Project archived because I consider it unstable and ahead of a possible release of a better version in the future (sneak peek)
Edit: (newer version here)
An in game GUI tool based on IL2CPP_Resolver made to modify il2cpp Unity games.
The software is provided as is and was made as a personal project, crashes can occur at any time.
Works with Unity il2ccp games running on DirectX11.
Game must be set to borderless window or windowed mode!
- Find active GameObjects
- Find GameObject components and children components
- Find and tweak component fields, currently supported field types are:
- integers
- float
- bool
- List component properties (can't do anything with them at the moment)
The tool is meant to be used along with dnSpy/ILSpy to previously know what to search for. This means you will need to dump the GameAssembly.dll with any il2cpp dumper.
- Download the latest version from the releases page
- Run the game
- Inject IL2CPP Scanner.dll in the game process with any injector
To show/hide the menu press the insert key
- Specify a module name
- Search an active GameObject
- Load the GameObject components (children components are excluded)
- Play with the component fields
- Specify a module name
- Search all active GameObjects in the specified module name
- Load the selected GameObject components (children components are included)
- Play with the component fields
- Specify a module name
- Specify a namespace containing the children component
- Search for an active GameObject which children contain the desidered component
- Play with the children component fields
Thanks to sneakyevil for IL2CPP_Resolver