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ShiTT is a toy proof assistant. (This project will be rewritten soon)


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ShiTT is a shitty language. TT here is the name of a friend of mine, instead of the abbr of type theory.

There is an implementation note that I am still writting.


Build from source, or download binary from Release.

> stack build 
> ./shitt Example.shitt


> stack repl 
ghci> import ShiTT.Parser 
ghci> run "Eaxmple.shitt"


  • Dependent types
  • Bidirectional type checking
  • Type in Type
  • Evaluation by HOAS
  • Meta variables and implict arugments (pattern unification)
  • Indexed data types
  • Pattern matching
  • Coverage checking
  • Without K
  • Syntax Highlight
  • REPL
  • Module system (very naive)
  • Mutual recursion
  • Termination checking
  • OTT


  • Operators
  • Universe polymorphism
  • Positive checking for data types
  • Better pretty printing
  • Better error reporting
  • IO
  • Code generator
  • Type classes
  • Better Module system


Start REPL with

> ./shitt repl 


> stack repl 
ghci> import ShiTT.Parser
ghci> repl

Input any ShiTT code, end with a NEW LINE ";;"


shitt> data Bool : U where 
shitt> | true : ...  
shitt> | false : ...
shitt> ;;
All Done.
shitt> def not (_ : Bool) : Bool 
shitt> | true = false 
shitt> | false = true
shitt> ;;
All Done.
shitt> #eval not false
shitt> ;;
All Done.

Load File

You can now import a shitt file with

#load "FilePath.shitt"

-- here you can use anything defined in the file.


Data Types

data Nat : U where 
| zero : ... 
| succ : (_ : Nat) -> ...

This equivalent to following code in Agda.

data Nat : Set where
  zero : Nat 
  succ : Nat -> Nat

Indexed Types

ShiTT also allow Indexed Data Types like

data Vec (A : U) : (n : Nat) -> U where 
| nil : ... zero
| cons : {n : Nat} (x : A) (xs : Vec x n) -> ... (succ n)

In Agda, this is equivalent to

data Vec (A : U) : (n : Nat) -> U where 
  nil : Vec A zero
  cons : {n : Nat} (x : A) (xs : Vec x n) -> Vec A (succ n)

Those dots ... in code is a place holder for the name and parameters for defining data type. In this case, ... is Vec A exactly.

We can also define the propositional equality.

data Id {A : U} : (_ _ : A) -> U where 
| refl : (x : A) -> ... x x

Functions and Pattern Matching

ShiTT allows you to use pattern match to define a function

def add (x y : Nat) : Nat where 
| zero y = y 
| (succ x) y = succ (add x y)

def three : Nat where 
| = succ (succ (succ zero))

#eval add three three

The #eval will evaluate and print the following term to stdout.

Also, #infer will infer the type of the following term and print it.

ShiTT allows dependent pattern match, which means some varibles in pattern will be unified by other pattern,

data Imf {A B : U} (f : A -> B) : (_ : B) -> U where 
| imf : (x : A) -> ... (f x) 

fun invf {A B : U} (f : A -> B) (y : B) (_ : Imf f y) : A where 
| f _ (imf x) = x  

#eval invf succ (succ zero) (imf zero)

Here y is restricted by imf x.

Mutual Recursion

Only mutual functions for now. The syntax is pretty Pascal style.

  fun even (_ : N) : Bool
  fun odd  (_ : N) : Bool

  fun even
  | zero = true
  | (succ n) = odd n
  fun odd 
  | zero = false
  | (succ n) = even n


higher inductive Int : U where 
| pos : (n : N) -> ... 
| neg : (n : N) -> ... 
    | zero = pos zero

#infer Int -- : U 
#eval neg zero -- = pos zero


Define an axiom like this,

axiom def lem {A : U} : Either A (A -> Void)


unmatchable data Interval : U where 
| i0 : ... 
| i1 : ...

-- This is ok
def reflTrue (i : Interval) : Bool 
| i = true

-- This is an error, when you try to match on Interval
def trueToFalse (i : Interval) : Bool
| i0 = true 
| i1 = false

-- This is ok, since "when clause" won't do those check.
higher inductive S1 : U where 
| base : ... 
| loop : (i : Interval) -> ... 
    | i0 = base 
    | i1 = base

Other Syntax

Let Binding

#eval let x : Nat = succ zero ; add x x

Lambda Expression

#eval \ x . add (succ zero) x

Apply Implicit Argument by Name

#eval Id {A = Nat}

Insert Meta Argument Explicitly

#eval let x : Id zero zero = refl _ ; U
-- or
#eval let x : Id zero zero = refl auto ; U

Print Context

fun addComm (x y : N) : Id (add x y) (add y x) where 
| zero y = sym (addIdR _)
| (succ x) y = traceContext[  trans (cong succ (addComm x y)) (addSucc y x)  ]

This will show

x : N
y : N
Id {N} (succ (add x y)) (add y (succ x))

Here is a useful usage:

axiom fun sorry {A : U} : A

fun addComm (x y : N) : Id (add x y) (add y x) where 
| zero y = sym (addIdR _)
| (succ x) y = traceContext[sorry]

traceContext will print the context definitions and the goal type (if it is not a metavariable) while type checking. Also note that traceContext[x] = x

Termination Check

ShiTT does check termination. You can use partial to shut it down.

data Bool : U where 
| true : ... 
| false : ...

data N : U where  
| zero : ...  
| succ : (pre : N) -> ...  

  fun even (_ : N) : Bool
  fun odd  (_ : N) : Bool


  fun even
  | zero = true
  | (succ n) = odd n
  fun odd 
  | zero = false
  | (succ n) = even n

fun add (_ _ : N) : N 
| zero n = n 
| (succ m) n = succ (add m n) 

-- Bad
fun add1 (_ _ : N) : N 
| m n = add1 m n

-- Good again
partial fun add1 (_ _ : N) : N 
| m n = add1 m n

-- This is also good!
fun add2 (_ _ : N) : N 
| x zero = x 
| x (succ y) = succ (add2 y x)

data Vec (A : U) : (_ : N) -> U where 
| nil : ... zero 
| cons : {n : N} (_ : A) (_ : Vec A n) -> ... (succ n)

fun append {A : U} {m n : N} (v : Vec A m) (w : Vec A n) : Vec A (add m n)
| nil w = w 
| (cons x xs) w = cons x (append xs w)

-- Bad
fun append1 {A : U} {m n : N} (v : Vec A m) (w : Vec A n) : Vec A (add m n)
| nil w = w 
| (cons x xs) w = (append (cons x xs) w)


The following example shows the basic syntax and how to do some simple theorem proof.

data Id {A : U} : (_ _ : A) -> U where 
| refl : (x : A) -> ... x x

def uip {A : U} {x y : A} (p q : Id x y) : Id p q where 
| (refl _) (refl x) = refl (refl _)

data N : U where  
| zero : ...  
| succ : (pre : N) -> ...  

def add (m n : N) : N where  
| zero n = n
| (succ m) n = succ (add m n)

data Vec (A : U) : (_ : N) -> U where 
| nil : ... zero 
| cons : {n : N} (x : A) (xs : Vec A n) -> ... (succ n)

#infer Vec

def append {A : U} {m n : N} (v : Vec A m) (w : Vec A n) : Vec A (add m n) 
| nil w = w
| (cons x xs) w = cons x (append xs w)

#eval append (cons zero (cons (succ zero) nil)) nil

-- Some theorems.

def sym {A : U} {x y : A} (p : Id x y) : Id y x where 
| (refl _) = refl _

def trans {A : U} {x y z : A} (_ : Id x y) (_ : Id y z) : Id x z where 
| (refl _) (refl _) = refl _ 

def cong {A B : U} {x y : A} (f : A -> B) (p : Id x y) : Id (f x) (f y) where 
| f (refl x) = refl _

def addAssoc (x y z : N) : Id (add (add x y) z) (add x (add y z)) where 
| zero y z = refl _
| (succ x) y z = cong succ (addAssoc x y z) 

def addIdR (x : N) : Id (add x zero) x where 
| zero = refl _ 
| (succ x) = cong succ (addIdR x)

def addSucc (x y : N) : Id (add (succ x) y) (add x (succ y)) where 
| zero y = refl _ 
| (succ x) y = cong succ (addSucc x y)

def addComm (x y : N) : Id (add x y) (add y x) where 
| zero y = sym (addIdR _)
| (succ x) y = trans (cong succ (addComm x y)) (addSucc y x)


Pattern matching and inductive type:

Solving meta variables:

Termination checking:

Observational Type Theory: