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Futuza edited this page Sep 19, 2023 · 11 revisions


While the code for JKG's binaries (jkgalaxies.x86.exe.exe/jkgalaxiesded.x86.exe/rd-galaxies_x86.dll/cgamex86.dll/gamex86.dll/uix86.dll) is now open source, the game assets are only partially open. While JKG's specific attributes are open, it still relies on some of the original Jedi Academy's assets to function (such as animations, some textures and models) properly. Therefore you still need to buy the original JKA to get access to those resources. In the future its hoped that all of these assets will be completely remade with our own original work so that the base game is no longer technically required to be installed to play JKG. That said, you don't have permission to reuse Raven's assets, do what you want with them, etc and JKG does not control or produce those assets and you are subject to their licensing for the original game when using those assets.

Simplified Terms of Use

The assets are contained within the game's JKG folder (located in the same place that jkgalaxies.x86.exe is) and typically distributed through JKHub or MODDB as a separate download. In the future, the JKGLauncher will automatically acquire the correct most recent assets and patch your client for you when updating. Keep in mind that while access to JKG's resources are generally open and you are free to edit them (we love to see mods for JKG!), you must provide credit to the original authors and follow their license rules regarding their assets. Most of JKG's developers have only given JKG and itself and its contributors permission to use their work, and so if you want to reuse it elsewhere you need to consult the original developer first for permission (most have provided a readme for directions in this event). In short, claiming to have made an asset and reusing in another project without permission and without giving credit is a real asshole thing to do and not permitted. Don't be that guy. If you contribute to JKG or donate work/assets, thank you! However, please understand that by doing so you are allowing everyone that helps make and contributes to JKG access to that work for the purpose of developing JKG and you cannot remove that work once its in the project. Don't worry, we're not going to try to claim credit for what you make, but we cannot allow former JKG developers to remove content they formerly donated without a consensus of the current team. We're happy to replace your previous work with newer improved work, etc, but wanting to remove it completely is generally not acceptable or considered. Its generally a good idea to provide a custom readme if you don't want to provide free open access to non JKG devs so people know the rules of using your content.

Preparing to Edit

Assets are contained within .pk3 files which are essentially renamed zip files. You can use a program such as 7-Zip or unzip (on linux) to extract the contents and view/edit them as they are before being packaged up for the client. There is one special type of "asset" pk3 titled zz_JKG_Assets5.pk3 (potentially to be renamed 'jkgalaxies.pk3' in the future), which contains definitions for server settings, weapons, etc. but which is mainly simply editable json text files with various extensions. These control things like how much damage a certain weapon will do or a shield's recharge rate. As these are not strictly game assets, but more akin to code, they are held here on the code repository in the directory JKGalaxies. The rest of the assets are contained in individual directories broken up by category.

Structure of Assets

Assets are divided up among the 4 main asset files typically named zz_JKG_Assetsx.pk3 where x is a number 1-4. This is the current setup and while not necessarily ideal, will hopefully be better organized as the mod develops. zz_JKG_Assets5.pk3 also exists, but is created from the data found in the JKGalaxies directory ( see: ), this is packed into a pk3 for releases and distributed with the binaries instead of with the assets.

zz_JKG_Assets1.pk3 contains a models directory with the following subdirectories:

  • Ammo
  • chunks
  • Effects
  • holoproj
  • items
  • map_objects
  • players
  • weapons2
  • workbench

zz_JKG_Assets2.pk3 contains a models directory with the following sub-directory:

  • Weapons

zz_JKG_Assets3.pk3 contains the following directories:

  • effects
  • envmaps
  • fonts
  • maps
  • menu
  • minimaps
  • sound
  • sprites
  • textures

zz_JKG_Assets4.pk3 contains a gfx directory with the following sub-directories:

  • 2d
  • Atmospheric
  • avatars
  • Blasters
  • Blood
  • Burnmarks
  • colors
  • console
  • decals
  • digits
  • effects
  • Electricity
  • Flames
  • Flames
  • Item-Icons
  • jkg
  • jkghud
  • Lightsabers
  • menus
  • minigames
  • misc
  • PlayerOverlays
  • ui
  • Water
  • world