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Byron - GA Display: Display Warning if Metadata is not in the Expected Format

Closed May 16, 2024 100% complete

Issue: #535

User Story

As someone reviewing governance actions

I want to know if the metadata does not have integrity* or if it is missing or if it is not in the CIP-108 format

So that I can understand why it is not being rendered to the UI display for me

*Integrity is when: metadata hash == hashed metadata

Acceptance Criteria

Given that I am looking a…

Issue: #535

User Story

As someone reviewing governance actions

I want to know if the metadata does not have integrity* or if it is missing or if it is not in the CIP-108 format

So that I can understand why it is not being rendered to the UI display for me

*Integrity is when: metadata hash == hashed metadata

Acceptance Criteria

Given that I am looking at the Governance Actions page

When someone has submitted a governance action with a metadata error

Then I will be warned

Given that I am on the page of a Specific Governance Action

When that governance action lacks integrity or is incorrectly formatted

Then there will be a button that when pressed will warn you that you are leaving govtool to go to an external url which it will show you.

Given that I have pressed the button that opens the warning about going to a different url

When I elect to visit that url

Then the url opens in a new tab.

Given that I am on the page of a specific governance action

When there is some error with the metadata or it doen't exist

Then I will see a warning instead of the metadata

Definition of Done

Metadata with formatting errors or lacking integrity or missing will not be shown to users. instead there will be a warning message.

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