In this project, a team of three analysts examined several available data sources on COVID-19 spread in the Metropolitan Nashville area from March through November, 2020.
hubNashville 311 Service Requests: Reported violations of COVID-related rules and regulations are contained in this dataset where
Request Type
is COVID-19 andSubrequest Type
is COVID-19 Violations -
was scraped from the wsmv website and geocoded using the Google API. The dataset provides detail for COVID-19 clusters (groupings of 10 or more cases identified by the Metro Public Health Department through its case investigation process). -
Data from the nytimes/covid-19-data repository is loaded weekly to a PostgreSQL database on AWS. Tables in this database include:
The running total of cases and deaths for US counties reported daily since 3/8/2020, and results from online interviews conducted by Dynata for the NYT between July 2 and July 14, 2020. Participants were asked How often do you wear a mask in public when you expect to be within six feet of another person? -
is a geocoded dataset pulled using the Google API. This dataset includes addresses from hubNashville of reported violations, and related Google results for the closest five businesses to that address.
This map animation allows one to examine particular areas of Nashville and/or times during the studied months and view where the reported violations and clusters appeared. The cluster markers have a decay of 30 days and the violation markers have a decay of 5 days.
- There was a strong correspondence between the rate of reported violations and rate of COVID cases during summer (with peaks in July), but the relationship between them drops off toward October/November with rising cases and many fewer violations reported.
The NYT mask use survey shows that attitudes toward the use of masks in Davidson county tracks as more positive to their use versus the country as a whole, while Tennessee's perspective on the same question skewed strongly more negative. 8% of US residents, 11% of Tennesseans, and 4% of Nashvillians said they'd 'Never' used a mask for the purpose of COVID prevention. 51% / 42% / 62% respectively, said they always used a mask when in public since the onset of the pandemic.
The top zip codes for reported violations were 37203 (Broadway business district, downtown), 37211 (South Nashville, Nolensville Pike), 37209 (Midtown business district along Charlotte Pike west of downtown).
- Clusters of cases were most frequently identified in locations where large groups of people reside together including long term care, correctional, and congregate living.