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This repository contains tools to train a neural network that describes the behavior of the dynamic model of the NinjaCar. It can be used to train any neural network that is to be used by the MPPI algorithm.


  1. Resulting NN
  2. Usage

1. Resulting NN:

1.1 Input (vehicle frame):

· roll: Angular velocity of the vehicle along the longitudinal axis of the vehicle (the direction it's running towards).

· u_x: Longitudinal velocity of the vehicle.

· u_y: Lateral velocity of the vehicle.

· yaw_der: Angular acceleration of the vehicle along its vertical axis (the axis perpendicular to the ground).

· steering: Steering input given to the vehicle.

· throttle: Throttle input given to the vehicle.

1.2 Output:

· u_x_der: Increment of position along the global x axis.

· u_y_der: Increment of position along the global y axis.

· yaw_der_der: Negated yaw_der.

WARNING: The yaw_der is negated because GeorgiaTech's mocap space provides the negative value of the yaw derivative (as they explain in this line), it may not be necessary in our case. Nevertheless, left as-is has worked with the pre-trained model.

· roll_der: Roll derivative.

1.3 Source:

As the official AutoRally repository does not properly document how the neural network has to be trained, these inputs and outputs were deduced.

This line describes how some of the outputs are calculated from the state variable, and the state variable is described in this line.

The outputs were verified to be as described by outputting the actual values that were being processed by the algorithm. Script (from commit 4eb52ea451), and performing a visual inspection on them.

These also make sense because of how they are used to update the state of the vehicle in updateState, a sum: current state + derivative * time increment.

2. Usage:

This section is reserved to explain how to extract the information from the rosbag files and turn it into a working neural network.

2.1 Rosbag creation:

  1. As explained in point 5 of the sidenotes section of the ninjacar_mppi repository, the script must be executed.

  2. Make sure the topics /vehicle_controls and /odom_reframer/odom_chassis (or whatever you decided to name them) are publishing something. Afterwards, run:

    rosbag record /vehicle_controls /odom_reframer/odom_chassis

    Remember to source into the workspace, otherwise /vehicle_controls may not be visible, as it is a custom ROS message.

  3. Drive the car around, and record a train and test bag!

2.2 Extraction of the data from rosbag

For this purpose an external repository was used. It was initially used for the entire bag extraction + NN training, because of its theoretically good results. However, the input and output that it was using to train the NN was not the one that was explained in Section 1. Thereafter, it was kept just for its rosbag extracting capabilities.

  1. Clone this repo:

    cd ~/Documents/ && git clone
  2. Make sure you have all the required python3 libraries:

    cd mppi_trainer
    pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  3. Extract data from rosbags: Modify the first three lines from config.yml

    · rosbag_filepath: location of the rosbag file to be extracted (e.g: ./test.bag).

    · final_file_name: name of the final csv file where the data will be extracted (e.g: test.csv).

    · run_name: folder within pipeline_files where plots and the csv files will be stored (e.g: N03_test).

    This must be performed twice (once for the train bag and again for the test bag):

    cd ml_pipeline

2.3 NN Training:

  1. Preprocess the data: Establish the limits to your data in, and perform this command for both the train and test csv files:

    cd ..
    python3 ml_pipeline/pipeline_files/N03_train/data/train.csv
    python3 ml_pipeline/pipeline_files/N03_test/data/test.csv
  2. Train your neural network:

    python3 train_preprocessed.csv test_preprocessed.csv

    UNTESTED RESULTS (BUT MORE LIKELY TO DELIVER BETTER PERFORMACE) For enhanced results, insted of starting from a weird initialization, you may start training your neural network from the AutoRally's one by calling:

    python3 train_preprocessed.csv test_preprocessed.csv autorally.npz

This procedure should yield a custom.npz file, as well as a Errors.png graph displaying the evolution of the errors.

To change the learning rate, change the value on line #36, and to change the number of epochs, change the value on line #116.

2.4 NN Usage:

  1. Copy the NN to the MPPI directory where it's supposed to be loaded from:

    cp custom.npz ~/catkin_ws/src/ninjacar_mppi/autorally_control/src/path_integral/params/models/
  2. Modify the desired .launch file, setting the model_path variable to the following value:

    "$(env AR_MPPI_PARAMS_PATH)/models/custom.npz"
  3. Roslaunch it!


  1. If the script returns:

    ValueError: Can't convert Python sequence with mixed types to Tensor.

    comment lines 61 and 67 (kernel_initializers)

  2. To observe in real time how the mean square error is evolving during training, execute the following command:

    tensorboard --logdir logs/