP)
- Decreased time to load large projects considerably. Note that project loading is still on the UI thread, so it may appear to lock up for a short period of time. For very large projects, 90 seconds is not out of the ordinary.
- HXML completion: Provide available libraries list
- HXML completion: show installed haxelibs(also installed libs removed from available haxelibs list)
- Fix meta tag parsing issues
- HaxeMetaTagsCompletionContributor provides completion for meta tags
- Project Xml(NME, OpenFL project project) completion: show available and installed haxelibs
- SplitIntoDeclarationAndAssignment intention action
- (community version, TiVo WIP)
- Merged with version from the TiVo/master branch.
- Class Hierarchy partial implementation.
- SuperTypes work. Sub-types work within the same module.
- All recent changes from
- Support typedef optional parameters
- Support optional function types
- Eat compile-time conditional statements only (prevent eating conditional body as it was before)
- Fix multiple metas issue on class
- Highlight compile-time conditional statements if they don't have matching closing statements
- Remove "from" and "to" from keywords, instead highlight them only if they used in abstract declaration
- Prevent suggesting imports for using statements
- Resolve references that have full path to type/field
- Support function types, anonymous types as abstract type
- Automatically add and remove dependencies when project gets opened
- Remove ">=" and ">>=" tokens from lexer, instead parse ('>' '=') to avoid issues(
- Support "inline" declaration attribute on local functions
- Suggest to import cla...
The following sub-releases are included:
Third "soak" release of the ClassHierarchy branch.
This release should not yet be considered 'stable', but it should be quite usable. Please file bugs to this repository.
Fixes an NPE resulting from a bad merge.
Resolve 'convenience' imports that do not export a class named similarly to the file. (TiVo Issue #55)
Update unbalanced preprocessor token highlighting and detection.
Improve indentation of comments and preprocessor macros.
Update for Grammar-Kit
Fixed syntax rules (BNF) for constructors and external functions.
Fixed syntax rules (BNF) for code blocks; removed them from being valid syntax everywhere an expression can appear.
Fixed syntax rules (BNF) to allow meta tags on typedefs. (Tivo Issue #94)
Second 'soak' release of the ClassHierarchy branch.
This release should not yet be considered 'stable', but it should be quite usable. Please file bugs to this repository.
- Resolve 'convenience' imports that do not export a class named similarly to the file. (TiVo Issue #55)
- Update unbalanced preprocessor token highlighting and detection.
- Improve indentation of comments and preprocessor macros.
- Update for Grammar-Kit
- Fixed syntax rules (BNF) for constructors and external functions.
- Fixed syntax rules (BNF) for code blocks; removed them from being valid syntax everywhere an expression can appear.
- Fixed syntax rules (BNF) to allow meta tags on typedefs. (Tivo Issue #94)
First 'soak' release of the ClassHierarchy branch.
All incarnations of the Navigate->XXX Hierarchy are now complete, though this is not yet considered a stable build. Please test and report bugs. (TiVo version)
Fixing release version numnber