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Upload Submission via GitHub Website

Johannes Bracher edited this page Jun 2, 2020 · 3 revisions

As an external contributor you cannot upload files directly. Instead, you need to create a fork and submit your files via a pull request. This will also trigger our validation scripts to check the data format.

Here we guide you through the process of submitting forecasts using the GitHub website (if you are familiar with GitHub you may prefer to submit by using git in the command line, see here). We assume that you already have your forecasts in the required submission format.

If you've already commited your submission folder and want to add a new forecast, please see Subsequent Submissions.

Fork the repository

  1. Go to and click on Fork in the top right corner: fork

This will create your personal copy of the repository. You can always come back to your fork by clicking on the Fork button.

Commit first submission to your fork

  1. In your fork navigate to the folder data-processed/. This is where all forecasts are stored.

  2. Click on "Upload files" upload1

  3. Drag and drop your submission folder: upload2 This may look like the files are uploaded seperately, but it will actually create the folder.

  4. Select commit directly to the master branch and click on Commit changes (Note: this will commit to your fork). upload3

Create pull request

  1. Now that your submission is uploaded to your fork, the next step is to open a pull request to pull your submission to the main repository. In your fork click on New pull request: pr

  2. Make sure the base repository is the main repository (KITmetricslab) and the head repository is your fork (instead of dwolffram it should be your username) and then click on Create pull request pr2

  3. Enter a title (for example your model name and forecast date) and click on Create pull request. pr3

Wait for validation and merge (by admins)

That's it - now our validation scripts will check the data format, this may take a while. travis

When it has completed successfully, your submission will be merged to the main repository by one of our admins, with the additional manual check that the forecast_date is either the date the pull request was submitted or the previous date. Any exceptions to this rule should be justified and documented with a comment on the pull request.

You can also find your pull request here. If you run into any problems, please refer to our troubleshooting or get in touch!

Subsequent Submissions

If you've already created your submission folder and want to add a new forecast, do the following:

2b. In your fork navigate to your submission folder, for example data-processed/ABC-exampleModel1.

3b. Click on "Upload files".

4b. Drag and drop your newest forecast file.

Afterwards continue from step 5 until the end.