Releases: JuliaGeo/GDAL.jl
Releases · JuliaGeo/GDAL.jl
GDAL v1.9.0
Diff since v1.8.0
Merged pull requests:
Closed issues:
- typo (#177)
- GDAL_jll broke – uses LERC_jll without declaring it (#179)
GDAL v1.8.0
Diff since v1.7.1
Merged pull requests:
Closed issues:
- Update to GDAL_jll 301.800.300+0 ? (#167)
- Is GDAL_jll broken on Windows? (#173)
- GMT_jll build breaks on Windows because of a "could not load library C:... \libgdal-35.dll" (#174)
GDAL v1.7.1
Diff since v1.7.0
Merged pull requests:
- CompatHelper: bump compat for CEnum to 0.5, (keep existing compat) (#163) (@github-actions[bot])
- use standard license format (#164) (@visr)
- Bump actions/cache from 3 to 4 (#165) (@dependabot[bot])
- Fix ASCII header tests (#166) (@visr)
GDAL v1.6.1
Diff since v1.6.0
Merged pull requests:
Closed issues:
- Julia nightly and libcurl 8 (#152)
- GDAL build is broken (#158)
GDAL v1.6.0
Diff since v1.5.1
Closed issues:
- Test all downstream packages automatically (#144)
- Feature suggestion: list of supported drivers (#148)
- GDAL.gdalwarp fails: Point outside of projection domain (#149)
Merged pull requests: