LIBSVM v0.8.1
- update to use LIBLINEAR.jl v0.7
Merged pull requests:
- Add MLJ usage to the (#92) (@ablaom)
- Bump [compat] for LIBLINEAR (#99) (@ablaom)
- Test: cover LIBLINEAR usage (#100) (@barucden)
- Test: serialize models to temporary directory (#101) (@barucden)
- CI: Update CI pipeline (#102) (@barucden)
Closed issues:
- Code in does not work. (#90)
- Read datasets from libsvm (#93)
- crash with Julia 1.8.4 under Windows 11 (#95)
- Trained model size depends on the training data size (#96)
- coef0 does not contain the intercept (#97)
- Bug? (#98)
- ERROR: Package LIBSVM errored during testing (exit code: 3221226356) (#103)
- Why is LIBSVM superior? (May I ask a slightly off-topic question here?) (#104)