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Multi-Drone Control Software w/ Trajectory Generation

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UCR Drone Control

This repository combines a trajectory planning, communication protocol, and robotics libraries for a simple interface to control multiple drones. Our code is built with the ROS (Melodic) and PX4 Autopilot frameworks to develop the drone control software. The MAV Trajectory Generation library generates an optimized, minimum snap, path for our drones to follow. Finally, MAVLink (MAVROS) is our primary messaging protocol, interfacing with the drones.


Advisors: Hanzhe Teng

Developers: Isean Bhanot


Tip: Only use catkin build, never use catkin_make.

  1. Install VMWare and set up a disc image of Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.12

    • Disable "Accelerate 3D graphics" setting under Virtual Machine Settings -> Display.
    • The rest of these instructions take place in the Ubuntu environment.
  2. Install Git on VMWare and set up SSH keys.3

    • Use sudo apt install git to install Git.
  3. Follow the Ubuntu Development Enviorment and Gazebo SITL Simulation setup.

    • Install PX4 Related Dependencies. 4
      • Once Firmware folder cloned, use the latest stable version. i.e. Run git checkout tags/v1.13.0 in Firmware.
      • Delete Firmware folder after completing steps.
    • Install ROS Melodic. 5
      • Full Desktop Installation
    • Install Simulation Common Dependencies. 6
      • Run all code, except line 12, line by line in the terminal.
      • Running pyulog install command is not necessary.
    • Build Quadrotor Model & Setup Gazebo7
      • Before building quadcopter models, update Pillow8 and GStreamer9
    • Install MAVROS, MAVLink, & Setup Workspace 10
      • Source Installation (Released/Stable)
  4. Install MAV Trajectory Generation Package 11

    • When installing additional system dependencies, replace indigo with melodic.
    • Replace catkin config --merge-devel with catkin config --link-devel
  5. Install QGroundContol 12

    • Install Linux/Ubuntu version.
  6. Create a ROS package "drone_control"

cd ~/[Workspace Name]/src
mkdir drone_control
git clone --recursive
mv UCR-Drone-Control drone_control
cd ~/[Workspace Name]
catkin build
. ~/[Workspace Name]/devel/setup.bash
  1. Create a file title "multiDrone.cpp" in the src/src folder path.
    • Write your multi drone control software in here.
    • Examples of multi drone control software are given in other branches with the multiDroneControl prefix, followed by how its controlled.

Installation Bug Fixes:

  1. Pillow Build Error 8
  2. GStreamer Error 9
  3. Gazebo/Rendering Error 13
  4. Symforce Error (Look above, under Install PX4 Related Dependencies for fix.)


Setup World, MAVROS nodes, and four drones

roslaunch drone_control fourDronesNodes.launch

Running drone# node(single drone control)

rosrun drone_control single_control

Running multi_control node(multi drone control)

rosrun drone_control multi_control

Running Google Tests(Optional)

rosrun drone_control test_drone_control

Technical Breakdown

This breakdown will help explain essential information needed to interface, commands and response, with the single drone control node. Below is a overview of the software structure(The connection between Gazebo and MAVROS is abstracted). newpic drawio

Multi Drone Control Structure

The multiDrone.cpp file stores the code for the ROS node that controls all of the single drone control nodes. In the current file, there are no examples.

Single Drone Control Structure

The singleDrone.cpp file stores the code for the ROS node that controls a single drone. Multiple instances of this node allow for the independent control of multiple drones, with the aid of the multi-drone control node. Below is a visaulization of the multi_control_node and single_drone_control(drone0) node interactions through certain topics.


The single drone control node is centered around a state-based control approach. For the state-based control, it must be known that a variable inside the /drone# node stores the state the drone is in. Below shows the different states the drone can be in, and depending which one the drone is in determines the drone's behavior. For example, if the node has the drone in the HOVERING state, then the drone would simply stay at, or very close, to a single point in the 3D space. The GROUND_IDLE state is the state the drone is first initialized to on the ground. All other states should be self-explanatory.


As for transitioning the drone through the possible states, a command needs to be sent to the node using the dcontrol.msg format, which will then be interpreted by the interpretCommand function. A command, string, is inputted into the "command" section, and a point, three floats, into the target section. Not all commands need a target point inputted, such as LIFT and STOP. Below is a table of all of the possible commands that could be sent and whether they need a point to be sent alongside it. A list of commands can also be found in the msg file.


Command Target
LIFT Optional
  • SHUTOFF command immediately disables the drone. Useful for emergency shutoffs. Note that drones can be shut off high in the sky, causing them to fall quite a bit.
  • STOP command stops a drone dead in its track by deleting all of its trajectories and putting it in the HOVERING state. Useful for stopping a drone, but not disabling it.
  • LIFT command lifts a drone off the ground into the air. If a point is given with a z > 0, then it will take off to that location. If no point is given it will take off 2m above its current position. A point is not needed to liftoff properly.
  • LAND command gently lands a drone onto the ground. Used generally at the end of a flight or when a drone needs to be taken out of the sky safely.
  • TRANSIT_ADD command will generate a trajectory for the drone to follow, to a given target. A point is needed. If the drone is HOVERING and this command is called, it will calculate an optimal path from its current location to the target location using the MAV Trajectory Generation library. If the drone is currently in a trajectory, it will save that trajectory and go there once it is done with the current trajectory. Multiple trajectories can be added during or after a trajectory is complete.
  • TRANSIT_NEW command is the same as the TRANSIT_ADD command, but with one difference. If it is called while a drone is following a trajectory, it will immediately stop following that trajectory, stabilize by hovering in place, delete all stored trajectories, and go to the new indented location. A point is needed. This is useful for following a new set of trajectories or moving toward a newly planned course.

Command Behaviors

Although the commands have certain outcomes, as explained above, they only work in certain situations. For example, a TRANSIT_NEW or TRANSIT_ADD command will not execute if the drone has not lifted off. For each command, there are prerequisite states that the drone must be in. Below are commands with the states that will work. Note the SHUTTING_DOWN state is not listed since the drone will turn off once in that state.

Commands and Prerequisite States

Automatic State Transitions

Some states can automatically transition to another state. Such as, if the drone is in the LIFTING_OFF state and it has reached its intended point of takeoff, it will automatically go to the HOVERING state. Below are the automatic state transitions that happen once a drone is put into a state in the From column.

From To

*The IN_TRANSIT state will only go into the HOVERING state if there are no trajectories planned/stored after the current one. If there is multiple trajectories planned, it will stay in the IN_TRANSIT state to all planned trajectories.


Responses are a way to send information from a single drone control node to the multi drone control node. Responses communicate the drone's state, position, and target. This may be useful for verifying if a message was received, a command was executed, or a position was reached. Below is the format of such messages.

Format (Data Type & Name)

uint16 droneid
uint8 state
geometry_msgs/Pose pose
geometry_msgs/Pose target

  • droneid corresponds to the drone number the drone# node are using to identify the drone.
  • state corresponds to the state the drone is in, see image above to see which number corresponds to which state.
  • pose is the current position(x,y,z) of the drone, relative to its origin.
  • target is the position the drone is trying to go to, usually the end of the current trajectory.

Package Structure

The drone_control package is structured into five main folders: helper, launch, msg, src and test folder. Below are quick summaries of each folder's purpose.


The src folder stores all the control code. Currently, the file singleDrone.cpp contains the ROS node code for each drone. It optimizes a path to a desired point, controls the state of the drone, and recieves/interprets control signals to the drone. The multiDrone.cpp file is used to control numerous drones by sending commands to each drone, and recieve any information from each drone.


The helper folder stores any mathematical computations or data conversions needed. This allows for testing and easy extensibility for future computations/conversions. Some of the functions written are the isStationary(...), isFlat(...), reachedLocation(...), and segmentToPoint(...).


The test folder contains tests for the helper functions in the helper folder. Some of the functions tested are mathematical computations, such as isStationary(...), while others are data conversions like in the segmentToPoint(...) function. GoogleTest is the test framework used.


The launch folder contains the setup of the Gazebo simulation and MAVROS nodes. The fourDronesNodes.launch are example launch files used for testing the single/multi control structure.


The msg folder contains the custom messages that are communicated between the individual drone nodes and the multi control node.


  • C++
  • Catkin(Modified CMake)
  • Gazebo
  • Google Test
  • Git
  • Github
  • Linux
  • rqt(Debugging)
  • VSCode
  • VMWare



  1. (VMWare)

  2. (Ubuntu)

  3. (SSH Keys)

  4. (PX4 Install in Root)

  5. (ROS - Desktop Full Installation)

  6. (Simulation - Run code after line 12 in terminal)

  7. (Gazebo)

  8. (Pillow) 2

  9. (GStreamer) 2

  10. (MAVROS - Source Installation, Install Released/Stable MAVROS, use sudo when installing GeographicLib)

  11. (MAV Trajcetory Generation)

  12. (QGroundControl)

  13. (Gazebo)