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Downbeats And Phrase Detection

Cristiano Lacerda edited this page Jun 16, 2020 · 18 revisions

Rhythm Detector

Student: Cristiano Lacerda (
Mentor: Daniel Schürmann
Related Project: measures_downbeats_bars_and_phrases


Status: Drafting (If you have any thoughts on this please join the discussion on Zulip)

Main idea

Temporal and structural regularities - I.e. rhythm - are together with melody and harmony the most prominent characteristics of music, but the rhythm is by far the one that offers the biggest incentive and easiest way to interact physically with the music, which can be simple in the form of just taping the foot or nodding the head to the beat to dancing to elaborate piece-long choreographies or all night long on a dancefloor. We define music rhythm is a hierarchical structure as follows:

A beat is the smallest unit of rhythm.
A measure is a combination of one or more beats.
A phrase is a combination of one more measure.
A section is a combination of one or more phrases.
A track is a combination of one or more sections.

The beat and the measure are rigorously described by the time signature.
The length of the beat is the denominator and the numerator defines the number of beats per measure.
The definition of phrases and sections is rather subjective, music theory states that both should have a complete musical sense, the phrase being the smallest unit that does that, and the section being a major structural part of the track.
Intuitively the phrase is where a hard cut or a loop should not sound wrong and the section is where there is a big change in the mood of the track.
To clear out any ambiguity we are going to arbitrarily define that a phrase should be at most 8 bars while the section should be at least that.

Use cases

Beatmatching is a quintessential DJ technique that allows us to listen to more than one track simultaneously in a pleasant way, but as beats represent the lowest level on the rhythm hierarchy, this is the bare minimum of DJing and is not enough for good DJing and memorable sets.

The section detector should allow the DJ to easily recognize (and navigate to) the places where one intuitively would mix in and out tracks irrespectively of the style of transitions.
For example, for highest impact transitions it's a common technique for example for big room house DJs to hit play on the drop (one section) of the incoming track as the build (another section) of the current one reaches the end.
Or for the smoothest transitions, other styles of electronic dance music such as techno often rely on extended transitions, in this case, the DJs would usually mix the outro (one section) of the current track with the intro (another section) of the incoming one.

A phrase being on a level down in the rhythm hierarchy has a strong relation to the track itself and work best for making live remixes or edits of a track.
A phrase marker should help DJs recognize (and navigate to) the places where one would intuitively play with effects, loop the track, and jump to a hot cue for example.

Downbeat matching is useful for more creative and out-of-the-box performance and transitions giving more freedom to the DJ while still getting keeping the flow of the tracks.

** Design **

Rhythm Detector will have three main methods and algorithms that will all perform sequentially on a beatList.

  1. beat and tempo detection
  • Parameters: track mono samples and audio features, such as the onsetDetectionFunction,
  • Returns: a beatList. Each beat has a frame position. The first beat also has a bpm. If the track has a varying tempo each beat that has a different tempo also has a bpm. Note that a constant tempo should not be considered to be perfect, small unintended fluctuations should not be accounted for.
  1. downbeat and time signature detection
  • Parameters: audio features, such as the beatSpectrum, and a beatList returned by beat and tempo detection method
  • Returns: a new beatList where the first beats of each measure have a type set to downbeat. The first beat now also has a time signature. If the track has a varying time signature, each beat that has a different one also has a time signature.
  1. phrases and sections detection
  • Parameters: audio features such as ??? and a beatList returned by downbeat and time signature detection method
  • Returns a new beatList, where every beat that starts a phrase or a section have they type set accordingly.

Bonus (nice to have if time allows): Each beat could also have a key, this would be especially useful for beats of type phrases.

Schedule Planning

3-1 month phases.

First month

~~Week 1: Implement a multi-feature beat detector using a combination of the OnSetFunctions provided by the QM library.
The available functions are "complex domain", which is the most versatile and the one Mixxx current uses, "spectral difference" which is appropriate for percussive recordings, "phase deviation" which performs best on for non-percussive music, and "broadband energy rise" which is for identifying percussive onsets in mixed music.
The new detector will consider at least 2 more functions with a combination of the default one and compare their outputs for deriving a final and more reliable list of beat positions and a confidence value for each beat based on the agreement of the different methods. ~~

Week 2: Week 1 Implement a BPM frequency histogram and compute statistics descriptors. With the frequency of all tempo estimates and dispersion measures, an algorithm should be able to infer unintended fluctuations around a center value. It should only return the tempo of these center values and anchor them to the first beat where this tempo happens. If the track has a constant tempo this should be the only BPM value, if the track has an accelerando or ritardando part the algorithm will not able to identify a center value, and the fluctuation of the tempo will be captured. When it stabilizes on a new tempo, or for sudden changes the new value will be added to the first beat that has the new tempo. Done #2847

Week 2: Implement a draft of downbeat and measure detection with the QM Downbeat plugin, at this point only 4/4 time signatures will be considered. Explore how to simultaneous track beat and downbeat positions, or at least share low-level audio processing between analysis. Update #2847 and address review commentary. Created the new rhythm detector class with downbeats and beats detection. Created the preference window for the rhythm detector.

Week 3: Implement sections and phrases analyses using the QM Segmenter plugin on the new rhythm detector. Actually use the preferences of the new detector.

Week 4: Prepare the first-month deliverable. Also, do more research:

Dive into the SFFT, Note Onset Detection, and Hiden Markov Models. After a quick glimpse of the code of all levels of the rhythm structure, I will take the time to research more about the main algorithms at that code and how to tie them all together in the next phase. The short-time Fourier transform for example is a quintessential technique for audio processing, and its resolution has a profound impact on the extraction of audio features. The resulted spectogram can also be further processed in several ways before extracting any features. With logarithmic compression being an obvious idea because hearing and notes frequencies are a log function. Another interesting idea is to have an adaptive windowing with a step size the roughly map a beat periodicity. These ideas are presentedhere and discussed in more details at the book Audio features are the input of the Note Onset Detection function which is the basis of the beat tracking algorithm. A very large and comprehensive paper discussing different audio features for computing it are discussed here Hidden Markov Models are a powerful probabilistic method used by the QM segmenter and it can be used for meter recognition and beat tracking as well as described here.

First Month deliverable A pull request for the new rhythm detector capable of detecting beats, downbeats, phrases, and sections, including a complete description, production code, test code, and a comparative benchmark in the form of a spreadsheet.

Second month

Week 1: Improvements on downbeat detection. Explore how to use code from the beat detection (autocorrelation function and Viterbi algorithm) for time signature recognition.

Week 2: Improvements on downbeat detection. Explore how to use code from segmenter (hidden Markov models) for time signature recognition.

Week 3: Improvements on phrases detection.

Week 4: Improvements on sections detection.

Second-month deliverable A pull request with the improvements on the rhythm detector, this version should be capable of handling time signatures different from 4/4 and should have an overall better accuracy and performance.

Third month

Week 1: Integration with Harshit progress.

Week 2: Code cleaning, performance optimization, accuracy benchmarks.

Week 3: Finish up any pending work for the final deliverable.

Week 4: Write-up on this wiki and/or a blog post a tutorial/introduction on beat/downbeat/phrases and section detection with an overview of all the research and code done during summer.

Final Deliverable Update and work on the previous deliverable so it's ready to merge.

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