Beta 0.7
This is a new major beta release with a lot of new features, a lot of them are very rough around the edges.
- Mesh Editing tools have been implemented, you can access them by hitting the Edit Mesh button in the Inspector for any Drawable
- You can copy a mesh from one part to an other by dragging the part with the other mesh on to the Edit Mesh button of the part you want to copy it to.
- The inspector has a range of tools you can use while editing
- The Flip Horizontally and Flip Vertically tools flips the mesh.
- The Mirror Horizontally asnd Flip Vertically tools allows you to mirrored place vertices and lines across the midpoint of your mesh.
- The Triangle button enables automatic triangulation, this feature will try to automatically connect mesh together while you edit, press the "Automatically connect vertices" button to commit to the automatic triangulation.
- Inochi Creator now saves to its own INX files, which are essentially just INP files but suited for editing.
- Parameters and Deformation has been added, this allows you to define parameters that software using your puppet can change to affect the puppet's movement.
- To add a parameter open the parameters panel (from the view menu), and click the + button in the bottom right corner of the panel.
- Parameters have to be armed to be edited (The little record button besides the Parameter)
- The cog menu contains tools and settings for your parameter, including the ability to add new keypoint axis intersections to your parameter.
- Parameters are interpolated automatically, but you can via the right-click menu manually clear parameter keypoints.
- Mirrored Autofill in the cog menu allows you to flip changes you've done over the middle of the parameter, allowing you for the most part to do double the work at half the time.
- New editing modes have been added (buttons in the top right corner)
- Model Edit is where you edit your puppet
- Animation Edit is currently unimplemented, but will allow you to define animation for your puppet
- Test mode is a currently very buggy mode that allows you to test your puppet with face tracking.
- Ada, the project's mascot, now hangs out in the About window.
- Added a new, currently unused Tool Settings panel
There's more in-depth functionality to some of these features not covered here, you're encouraged to explore.
Full Changelog: v0.6.3...v0.7.0
Known Issues
- Still crashes on Intel Intergrated Graphics
- Test Puppet mode is currently very unstable and may leak threads when you close Inochi Creator
- In that case feel free to close Inochi Creator via Task Manager, this problem only occurs when using VMC tracking mode.
On Windows a 64 bit Visual C++ 2019 is required before Inochi Creator can run, you can download it from Microsoft here
On Linux you will need to have SDL2 and FreeType installed.