This implementation is based on PyMCubes. The original implementation outputs only list of vertices and facets (V, F). mcube-neo additionary implements algorithm to find connected components of the mesh. So, in addtion to (V, F)
, we can obtain the information of which facet to belong to which groups. The implementation that I added/modified is mainly be found in tablemanager.h
. Another difference from the original is that, we use pybind11 rather than pure python wrapper, which enables us to easily write a fast wrapper.
Installation will be done by the following commands:
git clone
cd mcube-neo
git clone
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=$(which python)
# cmake .. -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=$(which python) -PYTHON_GLOBAL_SITE_PKG=ON # if want to install to global site package
make install
A simple usage example can be found in
. The following image is the output of the script. You can see that component is decomposed into different connected polygons, and plotted with different colors.