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konh edited this page Sep 24, 2018 · 5 revisions


Base class for buttons which perform specific action

public abstract class UDBase.UI.Common.ActionButton
    : MonoBehaviour


Type Name Summary
void Init() Must be called in Start callback to set callback and initialy update state
Boolean IsInteractable() Is should button currently be interactable?
Boolean IsVisible() Is should button currently visible?
void OnClick() Concrete action to perform on click
void UpdateState() Update button visibility and interactable state


public class UDBase.UI.Common.CustomOverlayFactory
    : IFactory<GameObject, UIOverlay>, IFactory


Type Name Summary
UIOverlay Create(GameObject prefab)


UI elemenent animation clearing is required when animation has state and it needs to be reset when stopping

public interface UDBase.UI.Common.IClearAnimation


Type Name Summary
void Clear() Clear animation state


Animation when element hiding

public interface UDBase.UI.Common.IHideAnimation


Type Name Summary
void Hide(UIElement element, Action action) Hide the specified element with callback
void SetHidden() Set element hide


Animation, when element showing

public interface UDBase.UI.Common.IShowAnimation


Type Name Summary
void SetShown() Set state to shown
void Show(UIElement element, Action action) Show the specified element with action


public class UDBase.UI.Common.OverlayFactory
    : Factory<GameObject, UIOverlay>, IPlaceholderFactory, IValidatable, IFactory<GameObject, UIOverlay>, IFactory


Event which fired when element is hidden

public struct UDBase.UI.Common.UI_ElementHidden


Type Name Summary
UIElement Element


Event which fired when element is shown

public struct UDBase.UI.Common.UI_ElementShown


Type Name Summary
UIElement Element


Controller to play animation combinations on UI element

public class UDBase.UI.Common.UIAnimationController
    : MonoBehaviour, IShowAnimation, IHideAnimation, IClearAnimation


Type Name Summary
List<UIShowHideAnimation> HideSteps All hide animations
List<UIShowHideAnimation> ShowSteps All show animations
Boolean StepByStep Shoud animations played step by step?


Type Name Summary
void Clear()
void Hide(UIElement element, Action action)
void SetHidden()
void SetShown()
void Show(UIElement element, Action action)


Canvas to show overlays

public class UDBase.UI.Common.UICanvas
    : MonoBehaviour


UIElement is a set of canvas elements with ability to show/hide. If your element contains buttons or other interactable element, CanvasGroup is required.

public class UDBase.UI.Common.UIElement
    : MonoBehaviour


Type Name Summary
Boolean AutoShow Needs to show element when it is instantiated?
Boolean CacheAnimation If set, animation retrieved only at first time (usuful if you don't change it at runtime)
List<UIElement> Childs Child elements
Boolean DisableOnHide Needs to disable element when it is hidden?
String Group Optional, you can set it to get ability to interact with all elements with given group
Boolean InitialActive Needs to set element interactable when it is firstly presented?
Boolean Ordered If checked, Childs will start to show after parent element is shown and all Childs will be hidden before parent element start to hide


Type Name Summary
Boolean HasChilds Has al least one child?
Boolean HasParent Has a parent element?
Boolean IsInteractable Gets or sets a value indicating whether this element is interactable
UIElementState State Current lifetime state


Type Name Summary
void Activate() Enable interactions with this element
void Deactivate() Disable interactions with this element
void Hide() Hide element with assigned animations
void Init(IEvent events) Init with dependencies
void Show() Show element with assigned animations
void Switch() Shows element, if it is hidden and opposite

Static Fields

Type Name Summary
HashSet<UIElement> Instances


Set element visibility from transparent to solid when shown

public class UDBase.UI.Common.UIFadeAnimation
    : UIShowHideAnimation, IShowAnimation, IHideAnimation, IClearAnimation


Type Name Summary
Single Duration Duration of both animations


Type Name Summary
void Clear()
void Hide(UIElement element, Action action)
void SetHidden()
void SetShown()
void Show(UIElement element, Action action)


UI system is based on Unity UI and provides you methods of interacting with grouped interface elements which can contain animations. With UIManager you can show overlays and dialogs and also switch elements visibility: all or by its group. You can specify key command to Show/Hide elements using ShowHideToggle field. UIManager is created by request if it is not exist on scene before. To show overlay/dialog you need to add UICanvas component to your canvas, that will show that elements, or assign it directly.

public class UDBase.UI.Common.UIManager
    : MonoBehaviour


Type Name Summary
Int32 OverlayDepth How many overlays is shown?


Type Name Summary
void CallOverlayCallback(Boolean result)
void FreeOverlay(Boolean result)
void Hide(String group) Hide UI elements of the specified group
void HideAll() Hide all UI elements
void Init(Settings settings, OverlayFactory overlayFactory, List<IContent> loaders, ILog log) Init with dependencies
void Show(String group) Show UI elements of the specified group
void ShowAll() Shows all UI elements
void ShowDialog(ContentId content, Action onOk, Action onCancel, Action<GameObject> init = null) Shows the dialog with positive and negative callbacks
void ShowDialog(ContentId content, Action<Boolean> callback, Action<GameObject> init = null) Shows the dialog with positive and negative callbacks
void ShowDialog(GameObject prefab, Action onOk, Action onCancel, Action<GameObject> init = null) Shows the dialog with positive and negative callbacks
void ShowDialog(GameObject prefab, Action<Boolean> callback, Action<GameObject> init = null) Shows the dialog with positive and negative callbacks
void ShowOverlay(ContentId content, Action callback, Action<GameObject> init = null) Shows the overlay with closing callback
void ShowOverlay(GameObject prefab, Action callback, Action<GameObject> init = null) Shows the overlay with closing callback


Move element with given offset when shown

public class UDBase.UI.Common.UIMoveAnimation
    : UIShowHideAnimation, IShowAnimation, IHideAnimation, IClearAnimation


Type Name Summary
Single Duration Duration of both animations
Vector3 Offset Offset to move


Type Name Summary
void Clear()
void Hide(UIElement element, Action action)
void SetHidden()
void SetShown()
void Show(UIElement element, Action action)


UIOverlay is a component which shows overlays and dialogs to user: it can be closed with boolean argument and you can pass callback which would be executed when wanted result is happen. When overlay is shown, all background elements become non-interactable and made interactable back after overlay is hidden. Overlay can be shown over another overlay.

public class UDBase.UI.Common.UIOverlay
    : MonoBehaviour


Type Name Summary
OverlayHideMode HideMode How overlay needs to closed?


Type Name Summary
void Close() Close this overlay with negative decision
void Close(Boolean result) Close this overlay with negative decision
void Init(IEvent events, UIManager manager) Init with dependencies
void Show() Show this overlay


Scale element from zero to original when shown

public class UDBase.UI.Common.UIScaleAnimation
    : UIShowHideAnimation, IShowAnimation, IHideAnimation, IClearAnimation


Type Name Summary
Single Duration Duration of both animations


Type Name Summary
void Clear()
void Hide(UIElement element, Action action)
void SetHidden()
void SetShown()
void Show(UIElement element, Action action)


Base class for full-cycle animations

public abstract class UDBase.UI.Common.UIShowHideAnimation
    : MonoBehaviour, IShowAnimation, IHideAnimation, IClearAnimation


Type Name Summary
AnimationDirection Direction Desired animation direction


Type Name Summary
Boolean HasHideAnimation Heeds to hide animation?
Boolean HasShowAnimation Needs to show animation?


Type Name Summary
void Clear()
void Hide(UIElement element, Action action)
void SetHidden()
void SetShown()
void Show(UIElement element, Action action)


Button to simply change state of UI element

public class UDBase.UI.Common.UIStateButton
    : ActionButton


Type Name Summary
UIElement Element Element, which state is controlled


Type Name Summary
Boolean IsInteractable()
Boolean IsVisible()
void OnClick()