An Observational ShiTT
Forked from ShiTT since Nov 10, 2024
eq : (S T : U) (x : S) (y : T) -> U
coe : (S T : U) (Q : eq U U S T) -> S -> T
coeP : (S T : U) (Q : eq U U S T) (s : S) -> eq S T s (coe S T Q s)
-- More in OTT.shitt
Now we can prove something we can not in MLTT.
For example.
fun appendAssoc {A : U} {l m n : N}
(u : Vec A l) (v : Vec A m) (w : Vec A n)
: Id (append (append u v) w) (append u (append v w))
-- More in OTTExample.shitt
This is ill-typed in MLTT. But it is fine now thanks to heterogeneous equality.
Syntax sugar for OTT.
Keep tracing every equality terms is too complex, so I give up on that.
Pattern matching and inductive type:
Solving meta variables:
- András Kovács. elaboration-zoo.
Termination checking:
- Karl Mehltretter. Termination Checking for a Dependently Typed Language.
Observational Type Theory:
Thorsten Altenkirch, Conor McBride. Towards observational type theory, draft (2006).
Thorsten Altenkirch, Conor McBride, Wouter Swierstra. Observational Equality, Now!, PLPV ‘07: Proceedings of the 2007 workshop on Programming languages meets program verification (2007) 57-68 [ISBN:978-1-59593-677-6, doi:10.1145/1292597.1292608, pdf]